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Conspiraloon Pwnage: Back of the net!

3 or 4 years back - i wouldn't be suprised if he'd slimed his way bach on due to his most vigorous opponents moving on and new people getting involved.
Disgusting but not surprising.

Are you going to get screwloosechange and James Randi forum on it, 8den?
The flight of the fruitbats is quality entertainment

I sent a short e-mail to Pat and James at SLC. But might try and do a post for JREF at the weekend. Try and find the links to the best blogs, am mad busy at work today though.
outing people about holocaust-denial now apparently means you don't care about Palestinians or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, and you are Islamophobic, yeah right, that's why I've been protesting about the war for years and doing civil liberties campaigning and working with Muslims on counter extremism projects.

mmm... I'm "Islamophobic" then for my support. Can you ask these people to explain in detail how this is supposed to work because I should now be having a really deep identity crisis... and I feel none.

mmm... I'm "Islamophobic" then for my support. Can you ask these people to explain in detail how this is supposed to work because I should now be having a really deep identity crisis... and I feel none.


Oh, well you must be an Islamic Mossad agent then! :D
Dr Kollerstrom said:
Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water-polo matches; and shown the paintings from its art class, which still exist; and told about the camp library which had some 45,000 volumes for inmates to choose from, plus a range of periodicals; and the six camp orchestras at Auschwitz/Birkenau, its theatrical performances, including a children’s opera, the weekly camp cinema, and even the special brothel established there.
Holy fuck.

From here: http://www.thejc.com/home.aspx?ParentId=m11&SecId=11&AId=59657&ATypeId=1
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