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Prince William’s many good deeds

Because if it is true, and the German and Spanish media are very open about it all, he is cheating on his wife, the mother of his three children. I happen to feel such behaviour is shitty, where do you stand on this?

Further, he is next in line to be head of the Church of England, whilst religion is not my thing, there are millions of people who do follow it and to have the boss of it breaking one of the Ten Commandments, in the same way the current head of it did, well, bit crap.
Whilst 100% onboard with the idea that a man should remain faithful to the mother of his children, I'm not convinced that Billy The Bald is cheating on Katie. I don't really buy the whole "The Media is covering it up to protect the Monarchy" argument. They may be in favour of the monarchy but they are a damn sight more in favour of selling copy. They didn't seem all that reluctant when Chucky was cheating on People's Princess with Queen Side Piece.
Personally I get the impression that Billy is an amiable enough cove if a bit detached from reality. I object to the idea of the Monarchy as an instituition rather than whose bum is warming the Golden Seat at any given moment.
Sure, but the UK media seems very quiet compared to them dastardly forrin ones...

The foreign ones are a lot safer from being sued if there is no truth to it though and the forrins love gossip and tittle tattle as well as we do. It's not impossible of course he's rich and famous and at that time in his life when men often do stray but evidence seems to be minimal. If you actually read those links The first story is "Basically two women wore the same dress once", the second is "three women have similar tastes in expensive ladies shoes" and the third "Two women who know each other didn't speak to each other at a social event with hundreds of people there"
That plus the fact that Katie and this Rose apparently aren't as big chums as they once used to be for reasons unknown, friendships wax and wane for all sorts of reasons.
If there was something more substantial such as him furtively leaving her apartment at 5am, going on holiday to the same place without their spouses or even the legendary sucking of toes then I don't doubt it would be plastered all over our own rags. If he is cheating on his wife then he is MUCH better at keeping it under wraps than his old man.
With Chucky even someone as disinterested as I was at the time couldn't help but know given the degree of coverage.
Because if it is true, and the German and Spanish media are very open about it all, he is cheating on his wife, the mother of his three children. I happen to feel such behaviour is shitty, where do you stand on this?

Further, he is next in line to be head of the Church of England, whilst religion is not my thing, there are millions of people who do follow it and to have the boss of it breaking one of the Ten Commandments, in the same way the current head of it did, well, bit crap.

I'm not familiar with those details but I agree, lying to one's partner is shitty. Shitty, although common and unremarkable, and imho no business of the people outside the relationship unless they're somehow directly involved. Certainly not a cause for a moral panic. As far as shitty behaviours go, lying is fairly petty.

But the issue I see here is not people picking on him for cheating, but rather specifically fixating on his sexual proclivities. I'm not as concerned about his feelings (I have some sympathy but the suffering of powerful rich people is pretty low on my priority list) as I am about other people's - who do engage in less mainstream sexual practices and then are encouraged to think of them as shameful by this kind of pile-ons.
tbf I would very much welcome his head being removed from the rest of his body, so couldn't give two fucks about what he gets up to.
Because if it is true, and the German and Spanish media are very open about it all, he is cheating on his wife, the mother of his three children. I happen to feel such behaviour is shitty, where do you stand on this?

Further, he is next in line to be head of the Church of England, whilst religion is not my thing, there are millions of people who do follow it and to have the boss of it breaking one of the Ten Commandments, in the same way the current head of it did, well, bit crap.
I went with my partner to see the Vicar of the local Church of England (pompous little twat who used to wear a gown type thing) about getting married and ended up in a disagreement about divorcees and marriage. When my partner paraphrased one of the ten commandments he replied the ten commandments were Jewish and not part of the Church Of England. Got married at the Town Hall instead.
I went with my partner to see the Vicar of the local Church of England (pompous little twat who used to wear a gown type thing) about getting married and ended up in a disagreement about divorcees and marriage. When my partner paraphrased one of the ten commandments he replied the ten commandments were Jewish and not part of the Church Of England. Got married at the Town Hall instead.

Fucking hell, proper mental these religious people.
Fucking hell, proper mental these religious people.
Apparently, he was 'high church ' or something. I told some mates of mine who naturally told mates of theirs that the vicar had said that my divorce was a problem in getting married in his church. One Friday night this fella called Brother John who was something to do with the church strolls into the pub in his brown cassock. He always came in Fridays and came over as a bit risque offering the info that he liked a joint and was fond of cider . We were talking to him about the vicars attitude and some pissed up bloke who I knew standing nearby came across and said to Brother John "If they can't get married in your church you can't drink in our pub, so fuck off".

Before you could say 'Jesus' the dope smoking brother legged it through the doors.
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Called my brother a loud mouthed oik so he can't be all bad. Though he just beaten him at football and it took HRH over 20 years to admit he cheated (was the only game my brothers team lost that season
Sure, but the UK media seems very quiet compared to them dastardly forrin ones...


Foreign media only publish genuine facts about the royals e.g:

Screenshot 2023-06-15 193812.pngScreenshot 2023-06-15 193646.png
Back to the shiny headed hero of the thread

He is planning to educate his children about homelessness. He could mention their poor uncle Harry, who got evicted by his wicked landlord from a small cottage (neither small nor a cottage) in Berkshire and had to emigrate.

Part of his solution is to build more social housing on duchy of Cornwall land. You might want to pause for a moment to recall that the duchy of Cornwall that has enriched itself for centuries by exploiting those subject to it (not just in Cornwall), for example by taking possession of freehold properties if the owner dies intestate.

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I'm not familiar with those details but I agree, lying to one's partner is shitty. Shitty, although common and unremarkable, and imho no business of the people outside the relationship unless they're somehow directly involved. Certainly not a cause for a moral panic. As far as shitty behaviours go, lying is fairly petty.


The personal morality of those appointed by god to become our sovereign, and more importantly those living in absurd luxury on the public teat their whole lives, is a matter of public concern. If they want freedom from scrutiny of their private lives they can give back all the shit they stole, admit that their very existence is a crime against reason and decency and go and live in their own filth under a canal bridge somewhere
What is pegging?

Thank you
Its perfectly innocent. Ignore the filth-mongers.

a sheet pegged on a washing line
Back to the shiny headed hero of the thread

He is planning to educate his children about homelessness. He could mention their poor uncle Harry, who got evicted by his wicked landlord from a small cottage (neither small nor a cottage) in Berkshire and had to emigrate.

Part of his solution is to build more social housing on duchy of Cornwall land. You might want to pause for a moment to recall that the duchy of Cornwall that has enriched itself for centuries by exploiting those subject to it (not just in Cornwall), for example by taking possession of freehold properties if the owner dies intestate.

His very own Poundbury!
How on earth can Hulk Hogan be worth at least $115m? Didn’t he just do some wrestling on television years ago?

The WWE just merged with UFC in a $21B deal. Hulk Hogan was their biggest star for the 80s and much of the 90s. Plus he sued Gawker for releasing a sex tape and was awarded massive compensation (that I don't believe he actually received).
The personal morality of those appointed by god to become our sovereign, and more importantly those living in absurd luxury on the public teat their whole lives, is a matter of public concern. If they want freedom from scrutiny of their private lives they can give back all the shit they stole, admit that their very existence is a crime against reason and decency and go and live in their own filth under a canal bridge somewhere

It's not about them, it's about us. If we're pecking at their petty shit, such as lying to their partners, we're adopting the mindset that legitimizes that kind of behaviour and will make us do the same to our peers. Public concern should be reserved to the other part of what you said - the public subsidizing the royals when we have real poverty in this country.
The WWE just merged with UFC in a $21B deal. Hulk Hogan was their biggest star for the 80s and much of the 90s. Plus he sued Gawker for releasing a sex tape and was awarded massive compensation (that I don't believe he actually received).
Well there’s a tape I won’t be looking for. I liked the Colin Farrell one. It remains the best of the genre.
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