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Fucking King Charles’s voiceover, and fucking ‘Britain welcomes everyone’ message during the NYE London fireworks

I was in a pub in glasgow a couple of nights ago, and we had started talking to some Glaswegian folk at the adjacent table and one of my friends said something about the royal family being like ticks and one of those folk said that she quite liked the royal family actually.

Anyway it reminded me of how out of touch with normal people urban75 is. Just a load of metropolitan-elite whining threads like this one.
Last July I went for a walk around Belfast in Sandy Row, the Shankill, and Woodstock Road and there were Union Jacks everywhere and there were also loads of Scottish people visiting for the weekend from Glasgow dressed in orange parading around with Union Jacks. Just goes to show how out of touch Urban75 is with normal people who love their King and Country.

teuchter Glasgow is a notoriously sectarian city. One side of this sectarian side are Orange Order types who support Rangers and are fiercely pro-monarchy and pro-British. That you are unaware of this and perceive Royalist views in Glasgow as simply normal apolitical people (as opposed to what, the abnormal elite majority of the city who are left wing, Republican, pro-independence and support Celtic?) shows how badly out of touch YOU are with the country beyond the M25. As is so often the case, accusations from Londoners of others being an "out of touch metropolitan elite" are simply a form of projection by people who think everywhere beyond the M25 is basically like Essex.
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Oh come on he clearly posts tongue in cheek a lot of the time.
Contrarian is the only one that might be argued. He’s none of the rest.
They're one of the few posters I've finally blocked after realising just how boring and try hard they are. We're all "of an age" when it comes to messageboards, there's no time for certain posters' schtick any longer.
Big events like this are made for mainstream telly which is always going to go after populist sentiment. Like it or not much of Britain go hard for all that royal shit, especially in England. Personally I find it bizarre. But then I find lot of mainstream stuff bizarre in this country. You just have to like, tune it out maaan.
Last July I went for a walk around Belfast in Sandy Row, the Shankill, and Woodstock Road and there were Union Jacks everywhere and there were also loads of Scottish people visiting for the weekend from Glasgow dressed in orange parading around with Union Jacks. Just goes to show how out of touch Urban75 is with normal people who love their King and Country.

teuchter Glasgow is a notoriously sectarian city. One side of this sectarian side are Orange Order types who support Rangers and are fiercely pro-monarchy and pro-British. That you are unaware of this and perceive Royalist views in Glasgow as simply normal apolitical people (as opposed to what, the abnormal elite majority of the city who are left wing, Republican, pro-independence and support Celtic?) shows how badly out of touch YOU are with the country beyond the M25. As is so often the case, accusations from Londoners of others being an "out of touch metropolitan elite" are simply a form of projection by people who think everywhere beyond the M25 is basically like Essex.
I see - so basically what you are saying is that urban75 is a secret conspiracy of Celtic supporters and that's why everyone on it hates the Royal Family. Interesting.
Having reviewed footage of the fireworks I can confirm the premise of the thread is false anyway. Not that anyone will care now they've got their putchforks warmed up.

There is no "everyone is welcome in britain" message.

They are the London fireworks, not arranged by the British goverment.

The text was "London a place for everyone".

Sadiq Kahn doesn't control UK immigration policy, nor does King Charles.

In fact King Charles has been openly critical of the current government's immigration policy so why is everyone getting all worked up about him being included in London's fireworks display?
Admittedly I was a bit pissed when I put the fireworks on so it seems I got part the drone display message wrong. However, I stand by the premise of the thread. Adding a voiceover from the incumbent parasite head of State on a fireworks display is preposterous, embarrassing, and undoubtedly a needless political move. And even if it was the Mayor of London who saw fit, I am sure with the best intentions, to add a message about everyone being welcome here, the tragic fact is that by no means everyone is welcome in this country at all, and countless people would never be able to reach the including sanctuary Kahn would like London to be.

The only falsehood here is your alleged pub anecdote, of course. But everyone already knows that.
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he text was "London a place for everyone".

Sadiq Kahn doesn't control UK immigration policy, nor does King Charles.

In fact King Charles has been openly critical of the current government's immigration policy so why is everyone getting all worked up about him being included in London's fireworks display?
i) I would disagree that “London is a place for everyone”. There are many senses in which that is not true. It is not a place for my father, who lives in a rural small-town in Scotland and doesn’t leave it except for hospital appointments. He no longer drives and doesn’t have the confidence to use public transport, and attend hospital appointments either with the help of family or a specialised pick up service. I really don’t think he’d enjoy a visit to London these days.

ii) the reasons people are getting worked up by King Charles’ involvement in the London firework display may be unconnected with immigration policy, in which case it would be irrelevant whether King Charles is responsible, supportive, or neutral on the matter.

iii) it is not the case that “everyone” is “worked up” by the contents of the London New Year firework display. For example, I have not seen the London firework display (outwith the static thumbnail that appeared on the BBC news website, leading to a story I didn’t click). I don’t enjoy fireworks and so tend to avoid coverage of firework displays. I am therefore not worked up about the contents of this particular firework display. (My general feeling is unfavourable, but I think if they absolutely must happen they are better being publicly run events held on a restricted number of days in the year).

I should add as a disclaimer that I am opposed to monarchy in general and specifically to the British Monarchy. I feel that it would be better for the mental well-being of the members of the family in question were they to be excused from the obligation, and left to pursue their lives as private individuals. I would not leave the choice to them, since they are not in a position to decide what would be best for themselves, due to institutionalisation and delusion.
i) I would disagree that “London is a place for everyone”. There are many senses in which that is not true. It is not a place for my father, who lives in a rural small-town in Scotland and doesn’t leave it except for hospital appointments. He no longer drives and doesn’t have the confidence to use public transport, and attend hospital appointments either with the help of family or a specialised pick up service. I really don’t think he’d enjoy a visit to London these days.

ii) the reasons people are getting worked up by King Charles’ involvement in the London firework display may be unconnected with immigration policy, in which case it would be irrelevant whether King Charles is responsible, supportive, or neutral on the matter.

iii) it is not the case that “everyone” is “worked up” by the contents of the London New Year firework display. For example, I have not seen the London firework display (outwith the static thumbnail that appeared on the BBC news website, leading to a story I didn’t click). I don’t enjoy fireworks and so tend to avoid coverage of firework displays. I am therefore not worked up about the contents of this particular firework display. (My general feeling is unfavourable, but I think if they absolutely must happen they are better being publicly run events held on a restricted number of days in the year).

I should add as a disclaimer that I am opposed to monarchy in general and specifically to the British Monarchy. I feel that it would be better for the mental well-being of the members of the family in question were they to be excused from the obligation, and left to pursue their lives as private individuals. I would not leave the choice to them, since they are not in a position to decide what would be best for themselves, due to institutionalisation and delusion.
Yes, if "royalists" really cared for the mental welfare of the Windsor family, they would call for the institution to be abolished. It is cruel to create people divorced from everyday life.
I know it’s not fashionable to say so, but the Monarchy doesn’t just cause damage to the psyche of our society: it causes damage to the members of the institution. It’s not good for their mental health.

The Crown was based on that idea, that the monarchy results in distortion of personalities, and alienation, and it was a pretty popular series. Also all the interest in Diana and what's his name...Harry. So I don't know if it's not fashionable or otherwise, Unless you mean here, but this isn't a fashionable forum of any kind so it's a very limited idea of fashionable.
The Crown was based on that idea, that the monarchy results in distortion of personalities, and alienation, and it was a pretty popular series. Also all the interest in Diana and what's his name...Harry. So I don't know if it's not fashionable or otherwise, Unless you mean here, but this isn't a fashionable forum of any kind so it's a very limited idea of fashionable.
I wasn’t being entirely serious when I said “fashionable”. I did mean with regards to this place, though. So I was employing irony. And although I do think the monarchy damages the Windsor family, I don’t really think that’s the main argument against monarchy. Though it’s certainly a valid argument.

I haven’t watched the Crown.
I wasn’t being entirely serious when I said “fashionable”. I did mean with regards to this place, though. So I was employing irony. And although I do think the monarchy damages the Windsor family, I don’t really think that’s the main argument against monarchy. Though it’s certainly a valid argument.

I haven’t watched the Crown.

No worries Danny, not being entirely serious myself.

I did watch The Crown though.
Sorry, not the tickets to view - I meant the cost of the flashy bangs and drones ...

2 to 3 million quid apparently, but that includes the cost of staging and managing the event too. Only about £300k on actual fireworks and they get about £1m back in ticket sales.
I watched the first episode of Season 1 and decided it was boring as fuck and never watched another. Mrs Q however stuck with it to the bitter end. I understand there was a major plot twist in Season 6 that no-one saw coming where a key character was either assassinated by MI6 or possibly died in a car crash. They must be what 20 years behind reality now? (much like the royal family) Enjoyed The Windsors though.
So a net loss of possibly over £1m for ten minutes of overblown festivites. Seems good value for money...

Pah. It's a drop in the ocean really isn't it?

Part of living in a society that values the traditions of xmas and new year, which is most of the west. There are scores of examples of misspent funds I'd get far more pissed-off about before a few hundred grands worth of fireworks once a year.
i) I would disagree that “London is a place for everyone”. There are many senses in which that is not true. It is not a place for my father, who lives in a rural small-town in Scotland and doesn’t leave it except for hospital appointments. He no longer drives and doesn’t have the confidence to use public transport, and attend hospital appointments either with the help of family or a specialised pick up service. I really don’t think he’d enjoy a visit to London these days.

ii) the reasons people are getting worked up by King Charles’ involvement in the London firework display may be unconnected with immigration policy, in which case it would be irrelevant whether King Charles is responsible, supportive, or neutral on the matter.

iii) it is not the case that “everyone” is “worked up” by the contents of the London New Year firework display. For example, I have not seen the London firework display (outwith the static thumbnail that appeared on the BBC news website, leading to a story I didn’t click). I don’t enjoy fireworks and so tend to avoid coverage of firework displays. I am therefore not worked up about the contents of this particular firework display. (My general feeling is unfavourable, but I think if they absolutely must happen they are better being publicly run events held on a restricted number of days in the year).

I should add as a disclaimer that I am opposed to monarchy in general and specifically to the British Monarchy. I feel that it would be better for the mental well-being of the members of the family in question were they to be excused from the obligation, and left to pursue their lives as private individuals. I would not leave the choice to them, since they are not in a position to decide what would be best for themselves, due to institutionalisation and delusion.

All of this might be true but it remains the case that the thread premise is basically nonsense and made up. King Charles may not be perfect but let's just be thankful that our monarchy and fireworks displays are not in the hands of someone like T & P, who has now admitted he was blind drunk when he posted this thread.
All of this might be true but it remains the case that the thread premise is basically nonsense and made up. King Charles may not be perfect but let's just be thankful that our monarchy and fireworks displays are not in the hands of someone like T & P, who has now admitted he was blind drunk when he posted this thread.
The only thing that's made up is your entire pub encounter.

Your attempts at shit-stirring and trolling are getting worse by the day.
All of this might be true but it remains the case that the thread premise is basically nonsense and made up. King Charles may not be perfect but let's just be thankful that our monarchy and fireworks displays are not in the hands of someone like T & P, who has now admitted he was blind drunk when he posted this thread.
I have every reason to believe that our government and monarchy are indeed pissed most of the time. The Houses of Parliament have many subsidised bars on the work premises, and these are heavily used during the times business is in session. So drunk are the MPs that there are many reports of boorish behaviour and worse, including sexual assault on the premises. Furthermore, evidence of cocaine use has been discovered in close proximity to where very important decisions are made.

I am much more relaxed about people posting drunk on this corner of the internet than in the state of inebriation of those in charge of the nuclear buttons.
I have every reason to believe that our government and monarchy are indeed pissed most of the time. The Houses of Parliament have many subsidised bars on the work premises, and these are heavily used during the times business is in session. So drunk are the MPs that there are many reports of boorish behaviour and worse, including sexual assault on the premises. Furthermore, evidence of cocaine use has been discovered in close proximity to where very important decisions are made.

I am much more relaxed about people posting drunk on this corner of the internet than in the state of inebriation of those in charge of the nuclear buttons.
While the houses of parliament might indeed be full of drunkards from elsewhere in the country, Londoners have sensibly elected a teetotal muslim as their Mayor.
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