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Can someone give me a link that helps me to prove the the Freeman on the land bullshit is nonsense.

And even they themselves know they're not really about that. All they're about is selfishness and greed. About being allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, and pay no taxes whatsoever.

It's just pure fucking greed and lack of any human empathy whatsover, every last motherfucking one of them.

It's no real surprise that teuchter is a fan.
I'm surprised they haven't gone for one of the occupied castles in Scotland, you know, ones without a military garrison. There's thousands across the country in various states of repair.
From the Private Eye comes this pragmatic judicial approach to "common law" nonsense:

Owen Lucas was prosecuted after identifying the child [a target of a kidnapping conspiracy] several times on social media, including a Facebook site called "SRA* Common Law Assembly". Initially Lucas failed to appear in court, refusing to recognise its jurisdiction. He changed his mind after two weeks in Swansea jail :D

* Satanic Ritual Abuse
I'm surprised they haven't gone for one of the occupied castles in Scotland, you know, ones without a military garrison. There's thousands across the country in various states of repair.

There is one near Laurencekirk, who if he’s not full-on Freeman, is well on the way there. I had a chat with him once and discovered he harbours somewhat graphic and disturbingly well thought out ideas of what he wants to do Nicola Sturgeon!

Also, not a castle but I once came across a maybe Georgian/Victorian house in East Anglia, surrounded with high barbed wire fencing, guard towers and signs up at various points full of what I now recognise as proto-Freeman bollocks.
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Mate of mine in Glastonbury saw this posted outside of a house around the corner from him. They also have a fucking Russian flag flying. I'm no lawyer, but this is jibber-jabber isn't it?

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Yes this looks like someone who does or has done stuff they know they can be arrested for (growing weed? non-payment of tax or fines?) pretending they can preempt getting arrested by saying "you can't arrest me 'cos you can't cone onto my land". If there's a warrant for their arrest on criminal charges it's irrelevant of course, but classic Freeman stuff. I assume Albion SCT is Sovereign Citizen Team :D
Oh gawd. Just chatted with a 'mate' - well, bloke I know that I was convinced to lend £100 to, the second fifty back is only two months late - and as he was regaling me with his sea of troubles he casually mentioned how he'd discovered his mortgage was illegal. Intrigued, I asked more. His reply made little sense until he uttered those magic words 'Legal Name.' Yes, he has fallen, or more likely leapt, into a pit of freeman nonsense. The whole kit and caboodle! The Rothschilds bought the Crown in 1952, something something Admiralty law ("they put you in a Dock - see, proof!"), council tax is unlawful, everything's unlawful. The sovereign isn't a sovereign!

I tried a brief interjection along the lines of, 'yeah, but you will have to convince a court of law of this, so if they're all in on it....' but to no avail.

I think I'd happily write off the fifty smackers in order not to have to hear a word of it again.
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Oh gawd. Just chatted with a 'mate' - well, bloke I know that I was convinced to lend £100 to, the second fifty back is only two months late - and as he was regaling me with his sea of troubles he casually mentioned how he'd discovered his mortgage was illegal. Intrigued, I asked more. His reply made little sense until he uttered those magic words 'Legal Name.' Yes, he has fallen, or more likely leapt, into a pit of freeman nonsense. The whole kit and caboodle! The Rothschilds bought the Crown in 1952, something something Admiralty law ("they put you in a Dock - see, proof!"), council tax is unlawful, everything's unlawful. The sovereign isn't a sovereign!

I tried a brief interjection along the lines of, 'yeah, but you will have to convince a court of law of this, so if they're all in on it....' but to no avail.

I think I'd happily write off the fifty smackers in order not to have to hear a word of it again.
There does seem to be a prevalence of people who have debts in this faith, I wonder why the "you can't make me pay) is so appealing to them.
There does seem to be a prevalence of people who have debts in this faith, I wonder why the "you can't make me pay) is so appealing to them.
yeah, crazy innit? The bloke has been fucked financially, mostly not his fault at all. Till he started chasing it, first bitcoin and the like and now this. I dont think this is actually gonna cost him anything, its just giving him a false hope. I hope its not gonna cost him anything, or I'll deck the (all kind of tax paying) twat who has convinced him of this nonsense.
yeah, crazy innit? The bloke has been fucked financially, mostly not his fault at all. Till he started chasing it, first bitcoin and the like and now this. I dont think this is actually gonna cost him anything, its just giving him a false hope. I hope its not gonna cost him anything, or I'll deck the (all kind of tax paying) twat who has convinced him of this nonsense.
I think the main issue is that those who get convinced of FOTL bollocks then think they can just ignore any and all correspondence relating to their debts and this is when things tend to spiral.
I think the main issue is that those who get convinced of FOTL bollocks then think they can just ignore any and all correspondence relating to their debts and this is when things tend to spiral.
Probably think that as they haven't given permission to the Post Office to deliver letters to them, all notices sent by post are invalid.
it probably would have,
if FOTL lunacy = "total shitshow" centrifugal force
the spiral accelerates wildly towards the centre
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
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