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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

There must be at least a fraction of the Protestant community who are at best uneasy with all this pallet collecting, surely? I once had a student in Queen's tell me about how her Da, a lifelong Orangeman had resigned in disgust over the 'criminal element' who had come into the order at the time of Drumcree and after.
violence or the threat of violence is pretty good at silencing descent :mad::(
Got to think positively. As England enters the existential crisis of identity and self recrimination that starts wirh Brexit, and when the DUP votes are no longer needed, NI will be asked to fuck off. Or paid to do so.

Dont ask them , just tell them to fuck off . As rudely as possible so the lesson sinks home .

In all seriousness I think you mightn't be too far off the mark . The DUP...unionism in general.. has been shaken by the British reaction to them propping up may and the spotlight generally shone on what they're about . And it's only started . This could turn out to be the worst card they've ever played . They were much better off skulking in the shadows . They're hated in England now, even by many Tories . Despised pretty much . That's not good when you're utterly dependent upon the British to prop you up, in every way .
A language is a dialect with an army.
And a navy. Army alone not enough apparently.

I don't remember the details because it's been a very long time but it's the syntax of Ulster Scots that has been of particular interest to linguists however objectionable the behaviour or politics of a sizable proportion of its speakers.

Pengelly's old man founded the Ulster Resistance paras and got very lenient treatment after getting nicked in Paris getting guns for the cause. No surprise she is doing FA.
Well to be fair your post doesn't make sense, what little sense it might appear to make isn't true and I'm not familiar with Ulster Scots anyway so I was never going to get it.
yeh because you're something of an uberpedant and unable to think outside the box.

Well to be fair your post doesn't make sense, what little sense it might appear to make isn't true and I'm not familiar with Ulster Scots anyway so I was never going to get it.
To be fair, his post made perfect sense if you had any awareness of the context.



(and he's an Orangeman).



And last but not least, Yukon Street says... No
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Fundamentalist 'Christians' demanding the removal of a Christmas tree.

Loyalists demand the removal of Co Derry Christmas tree

"A LOYALIST group involved in a bitter row over the removal of a Union flag from the centre of a Co Derry town has demanded that a Christmas tree put up nearby be taken down...
...Forum chairman William Lennox said there are “Muslims in the town and a lot of non Christians” who may be offended by the festive tree."
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