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Prince Charles letters

so is the next stage re transparency - to demand minutes to be taken for the weekly chats between PM and monarch?
I really don't appreciate royalty but at least there's a written record. The weekly "audiences" could be cooking up all sorts of things behind our backs...
so is the next stage re transparency - to demand minutes to be taken for the weekly chats between PM and monarch?
I really don't appreciate royalty but at least there's a written record. The weekly "audiences" could be cooking up all sorts of things behind our backs...
The next stage should be for such anachronistic grovelling to end altogether. If the constitutional head of state wants to make any (political) pronouncements they already have an army of press minions to make their views known. Thereafter, of course, the monarch should be summoned to a public meeting in Whitehall...
No, they wanted the interesting ones published. Given that all the correspondence from Chuck is typed, and there is a longstanding joke about black spider letters, it's obvious that a shit load of handwritten loonspud notes remain hidden.

Didn't they just choose a random timeframe/snapshot at that point in time to see what was being published?

I'm not sure the FOI request was really very targeted...
so is the next stage re transparency - to demand minutes to be taken for the weekly chats between PM and monarch?
I really don't appreciate royalty but at least there's a written record. The weekly "audiences" could be cooking up all sorts of things behind our backs...

Don't fret, they've changed the law so no one can ever find out via FOI that the neutral monarch or monarch in waiting is actually not neutral at all and is in fact deserving of a beheading as per precedent.
Didn't they just choose a random timeframe/snapshot at that point in time to see what was being published?

I'm not sure the FOI request was really very targeted...

Yes, realised that later - so presumably all the letters will end up being published?
Anarcho-Wotsits are already an endangered species and now we read that Charles Windsor advocates a badger cull.

Anarcho-Wotsits are already an endangered species and now we read that Charles Windsor advocates a badger cull.

Well even a stopped clock is right twice a day it is not like they fill an ecological niche that won't be filled by the start of the next uni term is it?
Here are some ones from 2008-2009

After an initial refusal, the Scottish Government last week released extracts from six letters from the prince, which are typed not handwritten, and six replies from Salmond. The text of the rest of the letters has been kept secret.
In addition, two complete letters – one from the prince’s private secretary and one from Salmond – have been disclosed. But an unspecified amount of other correspondence has been kept under wraps.
In one of the extracts from a letter dated 15 June 2009, Charles urged Salmond to give financial aid to the Soil Association in Scotland, of which he’s patron, for an initiative promoting healthier and more sustainable food. “I wondered if it might be possible to investigate whether there could be some form of support to assist the Soil Association in avoiding having to cut back their capacity for this initiative,” the prince wrote.
“I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Royal Highness’s most humble and obedient servant,” Salmond continued. The former First Minister said that that was the last time he used this traditional form of words because he thought it was “inappropriate to a democratic age”.
In another letter on 7 June 2008, the prince asked Salmond to appoint experts to help his north highland food brand, Mey Selections, develop low carbon systems. On 1 July 2007 Charles expressed his “heartfelt thanks” for the Scottish Government’s donation of £5 million towards the purchase of the stately home, Dumfries House, near Cumnock in East Ayrshire.

What do people in Scotland think about Prince Charles's activities in the north-east of Scotland?
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