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Conspiraloon Pwnage: Back of the net!


So there is no space in academia for an outrageous premise?
Of course there is, if it is supported by credible proofs.
Well poor old Galileo. He came out with the outrageous statement that the Earth went round the Sun. This was absolute heresy against the prevailing wisdom. We can guess it was certainly against the aims and the objectives of the University of Pisa. The "evidence" he offered was his telescope. Rubbish! He was accused of painting the stars on the lens. The authorities were so outraged they took him down to the dungeons where he was "shown the instruments" of torture. Even worse, his wife scolded him for putting his pension at risk and his daughter's fiancee broke off the engagement.
Galileo Galilei operated within a system not of review by his peers, but of oversight by ecclesiastic authorities. hardly the same thing as nowadays, is it?
Bye the bye, wasn't Chomsky involved with defending a French academic holocaust-denier back in the '80's?
Google "Chomsky, Faurisson", and educate yourself on the actuality rather than the generality.
He wont, but I would love to see him make a twat of himself in court the way David Irving did.

If he did take legal action, he'd then find that a lot more than a single person contacted UCL about him last friday, and that his attempts to insinuate a BK/Mossad/MI5 smearjob were rather invalidated by that fact. :)

It would be fun to see him attempt to defend his holocaust denial through reference to Leuchter's "scientific findings", though. :p
Yep and the term "holocaustianity" is frequently used by fash to suggest that believing that the holocaust happened is simply "just a belief"...

Adam Tooze's "The Wages of Destruction", which is an economic analysis of Nazi Germany and the 2nd world war, shows just how much overt anti-Semitism, Kristallnacht Jewish emigration, slave labour and "the final solution" contributed financially to the Nazi's madness. IF the holocaust hadn't happened, if Jews hadn't been treated as sub-humans pre-1939 and had their assets expropriated by the state, Hitler wouldn't have had the wherewithal to have supplied raw materials to the arms industries in 1936-39. I say to fascists and their ilk that this isn't predicated on "belief", but on cold hard financial fact, as is the reality that production of synthetic fuel and rubber, of arms components, of coal and of lumber, couldn't have been managed without slave labour, and that "Greater germany" couldn't have been fed even at the low nutritional levels in place by 1943 without the wholesale murder of millions of people and the working to death of others.
How many of Frampton's 37 posts have been spent defending this guy?

I had rathet hoped that this thread would be more reflective on the original one. I make only a contribution to the debate.

My sole concern is to do with free spaces and I accept I have failed to put this across.

And to repeat myself again: I do not defend what this guy is putting across.
Being an honorary research fellow I wouldn't expect to remain one for very long if I came out with the dangerous rubbish that NK has put his name to. I also wouldn't have used my unrelated academic title to try and give the rubbish credence. In addition I would expect to get a huge (and I mean vast) amount of flak from my employer; e.g. the requirement to make a very public and contrite apology to my colleagues and students for brining the institution into disrepute and give a written undertaking not to associate the institution with the promotion of such dangerous rubbish in the future.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice


So there is no space in academia for an outrageous premise?

If you call deliberate, calculated rape of documented historical facts outrageous, you are absolutely correct. If you call use of (non-related) academic title to give such revisionism credibility also outrageous, you are correct.
And no, there is no place for that and there should be no place for it anywhere.

What Kollerstrom and indeed, Holocaust deniers generally, are all about is demonising Jews.

Bullying, whether it's in the schoolyard or on the net, has three participants: the perpetrator, the victim and the bystanders.

Bystanders who'd defend the right of the bully to be a bully while "not defending what he's putting across" are his allies by default.
Nick Kollerstrom has edited his feeble legal threat out.

So I can only assume we are not going to get an amusing urban 75 day out in court after all.
Nick Kollerstrom has edited his feeble legal threat out.

So I can only assume we are not going to get an amusing urban 75 day out in court after all.

Reminds me of that time Brass Eye made a tit out of Phil Collins in the pedophile special, and he tried to sue, until his solicitor pointed out to Mr Collins that there's no law against making someone look like a prat.
You couldn't make it up... and yes, to the posters who wonder why I am pleased that this happened and am expressing 'glee'

Not stalking at all, oh no.

Not at all a well sinister bunch of bullying arseholes who deliberately published my personal details plus threats to 'pop round' - because I asked Nick K to stop calling my life & book 'a work of fiction' as my publishers were upset. I had to get the mods to remove it by pointing out I took it seriously enough to report it to the police as a threat, given the anonymous emails I was also getting at the time for having the temerity to publish an account of 7/7 that contradicted their conspiraloon views.

Fuck them. Fuck the whole fucking lot of them, they deserve this. They deserve Nick Kollerstrom and he richly deserves the last few days pwnage.
By the way, I found Kollerstrom's home address within minutes. Have I or would I ever publish it?

No way.

Shame his shithead pals had no such compunctions.As the post I quoted proves.

Nasty bastards.
The 9/11 and 7/7 loon movement are unravelling big time in an series of abusive posts, paranoia, board closures, thread deletions and internal squabbling, who'd've thunk it?:hmm:apparently I am a nazi and so is everyone who has outed them -bloggers like Blairwatch, Ministry of Truth, Chicken Yogurt, Bloggerheads, Indymedia, Liberal Conspiracy, The Void, Jewcy, and that includes YOU, urban 75, but especially me because I am a GURL. twats.

outing people about holocaust-denial now apparently means you don't care about Palestinians or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, and you are Islamophobic, yeah right, that's why I've been protesting about the war for years and doing civil liberties campaigning and working with Muslims on counter extremism projects. All of which are documented. They can't research for toffee, muppets
The 9/11 and 7/7 loon movement are unravelling big time in an series of abusive posts, paranoia, board closures, thread deletions and internal squabbling, who'd've thunk it?:hmm:apparently I am a nazi and so is everyone who has outed them -bloggers like Blairwatch, Ministry of Truth, Chicken Yogurt, Bloggerheads, Indymedia, Liberal Conspiracy, The Void, Jewcy, and that includes YOU, urban 75, but especially me because I am a GURL. twats.

outing people about holocaust-denial now apparently means you don't care about Palestinians or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, and you are Islamophobic, yeah right, that's why I've been protesting about the war for years and doing civil liberties campaigning and working with Muslims on counter extremism projects. All of which are documented. They can't research for toffee, muppets

I'll bet you're deleting a fair few of your wackier internet contributions right this minute aren't you Tony? Too late. That nasty little secret you worked so hard to deny is now out and guess what - it's not stopping at Kollerstrom. Oh no.
Even though Winston C. was a racist imperialist, and not a consistent opponent of fascism, this image is both amusing and appropriate:


Very good.
The 9/11 and 7/7 loon movement are unravelling big time in an series of abusive posts, paranoia, board closures, thread deletions and internal squabbling, who'd've thunk it?:hmm:apparently I am a nazi and so is everyone who has outed them -bloggers like Blairwatch, Ministry of Truth, Chicken Yogurt, Bloggerheads, Indymedia, Liberal Conspiracy, The Void, Jewcy, and that includes YOU, urban 75, but especially me because I am a GURL. twats.

outing people about holocaust-denial now apparently means you don't care about Palestinians or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, and you are Islamophobic, yeah right, that's why I've been protesting about the war for years and doing civil liberties campaigning and working with Muslims on counter extremism projects. All of which are documented. They can't research for toffee, muppets

Well done - you can join our club:D:cool:

I'll bet you're deleting a fair few of your wackier internet contributions right this minute aren't you Tony? Too late. That nasty little secret you worked so hard to deny is now out and guess what - it's not stopping at Kollerstrom. Oh no.

Are you enjoying the nineeleven.co.uk 'truthseeker' meltdown, Butchers?

I am.


On an tangent.

One of the New York Truthers "We are Change Idiots" was arrested earlier in the week. They were doing their usual heckling of a politician (or politicians wife, it being Laura Bush). They got into a scuffle, and one of the truthers Gary, punched a teenage girl. A girl with cerebral palsy. A teenage girl, with cerebral palsy who's confined to a wheelchair.

Just to reiterate, a Truther, punched a wheelchair bound teenage girl who has cerebral palsy.

"I heard my daughter hysterical yelling, 'He's hitting me!' " said Wendy Lovetro.

"He punched her on the shoulder blades, but that wasn't enough," she said.

"My husband pushed the wheelchair away from him and he reached beyond my husband and began pounding my daughter in the thigh."

The two men fought as the president's family drove off. Cops broke them up and busted Talis on charges of assault and resisting arrest.

Of course the truther account is a tad different.

Talis: Mmmm-mmmm (Unclear). I couldn't believe as I read that in the Post. It's very strange what the person did, he actually used, uh, I believe it was his daughter, he actually used it as a weapon and shield at the same time, very shocking, though, the girl was crying,

Yes thats right the guy used his wheelchair bound daughter as a weapon and a shield.

From screwloosechange

These people are vile reprehensible scum.
:hmm: hmmm

To reiterate what I have said already on this issue, the British 911 Truth campaign finds the views expressed by Dr Kollerstrom are diametrically opposed to the aims, objectives and ethos of the campaign, such that we wish to have absolutely no association with them or with their originator.

Funny, they were mad keen for him to post his ''7/7 truth''seeking shite and his ''9/11 truth'' lunacy all over their boards for the last 12 months. Whatever can have changed? :D

...the BBC's Conspiracy Files will no doubt use this to attack Nick (since Nick gave an interview on July 7) and seek by association to attack the wider campaign on July 7.
Are you enjoying the nineeleven.co.uk 'truthseeker' meltdown, Butchers?

I am.



It was only a matter of time - everything Gosling is involved in goes tits up like this as he tries to empire-build and manouvere behind peoples backs, it's partly why he was expelled from the bristol indymedia collective.
It was only a matter of time - everything Gosling is involved in goes tits up like this as he tries to empire-build and manouvere behind peoples backs, it's partly why he was expelled from the bristol indymedia collective.

When did they finally expel the fucker?
On an tangent.

One of the New York Truthers "We are Change Idiots" was arrested earlier in the week. They were doing their usual heckling of a politician (or politicians wife, it being Laura Bush). They got into a scuffle, and one of the truthers Gary, punched a teenage girl. A girl with cerebral palsy. A teenage girl, with cerebral palsy who's confined to a wheelchair.

Just to reiterate, a Truther, punched a wheelchair bound teenage girl who has cerebral palsy.

Of course the truther account is a tad different.

Yes thats right the guy used his wheelchair bound daughter as a weapon and a shield.

From screwloosechange

These people are vile reprehensible scum.

Disgusting but not surprising.

Are you going to get screwloosechange and James Randi forum on it, 8den?
The flight of the fruitbats is quality entertainment
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