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Conspiraloon Pwnage: Back of the net!

nah, I just don't like cant, which there is a lot of on p/p these days

btw, I would to know what posters like Idris, LM, Mk12, Durruti, etc feel about all this, as i have said I am not sure, but I certainly don't find BK's glee edifying.

Really? You don't find her 'glee' edifying? I myself am of the opposite opinion.

'We will kill the ones who eat us, and eat the ones we kill'.
Being an honorary research fellow I wouldn't expect to remain one for very long if I came out with the dangerous rubbish that NK has put his name to. I also wouldn't have used my unrelated academic title to try and give the rubbish credence. In addition I would expect to get a huge (and I mean vast) amount of flak from my employer; e.g. the requirement to make a very public and contrite apology to my colleagues and students for brining the institution into disrepute and give a written undertaking not to associate the institution with the promotion of such dangerous rubbish in the future.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Well said. I agree entirely.

The professional status of academia doesn't need another knee in the bollocks.
Oh God this is getting too funny

some loon on the loon board said:
Having heard about all of this tonight from a phone call from Tony, may I remind everyone what Voltaire is attributed to have said:

'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'

We must stick by Nick - our freedoms are under attack and the actions of UCL are disgraceful and ill thought through. Spread the word - Rachel North is our equivalent to Richard Warman in Canada (See www.davidicke.com). She must be exposed for the very sick, spiteful and possibly controlled person she is.

Retiring 9/11 Co-Chair

And who is Richard Warman?

wiki said:
Richard Warman is an Ottawa-based lawyer with a background in human rights law. Warman was a member of the Canadian Human Rights Commission from July 2002 to March 2004.[1] He is best known for initiating complaints against white supremacists and neo-Nazis for Canadian Human Rights Act violations related to Internet content. In June 2007, Warman received the Saul Hayes Human Rights Award from the Canadian Jewish Congress for "distinguished service to the cause of human rights"

Class! :D

I'm honoured! :cool::D
You couldn't make it up... and yes, to the posters who wonder why I am pleased that this happened and am expressing 'glee'

yet another loon on the loon board said:
So are you saying that he has lost his job.
Surely you guys must realise that this is bad for everyone who expresses an opinion. How long before people who oppose the official accounts of 911 and 7/7 get removed from their posts?
Remind anyone of Nazi Germany?

I also dont understand why this post by Rachel was allowed to remain in place which named astro3 when previous posts which named her, listed her home address, named her solicitor husband and his place of work and her father the vicar who was interviewed extensively by the press, were all deleted.
The right to Privacy applies equally to everyone.

Not stalking at all, oh no.

Not at all a well sinister bunch of bullying arseholes who deliberately published my personal details plus threats to 'pop round' - because I asked Nick K to stop calling my life & book 'a work of fiction' as my publishers were upset. I had to get the mods to remove it by pointing out I took it seriously enough to report it to the police as a threat, given the anonymous emails I was also getting at the time for having the temerity to publish an account of 7/7 that contradicted their conspiraloon views.

Fuck them. Fuck the whole fucking lot of them, they deserve this. They deserve Nick Kollerstrom and he richly deserves the last few days pwnage.
By the way, I found Kollerstrom's home address within minutes. Have I or would I ever publish it?

No way.

Shame his shithead pals had no such compunctions.As the post I quoted proves.
You couldn't make it up... and yes, to the posters who wonder why I am pleased that this happened and am expressing 'glee'

Not stalking at all, oh no.

Not at all a well sinister bunch of bullying arseholes who deliberately published my personal details plus threats to 'pop round' - because I asked Nick K to stop calling my life & book 'a work of fiction' as my publishers were upset. I had to get the mods to remove it by pointing out I took it seriously enough to report it to the police as a threat, given the anonymous emails I was also getting at the time for having the temerity to publish an account of 7/7 that contradicted their conspiraloon views.

Fuck them. Fuck the whole fucking lot of them, they deserve this. They deserve Nick Kollerstrom and he richly deserves the last few days pwnage.
By the way, I found Kollerstrom's home address within minutes. Have I or would I ever publish it?

No way.

Shame his shithead pals had no such compunctions.As the post I quoted proves.

What utter filth. :mad:
At least Mr Ickes site does contain adverts some useful products:

One of the noble metals, monatomic gold can overcome gravity, bend space-time and raise human consciousness and frequency. An amazing substance.
Click for more info

What the fuck is it about nutjobs and gold? :confused:
(((((Controlled person)))))) :(

Nazis and bollocks New Age/"cosmic energy" type shit have always gone together. This isnt a new phenomenon.
Himmler was well into that shite as was Rosenberg and several other leading Nazis.

Numerology, as well.

It seems to be a bit of a recurring theme among some fash.
Earlier on Warman served a useful function: he used the Canadian Human Rights Commission(s) to call to account people guilty of criminal code violations that the authorities, for reasons best known to themselves, declined to prosecute.

Lately, however, his personal vendettas against his perceived enemies, using the HRC as a cudgel, borders on barratry and threatens to undermine the credibility of the Commissions' work (perhaps even to the extent of having Parliament redifine their mandate, or, worse case, scrapping the Human Rights Act altogether).
Earlier on Warman served a useful function: he used the Canadian Human Rights Commission(s) to call to account people guilty of criminal code violations that the authorities, for reasons best known to themselves, declined to prosecute.

Lately, however, his personal vendettas against his perceived enemies, using the HRC as a cudgel, borders on barratry and threatens to undermine the credibility of the Commissions' work (perhaps even to the extent of having Parliament redifine their mandate, or, worse case, scrapping the Human Rights Act altogether).
How very dare you! :mad:
UCL News....

Get in!

Gets its own thread as the other one was a monster.

Free to express his free speech without worrying about bringing his academic institution into disrepute.

Free, free, free - as we are to express our thoughts on academics expressing Judeaophobia and hate.


If you had a hand in unmasking this guy, then you are to be congratulated. Good work!:)
How very dare you! :mad:

Well, it's like this: it's gotten to the point where even people with decades of impeccable antiracist credentials are tiring of the man's heavy-handedness. Sooner, rather than later, his only supporters will be the hopelessly doctrinaire-- your ARA types and the kind of people who show up at demos spoiling for a fight. He's let personal animosities get in the way of the Big Picture and needs to be called on it.
Well, it's like this: it's gotten to the point where even people with decades of impeccable antiracist credentials are tiring of the man's heavy-handedness. Sooner, rather than later, his only supporters will be the hopelessly doctrinaire-- your ARA types and the kind of people who show up at demos spoiling for a fight. He's let personal animosities get in the way of the Big Picture and needs to be called on it.
T'was a joke. :)
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