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you started a thread and people are taking part, what did you want out of it?
I'm not asking people here questions, I'm just asking some big questions, and that is ok, but if anyone else out there is like minded in this respect, then it's always good to hear your views also.
only like minded people?
I'm not asking people here questions, I'm just asking some big questions, and that is ok, but if anyone else out there is like minded in this respect, then it's always good to hear your views also.
one last question!
what big questions?
I don't understand why people are so bothered, I respect that you have different views to me.
Things may not be as they seem, I don't know why, but that isn't the point, the point is that I am asking the question, but I don't yet know the answers.
People are concerned that you're being sucked into some really quite batshit stuff that may have a bad effect on your mental health.

of course it's good to have an open mind and explore new things. The Internet can be very good for that - but it's also full of things that are batshit or just plain junk or racist or offensive or people's delusions. Just like junk food, that stuff is not good for us.
how are they not how they seem? who is behind it all?
That I cannot answer.
Well, I could, but I don't want to here, I am sure I will find a place sometime, where I can express my views and not feel judged by others.
That I cannot answer.
Well, I could, but I don't want to here, I am sure I will find a place sometime, where I can express my views and not feel judged by others.
so you just want people to agree with you?
go on, who's behind it? I want to learn
you started a thread and people are taking part, what did you want out of it?
Well, you are entitled to your views, but I am entitled to my feelings as well. I always took these forums to be more further away from mainstream than it seems, and maybe that is my mistake, but that's ok.
I keep repeating, I do not believe in chemtrails, I am just asking the question, not here though, just in my own head, whether there is a possibility that some of them are not contrails.
I thought that there may be some others who could relate to me, but so far, no one has been able to, well, I accept that, but this thread is open to anyone in the future, who wants to write to it, who has views along the same vein as mine, not that I am waiting, again, just playing with the possibilitys and exploring what those possibilities might look like.
I have people around me offline who have similar views.
We also have many patriotic views and anti immigration views here, but that's not my thing, I am pro immigrant, but I accept that others are not, and that I cannot force them to be so.
Same here
That I cannot answer.
Well, I could, but I don't want to here, I am sure I will find a place sometime, where I can express my views and not feel judged by others.
I like to have my views judged because it can help me decide whether they're right or not. Understand if you don't want hostility but if you head off to an echo chamber that won't make things clearer either, just suck you further in.
People are concerned that you're being sucked into some really quite batshit stuff that may have a bad effect on your mental health.

of course it's good to have an open mind and explore new things. The Internet can be very good for that - but it's also full of things that are batshit or just plain junk or racist or offensive or people's delusions. Just like junk food, that stuff is not good for us.
No, I am not being sucked into some crazy batshit stuff, it's stuff that has been this way for quite some time.
As the years go by, I pick up more information along the way.
Give me credit for not being sucked into things that are not good for me. I know what food, metaphorically, is bad for me, and i know what is good for me, but I am also open to learning along the way, as learning is part of the meaning of life to me.
I'm not aware that I have posted racist or offensive stuff, but please, anyone, bring any of this to my attention if you see something I haven't.
Well, you are entitled to your views, but I am entitled to my feelings as well. I always took these forums to be more further away from mainstream than it seems, and maybe that is my mistake, but that's ok.
I keep repeating, I do not believe in chemtrails, I am just asking the question, not here though, just in my own head, whether there is a possibility that some of them are not contrails.
I thought that there may be some others who could relate to me, but so far, no one has been able to, well, I accept that, but this thread is open to anyone in the future, who wants to write to it, who has views along the same vein as mine, not that I am waiting, again, just playing with the possibilitys and exploring what those possibilities might look like.
(my bold)
I have people around me offline who have similar views.
We also have many patriotic views and anti immigration views here
, but that's not my thing, I am pro immigrant, but I accept that others are not, and that I cannot force them to be so.
Same here
(my bold)
guessed that might be the case, will you look at both sides of the theories when considering them?
I don't think we do tbh, the odd 1 or 2 but not many
Does this thread need some kittens?

Do we even still do kittens?
Aahhh, kittaighns, kittaynes, kittens.
I used to keep cats. I love cats.
I have nothing else to say, right now, on this subject, so anyone can add what they like so long as it doesn't get derailed and onto a thread about something else, because I hate it when I am reading a forum post, that I came by from a google search about a specific subject and then the subject changes to something totally different.
Say, someone's experience of a supplement, and the thread ends up on whatever was on tv last night.
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No, I am not being sucked into some crazy batshit stuff, it's stuff that has been this way for quite some time.
As the years go by, I pick up more information along the way.
Give me credit for not being sucked into things that are not good for me. I know what food, metaphorically, is bad for me, and i know what is good for me, but I am also open to learning along the way, as learning is part of the meaning of life to me.
I'm not aware that I have posted racist or offensive stuff, but please, anyone, bring any of this to my attention if you see something I haven't.
read what I wrote. I did not say YOU posted anything racist or offensive. I said the Internet was full of that crap.

This is why there is concern about some of the videos you are posting.
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