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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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If you insist that phrases have no standing apart from their component words: I imagine you're now wearing woad?

E2A: "Old fashion" see?

Yep, I take that point although the analogy you make has no positive or negative connotation. The use of "conspiracy theory" as pejorative is unfortunate in a lot of ways.
The problem with conspiracy theories isn't 'conspiracy' so much as 'theory'. Sure conspiracies happen and occasionally conspiracy theorists get in on the act when they do. For example some of them love a bit of Operation Gladio and the P2 Vatican masonic lodge, but that doesn't mean that Operation Gladio didn't happen and P2 didn't exist. These events are a matter of public record. The problem is to do with an uncritical theorising which places conspiracies at the centre of explaining the course of events and seems incapable of evaluating whether alleged conspiracies actually happened or not.
But almost entirely self-inflicted -- I mean self-inflicted by so many theorists' complete irrationality ... they invite the pejorative reactions themselves.

Who are "they"? People who think the WMD were a phoney construct from the off? Those who questioned the Met over the killings of De Menezes, Tomlinson, Duggan?

All people with a theory about a conspiracy. All proved 100% correct. And everyone knows there are other countless instances.

What "conspiracy theory" has come to mean to too many people is "a conspiracy theory I don't agree with". It's a mis use of language and plays into the hands of orthodox narratives.
I was just wondering... Is there ANYONE who DOESN'T think you are a cunt?

This greatly amuses me - lol :D

At first I thought - I don't remember posting that. :facepalm: :D

Just for information, I file all conspiraloons as either 'fuckwits' or 'dangerous fuckwits', it seems the best description for idiots that believe in ridiculous nonsense despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary and common bloody sense.
Who are "they"? People who think the WMD were a phoney construct from the off? Those who questioned the Met over the killings of De Menezes, Tomlinson, Duggan?

All people with a theory about a conspiracy. All proved 100% correct. And everyone knows there are other countless instances.

What "conspiracy theory" has come to mean to too many people is "a conspiracy theory I don't agree with". It's a mis use of language and plays into the hands of orthodox narratives.
No it means theories that are bonkers bruno, so bonkers bruno in fact that they have to try and cloak themselves in the exposure of real serious malpractice, corruption and so on just to gain any credibility. And you've just given a perfect example of an attempt to do that.

I'd have more respect if you didn't bother with this pretence - this keeping the wilder side of your views under wraps. Let your inner loon out, let it run free!
Who are "they"? People who think the WMD were a phoney construct from the off? Those who questioned the Met over the killings of De Menezes, Tomlinson, Duggan?

All people with a theory about a conspiracy. All proved 100% correct. And everyone knows there are other countless instances.

What "conspiracy theory" has come to mean to too many people is "a conspiracy theory I don't agree with". It's a mis use of language and plays into the hands of orthodox narratives.

You're wildly misusing the term conspiracy theory yourself in that post -- butchers has it right.
So a 'conspiracy theory' isn't actually a theory about a conspiracy, but a theory that is batshit mental.

And what term would we use for a theory about a conspiracy, then?

Are you suggesting that everyone who believes that the events of 9/11 were caused by a conspiracy carried out by a secretive network of Wahhabist islamists should be labeled a conspiracy theorists? Conspiracy theories aren't about conspiracies, they are about events. Typically, they involve uncritically speculating about hypothetical conspiracies to explain these events and a reluctance to consider evidence that contradicts the conspiracy theory.

They also give a causal emphasis to conspiracies - imaginary or otherwise - that is unhelpful, as it prevents people from looking for other wider causes. 9/11 was caused directly by a conspiracy. Everyone agrees on that, even if we disagree about who was in on it. But, if we accept that it was a network of Islamist militants, rather than an inside job, the conspiratorial aspect is almost irrelevant to a wider discussion about why it happened. The questions become: Why did the plot happen? What can we learn from it? How can we avoid this sort of situation in the future? How should 'we' respond?

In general, conspiracy theories leads to passivity, paranoia and isolation for those who are sucked in by them.
You're wildly misusing the term conspiracy theory yourself in that post -- butchers has it right.

Here we go again. A "conspiracy theory" isn't a theory about conspiracies at all. Oh noes, how but could it be? It really means "A theory we deign to be stupid unless and until it actually turns out to have been true"

Butchers - thank you for the kind invitation to let my inner loon run free, but there is really no need for me to bother expressing my often vague opinions when I have you around to tell me what I think.
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