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Fucking King Charles’s voiceover, and fucking ‘Britain welcomes everyone’ message during the NYE London fireworks

William actually seems the most normal of them all. I know it's a low bar. I wonder if he'll dress up like that when his old man moves on. I'd hope not. Look how fucking ridiculous Charles looks. I'm assuming that big cloak thing is fake fur, hmm, Charles?
I would stake money on it not being fake fur, to be honest.
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.

Someone should start a thread about how Urban75 has a lack of empathy for ordinary people who like the royal family, or something.
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
I've found that a lot of 'normal' people are starting to question what the royal family is actually for. Especially since the death of Queenie - a lot of people refused to hear a word against the monarchy while she was around, bless 'er.
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.

The metropolitan-elite, seen last year...

I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
This place, was it?

I saw that and others and was reminded me of his old mate Jimmy Savilles interview with Louis Theroux and keeping his moms musky clothes mothballed for many years in his wardrobe I find it really creepy make me wonder what the staff etc really think these days it must be a very fucked up job

View attachment 406702
You reckon she's dead?
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
So which group of people were out of touch, then? You and your "friends" who likened the royals to ticks, or the other table who likes the royals? And which group were the elites?
So which group of people were out of touch, then? You and your "friends" who likened the royals to ticks, or the other table who likes the royals? And which group were the elites?

Not sure why this is so complicated to understand but hopefully this clarifies:

My friend with the tick comment & also urban75 posters: metropolitan elite totally out of touch with the ordinary Brit.

The women from the other table: ordinary people (relatively speaking)

Me: not really pigeonhole-able, but aware of and empathic with a wide range of points of view.
Why were you in Glasgow is a more interesting question teuchter
I really don't understand why that's an interesting question. But I am confident that I have more solid & legitimate reasons for visiting Glasgow than at least 99% of posters here and I've not previously seen demands that visits to the city are justified in this way.
I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
Oh, and you didn’t give me a call?
I just sicked a little. Is this government so fucking desperate now to deem necessary to add political messages to the New Year London firework celebrations?

Fuck off already you fucking cunts :mad:

(Happy New Year to all Urban folk, by the way)

Having reviewed footage of the fireworks I can confirm the premise of the thread is false anyway. Not that anyone will care now they've got their putchforks warmed up.

There is no "everyone is welcome in britain" message.

They are the London fireworks, not arranged by the British goverment.

The text was "London a place for everyone".

Sadiq Kahn doesn't control UK immigration policy, nor does King Charles.

In fact King Charles has been openly critical of the current government's immigration policy so why is everyone getting all worked up about him being included in London's fireworks display?
Not sure why this is so complicated to understand but hopefully this clarifies:

My friend with the tick comment & also urban75 posters: metropolitan elite totally out of touch with the ordinary Brit.

The women from the other table: ordinary people (relatively speaking)

Me: not really pigeonhole-able, but aware of and empathic with a wide range of points of view.

Contrarian, narcissistic, bullshitter, devoid of empathy and racist. That's you and your king, combined, that is.
Having reviewed footage of the fireworks I can confirm the premise of the thread is false anyway. Not that anyone will care now they've got their putchforks warmed up.

There is no "everyone is welcome in britain" message.

They are the London fireworks, not arranged by the British goverment.

The text was "London a place for everyone".

Sadiq Kahn doesn't control UK immigration policy, nor does King Charles.

In fact King Charles has been openly critical of the current government's immigration policy so why is everyone getting all worked up about him being included in London's fireworks display?

I hate to agree with this, but I mostly do. I didn't really like Chuck being part of the celebrations, but in fairness it was a major event in London this year, and I liked what he said. The event is mainly aimed at tourists, and he is the King.

And yes, it was "London a place for everyone" which Khan has actually been consistent with in his messaging and - as far as he can - with his policies.

(My own video of the drones)


  • london a place for everyone.mp4
    7.3 MB
Not sure why this is so complicated to understand but hopefully this clarifies:

My friend with the tick comment & also urban75 posters: metropolitan elite totally out of touch with the ordinary Brit.

The women from the other table: ordinary people (relatively speaking)

Me: not really pigeonhole-able, but aware of and empathic with a wide range of points of view.

Struggling with the idea that I'm not an "ordinary Brit" just because I happen to post here.
I am certainly not any sort of elite.
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.

He looks increasingly like Tom Baker playing his mum in drag for some weird Channel 4 programme in the Nineties.
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