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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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I have, surprise surprise, some degree of knowledge of how assassins operate. And that includes the 'lone gunman' type like Oswald.
yeh? don't you think that it's more likely that oswald might have meant to kill the one person in that car he had a genuine grievance for, rather than jfk?

I'm from a military family. Hence I know more than the average civilian does about weapons and their effect on the human body. Not everything, but enough to be certain in my own mind that Oswald fired the shots.

I'm a crime writer. I have, surprise surprise, some degree of knowledge of how assassins operate. And that includes the 'lone gunman' type like Oswald.

I've fired rifles with live rounds, having received tuition in shooting, gunshot wounds and the ballistics thereof, from a combat veteran of 21 years military service, which included some six years of warfare at the very least.

If you want to convince me then you'd have to do a lot better than three or four people I've never even heard of telling me something that goes against what the aforementioned combat veteran (and my own experience) taught me, I'm afraid.

On a side note, there is a certain irony in that a thread that originally started out noting that the number of conspiracy theories and their exponents seems to have risen in the internet age, has itself descended into yet another hoary old conspiracy thread.

That's as maybe, but the fact is your previous post had nothing at all to do with the scenario as outlined in the video. Why don't you watch it, rather than waffling?
It's really not difficult is it 8den. Why don't you calm down and have a nice cup of tea?

Ah, so accused paramedics of murdering someone they are trying to save isn't a big deal.

Jazzz would you just fuck off and die, so can be buried, decomposing, become worm food and start to perform some useful function in society.
:rolleyes: this isn't the 'magic bullet' critique, and the car layout doesn't matter

Yes it does you fucking numpity Connally was lower and further to the right of Kennedy, and the trajectory of your video ignores that. If you accept the fact that Connally was further to the right, its unlikely your fourth bullet could have hit Kennedy without passing through Connally.
Ah, so accused paramedics of murdering someone they are trying to save isn't a big deal.

Jazzz would you just fuck off and die, so can be buried, decomposing, become worm food and start to perform some useful function in society.
I think people have got the general gist, as it were 8den. Perhaps you should have anger management? These are bulletin boards, people will say things that you may object to strongly, but if you flood threads with abuse like that maybe there's something you should look at inside yourself?
Yes it does you fucking numpity Connally was lower and further to the right of Kennedy, and the trajectory of your video ignores that. If you accept the fact that Connally was further to the right, its unlikely your fourth bullet could have hit Kennedy without passing through Connally.
You're just waving your hands around. You certainly haven't done the maths.
yeh? don't you think that it's more likely that oswald might have meant to kill the one person in that car he had a genuine grievance for, rather than jfk?

I doubt it.

Oswald wasn't a poor a shot as his many detractors have claimed. In point of fact, Oswald qualified for the US Marine Corps Sharpshooter badge and it wasn't until he was given his second court martial that he began to lose interest in marksmanship.

It is possible that Oswald was aiming for someone other than Kennedy, granted, but I doubt very much that he was. Marine Corps Sharpshooters usually hit what they aim at, as a rule.
yeh? and how much had oswald been practicing since he departed the usmc with a dishonourable discharge?

Only Oswald is likely to know how much he'd been practicing and he's dead, so is somewhat beyond being questioned on the subject. The fact remains that Oswald was a perfectly good shot when he wanted to be, although no marksman is ever perfect.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste time on another conspiracy thread. I've got other things that need doing and I didn't intend to get this involved in the thread anyway.
You're just waving your hands around. You certainly haven't done the maths.

I have you twat. The video you mentioned completely ignores the seating difference between Connally and Kennedy.

Hey Jazzz lets play wriggle out of this one.

Was Kennedy's seat directly behind Connally's and at the same Height. Yes or No?
I've got other things that need doing and I didn't intend to get this involved in the thread anyway.

This conspiracy to waste my time must cease, or I will unleash the new world ostrich to set your pants on fire.
yeh? and how much had oswald been practicing since he departed the usmc with a dishonourable discharge?

Oswald graduated the USMC with a sharpshooter grade. It made him a mediocre shot by marine standards, but compared to most of us it made him an excellent shot.

Kennedy was travelling at around walking speed on a horizontal axis. This is the perfect line for a marksman. It's easier to hit someone travelling on a mainly Y axis than on the X axis.

It wasn't a hard shot to make. Oswald had three chances and over 3 seconds per shot. Any competent marksman could make it.
I think people have got the general gist, as it were 8den. Perhaps you should have anger management? These are bulletin boards, people will say things that you may object to strongly, but if you flood threads with abuse like that maybe there's something you should look at inside yourself?

This faux "Oh man chill" attitude would be sweet but Jazzz we've seen you lose it so completely here on several occasions, it would be like the pot calling the kettle something that their employers would have to send them on a cultural and racial sensitivity course.
Doesn't change the fact that Oswald was trying to shoot someone with the rifle's range and within his basic training skill set.

And again Oswald wasn't a sniper he was an adequately trained marksman
the point still stands that shooting skills atrophy. where's the evidence that he'd maintained the skills he had in the military prior to 22/11/63?
This faux "Oh man chill" attitude would be sweet but Jazzz we've seen you lose it so completely here on several occasions, it would be like the pot calling the kettle something that their employers would have to send them on a cultural and racial sensitivity course.
It's also sneeringly patronising, and thus completely hypocritical coming from someone pretending to occupy the moral high ground. Abuse is abuse. Swear words aren't a pre-requisite. Although they do help. :)
She was alive after the crash. The assassination was completed in the ambulance.
You were there, were you? :rolleyes:

The unflinching certainty of your argument undermines your credibility. You could at least have the humility to acknowledge that regardless of your personal belief, the case is far from proven.
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