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Prince William’s many good deeds

I tried to find a "The Times is shit" thread, but it's a too frequently used word, especially with the 900 threads proclaiming someone's "time is up".

Anyway, the Sunday Times, that bastion of investigative journalism, has the exclusive that in a hereditary monarchy a man follows his father, who himself followed his own mother:

Jesus christ - pegging???

Fuck no. Please fucking no. I can't go back from this knowledge. I don't think there is anything in the world I have ever wanted to know less than this. And now I know. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I want to die.

"Can you tell what it is yet?" Jake asked.
Not yet there isn't, We will definitely have the reigns of Chucky and Billy the Bald to contend with but as I have said many times before I don't really expect we will see George/Louis on the throne (I can never remember which one is the older) The membership of Republic has apparently more than doubled since the World's Most Expensive Panto was staged back at the beginning of May.

Unless Willie pegs out, I definitely won't see the George VII crowned.
i can't get excited about this thing about him not going - if he'd gone, then most of the people who are complaining about him not going would be complaining about him going and the cost / environmental impact of it.


it hasn't changed my opinion of the whole shower
He won’t wear a kilt which is upsetting some people, mainly those who sell kilts

I’d have thought he’d be all over the kilt, surely it would make it easier to indulge in his favourite pastime :)
Forget the football, this lot just won the World Pipe Championship without him, kilt or no kilt, so that proves everything we've long suspected about Royal patronage.

It’s funny how the cameras are always there when he’s doing something to put across his nice guy image

"The Prince of Wales has been an undercover Big Issue seller on previous occasions. . . and surprising tourists near Victoria in central London."

Not so undercover then, if the tourists recognised him.
Kind of mental that the figurehead of an institution that upholds regressive economic principles poses with poverty to look good.
And then that is interpreted as someone to be revered having the ‘common touch’.
Kind of mental that the figurehead of an institution that upholds regressive economic principles poses with poverty to look good.
And then that is interpreted as someone to be revered having the ‘common touch’.
It's a poser, isn't it - who has the more common touch, the prime minister or the prince of wales? 🤔

or the king? 😖

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...nicw try but we're sticking with royal heads on pikes
I wonder how his lifes work is coming on
Kind of mental that the figurehead of an institution that upholds regressive economic principles poses with poverty to look good.
And then that is interpreted as someone to be revered having the ‘common touch’.
Don't worry, Magnus, I am quite sure that as soon as his old man is dead and entombed, he will sell all he inherits, and give it to the poor.
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