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Can someone give me a link that helps me to prove the the Freeman on the land bullshit is nonsense.

Why are people so convinced it will get them out? A hair salon owner in Bradford has had her fine increased to £27K when the initial fine was £1K, all cos of this Magna Carta nonsense

I find the application of the GAPEFAT*( pr. ‘gappy-fat’) works here just as well as it does in most cases.

* General All-Purpose Explanation For Almost Everything: People are idiots.
My favourite line among these people, covid deniers etc is 'Don't take it from me, do your own research', as though they've done something other than watch videos on Youtube.

Where previously it was the responsibility of the expert to cite their sources if they had good research to share, in the loon world it seems to be the opposite, just say whatever you like without providing any proof.
My favourite line among these people, covid deniers etc is 'Don't take it from me, do your own research', as though they've done something other than watch videos on Youtube.

Where previously it was the responsibility of the expert to cite their sources if they had good research to share, in the loon world it seems to be the opposite, just say whatever you like without providing any proof.

It's probably for the best because when they do cite sources, those sources are often more bonkers and fact free than the initial claim.
They've seized Edinburgh Castle
in a video seen by Edinburgh Live one woman can be heard saying "we have seized Edinburgh Castle".

She continues: "We're waiting to restore the rule of law. We're doing this peacefully and we're doing this lawfully.
"We are using article 61 of the Magna Carta. We have had enough. The people of Scotland have had enough and today we claim our power back.

"The government has been acting treasonous against we the people."
I met a FMOTL UKIPper (she was quite friendly and I'm normally a model of politeness but when she told me that I let out an involuntary "Oh God") while walking the dog. She said she'd used FMOTL stuff to get her husband let off bank debts after he'd been charged silly amounts of money in bank penalties.

I asked her how and she said that she'd demanded that the bank produce a copy of the original agreement between him and the bank, and the bank hadn't kept a copy. So actually a triumph of contract law rather than FMOTL bollox.
I admit it, I'm now trying this line with the Ombudsman - I was on Post Office broadband but they raised their rates after the 12-month contract ended and have been overcharging me ever since so I want to see the original contract. :mad:

I may point the Ombudsman to this post, but I know it won't work :(
It's interesting that FOTL stuff is given such a hard time on what used to pretend to be an anarchist forum.

oh yeah, total bullshit that gets people locked up or heavily fined when they try this crap in court. Yeah, let's support that. Good one.
Plus you know the sovereign citizen movement this originates from in the US is all linked to the far right don't you?
And that FOTLers in the UK are monarchists/fuedalists which is about as far from anarchism as you can get.
I've gone on google and there are people saying FOTL is a branch of anarchism. Either way, to the majority of the population, anarchism looks just as nuts as these FOTL people do. Possibly more so.

Screenshot 2021-08-18 at 09.22.57.jpg
oh yeah, total bullshit that gets people locked up or heavily fined when they try this crap in court. Yeah, let's support that. Good one.
Plus you know the sovereign citizen movement this originates from in the US is all linked to the far right don't you?
And that FOTLers in the UK are monarchists/fuedalists which is about as far from anarchism as you can get.

Don't encourage him. :D
I admit it, I'm now trying this line with the Ombudsman - I was on Post Office broadband but they raised their rates after the 12-month contract ended and have been overcharging me ever since so I want to see the original contract. :mad:

I may point the Ombudsman to this post, but I know it won't work :(

You are doing it wrong, if you address them as Man of the Ombuds they'll refund your money and send you a free Vauxhall Nova.
It's interesting that FOTL stuff is given such a hard time on what used to pretend to be an anarchist forum.
What would you say some of your favourite anarchist texts are? I know everyone says Conquest of TV Licenses is a classic, but I find Work, Legal Names, Community, Maritime Law by Prole of the family Info to be more accessible myself. The new AFG pamphlet sounds pretty good too:
"Still a controversial document, the Magna Carta offers suggestions for effective forms of anarchist communist organisation. Based on their experiences during the First Barons' War, the authors re-assert the class struggle basis of anarchism that was born within the First International. Attacked at the time as an attempt to “Bolshevise” anarchism, the Carta still remains a valuable reference for those who wish to develop ways of breaking anarchism out of ghettoised isolation and once again become an important influence within the social struggles of the present day. With the addition of an extensive history of Magna Cartaism, and additional material from the authors, as well as a debate with Pope Innocent III, this edition of the Magna Carta is the one that both anarchist militants and historians of the movement will wish to consult. £4.50 plus 1.53 postage from londonacg@gmail.com, although you don't have to pay that if you explain that you do not stand under us."

I've gone on google and there are people saying FOTL is a branch of anarchism.
What would you say some of your favourite anarchist texts are? I know everyone says Conquest of TV Licenses is a classic, but I find Work, Legal Names, Community, Maritime Law by Prole of the family Info to be more accessible myself. The new AFG pamphlet sounds pretty good too:
"Still a controversial document, the Magna Carta offers suggestions for effective forms of anarchist communist organisation. Based on their experiences during the First Barons' War, the authors re-assert the class struggle basis of anarchism that was born within the First International. Attacked at the time as an attempt to “Bolshevise” anarchism, the Carta still remains a valuable reference for those who wish to develop ways of breaking anarchism out of ghettoised isolation and once again become an important influence within the social struggles of the present day. With the addition of an extensive history of Magna Cartaism, and additional material from the authors, as well as a debate with Pope Innocent III, this edition of the Magna Carta is the one that both anarchist militants and historians of the movement will wish to consult. £4.50 plus 1.53 postage from londonacg@gmail.com, although you don't have to pay that if you explain that you do not stand under us."

There's no need to overthink it. Both groups want not to be told what to do by government, and they are both regarded as complete nutters by mainstream society. Arguably the FOTL lot are more pragmatic because they use their theories to do things in the real world, like try and get out of parking tickets, whereas anarchists just write texts and go to meetings. I haven't seen any anarchists trying to take Edinburgh Castle for the people - have you? Didn't think so.
the knights of the family barron? think they got voted out for saying 'ni'.
might have been under naval law though, not sure.
or just navel gazing.
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