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Can someone give me a link that helps me to prove the the Freeman on the land bullshit is nonsense.

I always wonder with these freeman types how many of them actually think it will stop them being arrested and / or being prosecuted. Of course there will be the die hards who are utterly convinced but it seems to have spread to such a stage now that its almost taken on another meaning.

What they are basically saying is an elaborate no comment with added defiance. It seems to me it is in itself a form a passive (mostly anyway) resistance. I wonder how much its more of an attitude of proud defiance then actual belief that citing some nonsense you saw someone else do on a YouTube vid means that you can't get arrested and prosecuted.
I always wonder with these freeman types how many of them actually think it will stop them being arrested and / or being prosecuted. Of course there will be the die hards who are utterly convinced but it seems to have spread to such a stage now that its almost taken on another meaning.

What they are basically saying is an elaborate no comment with added defiance. It seems to me it is in itself a form a passive (mostly anyway) resistance. I wonder how much its more of an attitude of proud defiance then actual belief that citing some nonsense you saw someone else do on a YouTube vid means that you can't get arrested and prosecuted.
In the heyday of Tommy Robinson and pound shop version era this was all very popular , asking police officers to remove their helmets and YouTube videos with loads of oddballs giving fake legal advice . As soon as followers started to appear in court they all ditched the maritime law stuff and all got normal solicitors . .
I always wonder with these freeman types how many of them actually think it will stop them being arrested and / or being prosecuted. Of course there will be the die hards who are utterly convinced but it seems to have spread to such a stage now that its almost taken on another meaning.

What they are basically saying is an elaborate no comment with added defiance. It seems to me it is in itself a form a passive (mostly anyway) resistance. I wonder how much its more of an attitude of proud defiance then actual belief that citing some nonsense you saw someone else do on a YouTube vid means that you can't get arrested and prosecuted.

Have a look at some videos on YouTube or similar. I think you may be being a tad over generous there...
Here's one in Bristol.

A Bishopston tattoo artist is refusing to close his studio after a police visit – because he is “not a fictional character”.


Mr Walton joined the small band of Covid-deniers in holding the banner, chanting: “We do not consent.”

He then performed a dance in front of the Bristol Live photographer, waving his arms and hopping from one foot to the other.

Have a look at some videos on YouTube or similar. I think you may be being a tad over generous there...

Not really. All I'm suggesting is that yes some people actually believe this bollocks but for others its just a rallying cry for defiance.
Emma r
Not really. All I'm suggesting is that yes some people actually believe this bollocks but for others its just a rallying cry for defiance.

Sadly, a bit like flat earthers- who seem to overlap a bit - I think most genuinely believe in this bollocks.
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Here's Manchester's big face in the fight against tyranny! :D

A check of his recent Facebook activity suggests he's lost at least a grand betting on Trump to win. He also posts Joe Rogan videos and made reference to 'his trip' so probably hitting the DMT a bit too much. Also ex military, I read something about him being kicked out.

Unsurprisingly GoFundMe pages have been started to pay his £10k fine.
Sadly, a bit like flat earthers- who seem to overlap a bit - I think most genuinely believe in this bollocks.

Flat Earthers have been on the decline for a few years now. Unfortunately a shitload have moved onto QAnon and no doubt this kind of shite too.
Just had a look at the re-movement and werebank sites today. Can't comprehend how anyone would gobble any of this unless they were having mental health issues.
I've been following this increasingly funny story with interest, and look forward to seeing the twunt in question trying to weasel themselves out of it :)

She doesn't consent to the fines. She also doesn't understand that consent is not required to impose a fine.

The infection rate in her borough is more than four times that in mine, can't think why.
Just had a look at the re-movement and werebank sites today. Can't comprehend how anyone would gobble any of this unless they were having mental health issues.

Are they still about? I'm sure I remember longdog telling me a couple of years ago that the bloke who started the we-rebank had sodded off with the money he'd conned out of people.
I looked into the "freeman" who used to be a tenant , he was evicted for the rent arrears we shouldn't charge him having refused to continue to claim Housing Benefit , refusing to attend the possession hearing, and eventually refusing to allow bailiffs in , and getting carried out by the police :( last info was he moved into a squat.
Where do they get all this shit from? Wet signature, consent, do no understand/stand under. Is it just made up or does it have a root in reality?
I've been following this increasingly funny story with interest, and look forward to seeing the twunt in question trying to weasel themselves out of it :)

The article has had a correction:

Correction 27 November 2020: In an earlier version of this report we said the salon had been fined £27,000 based on information from Kirklees Council which was later corrected.
The council said Quinn Blakey had been found to be open on Tuesday 24 November, but it later transpired there were no clients in the salon, so a £10,000 fine was not issued on that occasion.
Where do they get all this shit from? Wet signature, consent, do no understand/stand under. Is it just made up or does it have a root in reality?

It's a mish-mash of some misunderstood and misapplied legal ideas, and some completely made up bollocks. Fundamentally, it's bonkers to think of the law as something you can get out of with some magical incantations; given the law is just the formalised exercise of power, why would those with that power allow such get-outs? Or, even more simply, it's bollocks because it doesn't work - these arguments always fail in court.
It's a mish-mash of some misunderstood and misapplied legal ideas, and some completely made up bollocks. Fundamentally, it's bonkers to think of the law as something you can get out of with some magical incantations; given the law is just the formalised exercise of power, why would those with that power allow such get-outs? Or, even more simply, it's bollocks because it doesn't work - these arguments always fail in court.
Why are people so convinced it will get them out? A hair salon owner in Bradford has had her fine increased to £27K when the initial fine was £1K, all cos of this Magna Carta nonsense
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