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You have to earn £38,700 before your overseas partner/spouse can live in the UK

Or would do, if they were still in government.
It will do this doesn't require a Act of Parliament to implement, the increase is on the books unless someone be it a member of the current shower or the alternate shower makes a decision to change it.
It will do this doesn't require a Act of Parliament to implement, the increase is on the books unless someone be it a member of the current shower or the alternate shower makes a decision to change it.
It isn't on the books yet, a vague announcement is still only a vague announcement! They might give one before the election, but I wouldn't bank on it.
It isn't on the books yet, a vague announcement is still only a vague announcement! They might give one before the election, but I wouldn't bank on it.
It's already the law of the land, the current limit is £18600, changing the number is just an executive decision. The £29K rise is already scheduled for the beginning of April I believe? that will happen. As for a later rise they don't really have to make firm announcements they can just tell the Civil Service to do it. They may not yet have actually said 'do it' and only in fact waffled a bit in public but there isn't actually a way of knowing for sure until 2025 comes around and it does or does not happen.
You're right of course in that it won't have happened until it has and it may be possible that the bit of paper that needs signing might be sitting forgotten in Cleverly's in-tray and he hasn't scribbled his X on it but for the moment we can't sadly count on that.
Ideally we need Sir Keir the Unchallenged Master of Not Commtting Himself to commit himself and say we will drop the limit/abolish the rules.
You're right they only have to formally announce it, but that is still Formally. There is no date for the first rise, it's presumably going to be the beginning off the new tax year but it could be any time (they've talked about February for some of the other changes). It must be publicly announced somewhat in advance, though that could be as little as a month.

And as there would be no direct financial implications of cancelling it (or, more likely, just using a different figure - the 29k+inflation would be my guess), I reckon Starmer might well do, just because it would make him look slightly less evil.
and a healthy dose of money laundering
[apparently see also "some" barber-shops]

Not to mention the number of people here "unofficically" / smuggled and hence woefully / deliberately underpaid.
[One local ethnic eatery has been raided several times for this, and is currently closed as it failed to sort out the cleanliness situation that triggered at least one of the raids].
[apparently see also "some" barber-shops]

Not to mention the number of people here "unofficically" / smuggled and hence woefully / deliberately underpaid.
[One local ethnic eatery has been raided several times for this, and is currently closed as it failed to sort out the cleanliness situation that triggered at least one of the raids].
It's not just "ethnic" food outlets, barbers, nailbars, carwashes..... everyone's at it
The penalties for employing someone classed as an illegal migrant have just gone up from £20K to £60K and for a landlord renting to someone in the same category the fine has gone from £80 to £10,000 which is an even more insane jump than the one that started the thread. The attitude seems to be if we can't solve these problems we can at least make some money out of it.
The penalties for employing someone classed as an illegal migrant have just gone up from £20K to £60K and for a landlord renting to someone in the same category the fine has gone from £80 to £10,000 which is an even more insane jump than the one that started the thread. The attitude seems to be if we can't solve these problems we can at least make some money out of it.
The attitude is that they’ll make the population police itself rather than having proper systems to manage things.
The attitude is that they’ll make the population police itself rather than having proper systems to manage things.

Yeah this is all over the place. In my old job when we had new starters I had to take copies of passports and sign to confirm they were genuine. Had I had any training in spotting a fake passport? Nope. That was a few years ago now but I don't imagine anything has got any better on that front.
mwgdrwg, your story prompted me to write to my MP, got the same reply from the arsehole as when I asked him what legal route people fleeing warzones have, i.e. fuck all. And this from a man who's own wife is an immigrant, either Chinese or Japanese, he's too thick and racist to know the difference.

Utterly despair at what these wankers have turned our country in to.
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