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You have to earn £38,700 before your overseas partner/spouse can live in the UK

Sounds like SE Asia! Hope you have a happy move.

Its actually Mexico, but I've heard people weigh up similar pros with SE Asia too, it seems there are a fair few things in common in the sense of geodiversity, food, and culture.

And thanks. When we do it, it'll be the start of new journey. Its a lovely country so its an easy choice.

We're off on a tangent here but I agree, it's moving is often worth it. In my situation the tricky thing is that I get energised by change but my partner finds it very destabilising. Imho, early in life (20s) moving is almost always a good idea, later on you have to weigh up financial considerations. It's one thing to go to another country when you have the money for a good standard of living, you can just wing it. It's another if you have no money - you have to think about how much hardship you can handle, need a clearer plan re income, language barrier becomes more of an issue, etc.

yeah, I think its easier when you're young or already establised here because you can sell off. But even if you arent there can be opportunities if the economy is growing. Mexico is certainly the case there, lots of growth and opportunities in the cosmopolitan cities and growing industrial centres.
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How does this affect your personal situation mwgdrwg? Are you able to meet the lower threshold or is that still out of reach?

Even if I can meet this threshold (already higher than the average wage where I live), I feel that bringing my wife here would be some kind of mental abuse...years and years of expensive visa applications, hoping the Government doesn't go through with planned increases, countrywide race riots, shit jobs, shit food, shit weather.

So...my current personal situation is "Fuck this shithole country".
My son and daughter in law, and their 3 year old, are currently on their way back to her native China after a six week holiday here. The prospect of them being able to live here is a pipe dream. Their child is bilingual, has a British passport and will probably attend an international school where teaching will be in both English and Mandarin. I think he has to choose between British and Chinese citizenship when he is 18. I imagine he will have more choices as a single young adult than his parents can exercise as a committed married couple.
It was a 10 year journey for us from my girlfriend, now wife, moving over here to getting citizenship, earlier this year. We had a child in between but even that makes no difference to being able to keep your family together, if one of them happens to be foreign. It's a disgusting, dreadful and unacceptable situation to put families through. We had 10 years of worry about being forcibly split up and count ourselves extremely lucky that several things beyond our control kept us together. The whole situation is so ridiculous that at one point we only had two possible choices to make and both of them were breaking the law. That's how badly written these policies are.
Of course, appeasing racists comes before anyones right to a quiet family life. It really made me give up on society and people, for the most part.
It's very encouraging, at last, to read a thread full of people sympathetic to our situation and not full of psychopathic, uncaring hostility.
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