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To be honest, I never watched the videos, as they would have made me vomit, if there were beheadings on it, but I think there are other fake videos of threats and Allah speak.
I saw one. Something didn't look right about it. There were no beheadings on it. I am far too squeamish to watch a video of someone being beheadded.
The group, ISIS are real, but I am open to the idea that they were created by the west, who stirred up religious trouble among various groups of musllims in the countries they wanted to de-stabilise, setting them against each other, forming extremist groups, some members of certain groups see fit to behead another person.
I did put the squaddie vid on here, it must have still been on my pasteboard, from when I last posted on another thread, so I 'printed' the wrong video on. Its now sorted.

Ive not yet read the rest of this thread, so i will crack on and read it
you're sounding like one of those people who shuffle about in the street shouting at the sky, and mumbling gibberish.
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To be honest, I never watched the videos, as they would have made me vomit, if there were beheadings on it, but I think there are other fake videos of threats and Allah speak.
I saw one. Something didn't look right about it. There were no beheadings on it. I am far too squeamish to watch a video of someone being beheadded.
The group, ISIS are real, but I am open to the idea that they were created by the west, who stirred up religious trouble among various groups of musllims in the countries they wanted to de-stabilise, setting them against each other, forming extremist groups, some members of certain groups see fit to behead another person.
I did put the squaddie vid on here, it must have still been on my pasteboard, from when I last posted on another thread, so I 'printed' the wrong video on. Its now sorted.

Ive not yet read the rest of this thread, so i will crack on and read it
Sorry, I would read this except I've suddenly got an urge to go and eat grass :confused:
Have you had a look in the conspiraloon forum on here yet pp?

Hope it debunks some of the stuff you believe and doesn't encourage you to believe more unfounded crap
With all due respect, that is merely your opinion, which you are entitled to have, but so am I, to mine, however strange it may feel to you.
How? Evidence?
Well, this is just it, I can't give evidence, because mainstream science will probably not have officially accepted them, as the forces driving mainstream science is just more of the same evil intent towards humanity and the earth.
Also, I don't have enuogh knowledge of the subject.
Perhaps, I should have worded my post, more along the lines of, I am starting to entertain the possibility of contrails being chemitrails, rather than a black and white yes, I believe, i do tend towards black and white thinking sometimes, so thank you for posting that as it has provided me with a prompt to improve my expression.
I am not 100% sure enough that contrails are what they are, but, I accept that while I am honest enough to admit this to myself, as part of me still feels embarassed about it, but the other part of me says, to express in a more careful way, while still putting it out there.
So, I might be labelled a conspiraloon by some, and I accept that.
I think there are some looneys out there too, but whether I believe them or not, they will still walk their own path.
I don't really want my posts to turn into a discussion about chemtrails, as it's about David Cameron and his kafka-esque activity.
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Sorry but its completely rational to label people as conspiraloons when they go on about toxic skies & start ranting about people needing to wake up.

Even if they also include stuff that is sensible, and have genuine and heartfelt emotions, you have to get rid of the bullshit in order for people to take it seriously.

Generally I recommend that people spend plenty of time talking about what they stand for, rather than just what they are against. So we can judge their politics properly and make sure they aren't drooling right-wingers who'd dump us in worse shit than capitalism and the state already do.
It may seem rational to you, to label as conspiraloon, people who entertain the possiblity of things like contrails being chemtrails, or even, not all contrails being chemtrails, but to me, it makes sense.
One man's sense is maybe another mans nonsence, and we also have the collective unanimity on some aspects of human life. The established consensus, but this is not always black and white and is very easy to manipulate a group of people and what they view as consensus.

As for seriousness, I don't mind if i am not taken seriously at this moment.
For me, I no longer want to accept as 100% fake, the possibility that toxins are being sprayed from the sky, and I will have to find my own way around this issue if I want to explore it more on another thread, but I don't.
It's one of those things that I read about when i am in the mood to read up on various things.
I will take what feels right and discard the rest, I should have not have expressed such a black and white view earlier on, in the first mentionoing of chemtrails , in the thread.

As for captialism, I am a very mild mannered person who is easily intimidated if I am not careful enough.
I find captialism sort of aggressive, it just feels too stressful for me, financial prey and preditors, I have been easy to rip off in the past.
I am not great with money, but I think that the way we do money is ruining the world.
I think that nature, although pretty fierce at times, should be more respected.
With nature, everyone got fed. Just in the same way we see animals in the savannah, some die and get preyed on, but that's nature, and I think humanity has opened a crevice, making nature further away, and that crevice is slowly getting wider and wider, as we move away from nature, and that is trouble, because earth is nature and we are nature, and if we keep on the way we are doing, we will wipe ourselves out, or a large portion of us, with god knows what if we are not careful enough.
Just look at google earth and see the damage we have done around the world.
We have also widened the gap in nature, by our minds due to the cultures we have always built for ourselves, ever since humans started to get together in larger groups, rather than bands of early humans across the earth.
It all does come down to nature in the end.

As for conspiraloons, let the lunatic fringe carry on cos they will anyway.
I just go with what feels right for me, even if I am alone, because when you say that you are starting to entertain the possibility of something outside the norm, it is often a path you travel alone, but it takes courage to do this, even if my path leads me to the conclusion that there are no toxin sprayers in the sky, then so be it, but right now....

I've edited it loads of times, but will leave it now.
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It's simple. The world is crammed full of good people suffering under a conspiracy of sociopaths armed with a programme of brainwashing genocide.

Fuck political analysis. That's so yesterday.
Sounds somewhere near right to me, ironically. I think Kafka would have liked this.
How is conspiraloon old fashioned? Seems like a modern type of word that describes people into a range of 'conspiracies' quite well
I think that while still small in number, they are growing, whether we like it or not. There are now too many people who have entertained the possibility of many things the government might be doing, to call them conspiraloon.
The name used to fit, when the groups were smaller, but now as these groups get bigger and more people start to entertain the possibility of things outside the norm. Corporations and Governments are getting bolder, and more unfair and unjust. The most recent wars, etc.

Conspiraloon suggests a tiny minority of people, who have got a bit lost along the way, and have extreme views, to me, anyone who believes in the reptilian agenda is a conspiraloon, but then I start labelling things that don't make sense to me, and on it goes, like a pattern.
Not like us sheeple, eh :D
I was gonna say that sheeple is a jargon word, I don't use it, but maybe it's just a word that people with a common interest share, they can easily identify where their interests are at by using jargon words, and sometimes, you find yourself using jargon words in any subject, not just this, to get to the point easily, as a jargon word often represents a paragraph of words.
Again, believe what you want it doesn't matter to me.

For all the posters who call me conspiraloon or expressed judgemental attitudes towards my posts, I am allowed to have a view, and respected for having that view without fear of being labelled and mocked.
I think that while still small in number, they are growing, whether we like it or not. There are now too many people who have entertained the possibility of many things the government might be doing, to call them conspiraloon.
The name used to fit, when the groups were smaller, but now as these groups get bigger and more people start to entertain the possibility of things outside the norm. Corporations and Governments are getting bolder, and more unfair and unjust. The most recent wars, etc.

Conspiraloon suggests a tiny minority of people, who have got a bit lost along the way, and have extreme views, to me, anyone who believes in the reptilian agenda is a conspiraloon, but then I start labelling things that don't make sense to me, and on it goes, like a pattern.
what things "outside the norm"? capitalism is brutal, exploitative and evil yes but there is no new world order or anything beyond the fact that it is brutal, exploitative and evil, why search for reasons? why not do something to help even it out a tiny bit somehow in a practical way.
do you spend time looking for proper sources on what people claim? or the 'evidence' they claim to present?

sorry for all the questions but that is the only way to pin down you reasons.
you're sounding like one of those people who shuffle about in the street shouting at the sky, and mumbling gibberish.
I just feel like I am repeating myself over the last few posts, but I respect the fact that your view is different to mine, without mocking you, so surely, I should be afforded the same courtesy? no?
I was gonna say that sheeple is a jargon word, I don't use it, but maybe it's just a word that people with a common interest share, they can easily identify where their interests are at by using jargon words, and sometimes, you find yourself using jargon words in any subject, not just this, to get to the point easily, as a jargon word often represents a paragraph of words.
Again, believe what you want it doesn't matter to me.

For all the posters who call me conspiraloon or expressed judgemental attitudes towards my posts, I am allowed to have a view, and respected for having that view without fear of being labelled and mocked.
sheeple is an insult used by those who think they are wiser and know the "truth" and that the sheeple are blinded or too thick.
this adds to the imagined 'authority' of those dishing out conspiracy theories to further their own profiles or agendas despite having no proof
Sorry, I would read this except I've suddenly got an urge to go and eat grass :confused:
I didn't want for my post to upset or offend you, and apologise if they have.
I am not religious in the commonplace sense of the word, but I tolerate other religions, so long as they don't come into my space.
I very much doubt that I will ever be religious again though, as I am born RC.
I leave the way open for more natural and familiar expressions of spirit, but it's hard in this materialistic world, where matter matters most, where we care for ourselves and our own families rather than forming communities to help each other, family or not, like some people are starting to, to be fair.
As for the beheading videos, I think some of them are real, maybe taken by people who were present at the beheading, but I am not sure.
I believe some of the videos, however, judging from what I have viewed, are fake, and are just put out there as an extreme threat.
I think ISIS exist, but are mislead, and not what most of the population think they are, religious extremists, who have been brainwashed into a position where they are at now, beheading people etc, but the real threat in the middle east is the west, and their oil.
I believe BP are extracting oil from iraq in lieu of payment and then also saying that the tax dollars/pounds/shekels etc ... owe them more money.
I believe that the human 3d isis are real but formed in response to something the west said, but i dont exactly know what that is.
I just feel like I am repeating myself over the last few posts, but I respect the fact that your view is different to mine, without mocking you, so surely, I should be afforded the same courtesy? no?
i'm afraid that my opinion and view is that your opinion is either plain stupid and laughable, or perhaps part of some weed/speed based psychosis.
if its the later, i do apologise for poking fun.
I didn't want for my post to upset or offend you, and apologise if they have.
I am not religious in the commonplace sense of the word, but I tolerate other religions, so long as they don't come into my space.
I very much doubt that I will ever be religious again though, as I am born RC.
I leave the way open for more natural and familiar expressions of spirit, but it's hard in this materialistic world, where matter matters most, where we care for ourselves and our own families rather than forming communities to help each other, family or not, like some people are starting to, to be fair.
As for the beheading videos, I think some of them are real, maybe taken by people who were present at the beheading, but I am not sure.
I believe some of the videos, however, judging from what I have viewed, are fake, and are just put out there as an extreme threat.
I think ISIS exist, but are mislead, and not what most of the population think they are, religious extremists, who have been brainwashed into a position where they are at now, beheading people etc, but the real threat in the middle east is the west, and their oil.
I believe BP are extracting oil from iraq in lieu of payment and then also saying that the tax dollars/pounds/shekels etc ... owe them more money.
I believe that the human 3d isis are real but formed in response to something the west said, but i dont exactly know what that is.
where do you get this from? where did you first here about it? thanks
have you been smoking a lot of strong weed recently?
A little bit, I'm not a big weed smoker, so i smoke pollen or soap.
I can see why you may think that the weed is turning me into a conspiralooon, that would be an easy explaination, as you maybe feel you can draw a line under and label it stoner conspiraloon, I dunno. All I am doing is entertaining the possibility that things may not be, as they seem.
A little bit, I'm not a big weed smoker, so i smoke pollen or soap.
I can see why you may think that the weed is turning me into a conspiralooon, that would be an easy explaination, as you maybe feel you can draw a line under and label it stoner conspiraloon, I dunno. All I am doing is entertaining the possibility that things may not be, as they seem.
Its just that any time i've ever met anyone going down this crackers path, they've usually been on the speed for too many years.

Why have you decided to just believe something for no reason other than a video on youtube told you to?
Don't you want facts and proof?
Do you think you're being a bit gullible?
A little bit, I'm not a big weed smoker, so i smoke pollen or soap.
I can see why you may think that the weed is turning me into a conspiralooon, that would be an easy explaination, as you maybe feel you can draw a line under and label it stoner conspiraloon, I dunno. All I am doing is entertaining the possibility that things may not be, as they seem.
how are they not how they seem? who is behind it all?
I just feel like I am repeating myself over the last few posts, but I respect the fact that your view is different to mine, without mocking you, so surely, I should be afforded the same courtesy? no?
But you called mainstream science evil. That's not very respectful.

In all honesty, I don't think these videos are very helpful to you at the moment. you seem to be accepting what they say no matter what, without question, and then posting them on urban. You must know that this type of thing is not popular on urban, so I'm not sure why you are posting them.

Also these threads are better suited to general. They should be reported so a mod can move them.
Its just that any time i've ever met anyone going down this crackers path, they've usually been on the speed for too many years.

Why have you decided to just believe something for no reason other than a video on youtube told you to?
Don't you want facts and proof?
Do you think you're being a bit gullible?

I didn't just start to believe something for no other reason, I expressed an openess to the possibility, the two are different things.

I only take on board what makes sense to me.
To be honest, with all due respect, I feel like I am repeating myself.

It's not that I believe it, black and white, it's that Ive opened my mind to the possility of it being true. The two are very different things.
I wont go into a discussion about chemtrails or not, on this thread, if I wanted to, which i don't, I could start a thread, but I wont.
But you called mainstream science evil. That's not very respectful.

In all honesty, I don't think these videos are very helpful to you at the moment. you seem to be accepting what they say no matter what, without question, and then posting them on urban. You must know that this type of thing is not popular on urban, so I'm not sure why you are posting them.

Also these threads are better suited to general. They should be reported so a mod can move them.
Mainstream science is not a religion, and even though it is the accepted consensus knowledge, it is fine to explore around the gradual borders of 'is' and 'is-not'.

It's not that I accept the videos out of question, per se, it's that what they are saying rings true with things that were previously in my radar if you like.

Urban is a group, but it is also made up of individuals with very differing views, and so long as these views are not offensive or abusive, then surely its ok to express yourself as an individual.
I am not trying to alienate everyone, but in Urban, so long as the rules are respected, are we not allowed to post questions that we want to ask?
It's ok, if this thread does not yield the answers, as I cannot force answers out of someone.
I don't know, yet, I may never never know, because I am just at the stage, where, I have started to entertain the possibility.....
why must there be other reasons?
hopefully as i said, the forum posted earlier will give you stuff to read that will save you some time with entertaining some of the 'possibilities' that are out there
good luck
Mainstream science is not a religion, and even though it is the accepted consensus knowledge, it is fine to explore around the gradual borders of 'is' and 'is-not'.

It's not that I accept the videos out of question, per se, it's that what they are saying rings true with things that were previously in my radar if you like.

I am not trying to alienate everyone, but in Urban, so long as the rules are respected, are we not allowed to post questions that we want to ask?
It's ok, if this thread does not yield the answers, as I cannot force answers out of someone.
yes you can ask questions and people can give you answers or ask you questions and challenge points put or theories floated.

why do you think these things were previously on your radar, how do they 'ring true' do you know a few people who believe, discuss and post about this stuff?
why must there be other reasons?
hopefully as i said, the forum posted earlier will give you stuff to read that will save you some time with entertaining some of the 'possibilities' that are out there
good luck
I don't understand why people are so bothered, I respect that you have different views to me.
Things may not be as they seem, I don't know why, but that isn't the point, the point is that I am asking the question, but I don't yet know the answers.
yes you can ask questions and people can give you answers or ask you questions and challenge points put or theories floated.

why do you think these things were previously on your radar, how do they 'ring true' do you know a few people who believe, discuss and post about this stuff?
I'm not asking people here questions, I'm just asking some big questions, and that is ok, but if anyone else out there is like minded in this respect, then it's always good to hear your views also.

As for why does it ring true? Well this particular subject, chemtrail possibility questions, I'm only at the "Is it possible" stage, and may get no further, or I may choose to explore further.
Like i said before I don't want this thread to be a chemtrail discussion, there is no point really, it isn't people's cup of tea, but that's ok.
I didn't start asking this question due to stuff people said on video or wrote, I can't really say, to be honest, just a whole load of different bits, putting numbers together, adding them up, and asking if they = whatever number type of thing.
I can't really express in words at the moment what made me think of the possibility of chemtrails.
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