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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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What proportion of 'conspiraloons' in Britain are antisemitic?
The vast majority of them. And not just here but in the USA and pretty much everywhere in Europe.

It's one of those nightmare scenarios you can see coming a mile off.

Isn't there some edict from 1231 that forbids jews from holding official positions?

If not it's time we made one up.

There is a massive overlap between conspiraloonery and the fringes of the far right with many of the same people who are involved in the far right also being involved in this. And it's certainly not by coincidence.
The problem with this sort of stuff is that any criticism of Israel, and especially analyses of the power of the israeli lobby in the US, the uss liberty, the vast amounts of aid given to the country, etc, becomes very easy for zionists and others to paint as anti-semitism. It also continues the pro-Israeli narrative of zionism and support for Israel being what Judaism is and all about what being a Jew is about. The one "sensible" poster on there who mentions zionists and not Jews proceeds to go into a rant about "zionists" in the banks and the rothschild family which is simply saying, guys use code words instead, rather than offering any actual analysis of events.

Not only that, but imo there are unanswered questions about 9/11. If we ever discover the truth about 9/11 it won't IMO be until long after this stuff has ceased to become relevent. It won't have anything to do with dancing israelis or black helicopters or holographic planes or any of the other nonsense they keep going on about.
The vast majority of them. And not just here but in the USA and pretty much everywhere in Europe.

Is the ratio of antisemite to non-antisemite equal?

From the USA, some bring a whole new level of antisemitism, almost justifying Hitler and the Nazis.


Hitler was not only a good leader but a great leader like anyone ever walked this planet. He was as much bad or you can say evil as any common leader like George Washington, Winston Churchill or Edward II not more or less.

Originally posted by I_am_Spartacus
A holocaust will happen again, and when it does people like you will be to blame for it.
Well thats what they want.
But in about 40 years with the German birthrate at 1.3, Germany will have a Muslim Arab majority. That will be their holocaust.

In the 'real world' of current politics they tend to come down in favour of hard-right policies like those in Arizona:

Is the ratio of antisemite to non-antisemite equal?

From the USA, some bring a whole new level of antisemitism, almost justifying Hitler and the Nazis.


In the 'real world' of current politics they tend to come down in favour of hard-right policies like those in Arizona:


The "ratio" certainly isn't equal. I'd say the majority, if not almost all "conspiracy theorists" have anti-semitic views and I think from what I've seen and observed anti-semitism is an essential part of the majority of conspiracy theories. Even the ones in favour of zionism. I'd break those links if I were you as well .. seriously

German neo-nazis protest. Have a look at their banner. :facepalm:
The problem with this sort of stuff is that any criticism of Israel, and especially analyses of the power of the israeli lobby in the US, the uss liberty, the vast amounts of aid given to the country, etc, becomes very easy for zionists and others to paint as anti-semitism.

Part of the difficulty seems to come from whether you believe that Israel controls the US or whether Israel is essentially a tool of the US. Tbh whilst I don't believe that those who follow the former are all anti-semitic by any means, it is easy to see why it can lead to anti-semitism. After all if you believe that the world's largest superpower is controlled either by a small country in the Middle East or by a small minority of it citizens, then it can inevitably lead to conspiracy theories about Jewish manipulation. So focusing the talk on the Israeli lobby opens up accusations that you believe that a shadowy cabal of zionists rather than the more realistic prospect that the US supports Israel because it believes that its in its interests to do so.
if you believe that the US is "controlled" and the government has effectively been highjacked by a "shadow government" of jews, then im sorry but you are an anti-semite yes.


and btw, i am an anti-zionist, you'll get no argument from me about the disproprortionate (and usually harmful) influence that the zionist lobby exerts on american foreign policy, although other pressures also exert similar influence and in recent years with obama the power of AIPAC etc has started (or seemed to start) to decline. if zionist interests were that substantially opposed to "american" ones then america would not give israel nearly the support that it has, although it is arguable that some people have persuaded policy makers to go in a certain direction.

if you read kathleen christison's book "perceptions of palestine" however, it points out that the reason zionist lobbyists have been so successful isn't a result of a conspiracy but because to a large extent american elites felt closer to them culturally and religiously, and also because until relatively recently, the palestinians didn't really "get" lobbying and PR, let alone have the funds to do so.
Examinining the 'conspiraloons'

Amongst all the other crap polls about repitilians and the NWO, there are some polls with a largeish sample to help decide whether the politics is hard-rightist or not.

76% believe "Holocaust was mostly or completely a contrivance to benefit Zionism."

In a separate, poll 27% believe Holocaust was a hoax and didn't happen, 40% that it was "over exaggerated".

51% don't see neo Nazism in Germany as a problem
Examinining the 'conspiraloons'

Amongst all the other crap polls about repitilians and the NWO, there are some polls with a largeish sample to help decide whether the politics is hard-rightist or not.

76% believe "Holocaust was mostly or completely a contrivance to benefit Zionism."

In a separate, poll 27% believe Holocaust was a hoax and didn't happen, 40% that it was "over exaggerated".

51% don't see neo Nazism in Germany as a problem

Examinining the 'conspiraloons'

Amongst all the other crap polls about repitilians and the NWO, there are some polls with a largeish sample to help decide whether the politics is hard-rightist or not.

76% believe "Holocaust was mostly or completely a contrivance to benefit Zionism."

In a separate, poll 27% believe Holocaust was a hoax and didn't happen, 40% that it was "over exaggerated".

51% don't see neo Nazism in Germany as a problem

They all do. And scum like jones is helping to keep it "popular". the ironic thing is that these guys are multi millionaires and as much a part of a "system" as those they claim to despise
Examinining the 'conspiraloons'

Amongst all the other crap polls about repitilians and the NWO, there are some polls with a largeish sample to help decide whether the politics is hard-rightist or not.

76% believe "Holocaust was mostly or completely a contrivance to benefit Zionism."

In a separate, poll 27% believe Holocaust was a hoax and didn't happen, 40% that it was "over exaggerated".

51% don't see neo Nazism in Germany as a problem

It seems to be a topic thats discussed with some frequency on that site. Says it all really.
They all do. And scum like jones is helping to keep it "popular". the ironic thing is that these guys are multi millionaires and as much a part of a "system" as those they claim to despise

Yep. Our very own right wing loon and conspiracy theorist, James Delingpole often appears on Jones' programme as a 'freedom fighter' of sorts. I reckon the whole climate change denier lobby is a merely a cloak to hide all manner of other unspeakable views.
My current favourite trend is the denial of anti Semitism, with the claim "I'm certainly not anti Semitic, I'm anti Zionist! There is a difference y'know"
My current favourite trend is the denial of anti Semitism, with the claim "I'm certainly not anti Semitic, I'm anti Zionist! There is a difference y'know"

TBF, there is.

Zionism is viewed by many as a system of apartheid and racism.
TBF, there is.

Zionism is viewed by many as a system of apartheid and racism.

Yes but masquerading traditional anti Semitism as anti Zionism is the new trick.

For example, saying Larry Silverstein was in on the Sept 11th attacks because he's one of the Zionists. The only evidence that's offered that Silverstein is a Zionist is the fact that he's jewish.
Yeah, I know what you mean and it needs addressing, but it's made difficult by the fact there is a different.

I am anti-Zionist and I get pissed-off with being accused of being an anti-Semite. :(
Yeah, I know what you mean and it needs addressing, but it's made difficult by the fact there is a different.

I am anti-Zionist and I get pissed-off with being accused of being an anti-Semite. :(

Yup it's weird trying to explain how differing yourself from anti Israeli policy, mean you are neither a Anti Semite, nor are you some deranged version of a Anti Semite masquerading as a anti Zionist.

Re reading this thread brought up a lot of laughs. Myself and Pickmans on the same side. Dwyer describing Jazzz as "even tempered and a good researcher" and watching Trev try and wade in talk about a '22 calibre mind in a '357 debate.
My current favourite trend is the denial of anti Semitism, with the claim "I'm certainly not anti Semitic, I'm anti Zionist! There is a difference y'know"

Anyone with even a remote grounding in the subject can fairly easily discern a plastic anti-Zionist (and anti-Semite couching his anti-Semitism in the language of anti-Zionism) from a convinced one. The only people who don't appear to be able to tell the difference are the media and politicians (who invariably have an interest in misrepresentation).
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