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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Yes, but voices in your head, and stuff showing up on radar, a mile long, wittnessed by 2 pilots and a plane load of passengers..... Are 2 different things, completly.
Physically verifiable phenomena are different, yeah. But that still doesn't prove that there are aliens in the sky.
ok, no, it's not actual proof. But if you can come up with a good explanation for 2, 1 mile long objects floating in the sky, one of which appeared as if from nowhere, then I'm all ears. :D
ok, no, it's not actual proof. But if you can come up with a good explanation for 2, 1 mile long objects floating in the sky, one of which appeared as if from nowhere, then I'm all ears. :D
Haven't got a clue. But given the very limited perspective of human beings, and our relatively young science, I think it's a bit of a leap to assume that Occam's Razor demonstrates that aliens are the most likely explanation.
I think using Occams razor as a "rule" for anything, is a bit of a leap. But folk round here do love to trot it out every now and then to try and "prove" a point. ;) (not winking at you btw, just in general)
I think using Occams razor as a "rule" for anything, is a bit of a leap. But folk round here do love to trot it out every now and then to try and "prove" a point. ;) (not winking at you btw, just in general)
Yeah, I agree. OC doesn't prove anything, it's just a good rule of thumb for checking whether sound logic is being applied.
No, folic acid in the bread, iodine in the salt and flouride in the water!


OK, I'm going to bite. What do you think the real story with John Lennon and Diana was, then?

John Lennon? Who knows. He was a major embarrassment to gung ho warmongers, and he was absolutely HUGE. Some loner bumped him off and various things just didn't add up ensued (if i cared i would look into that for you)

Diana, see my 9 million posts before this. Or briefly, Driver had complete memory wipeout of the most tragic night of his life, had thousands of euros paid into his account shortly beforehand by spooks. She was deeing a coloured gentlemen and was rumoured to be pregnant to him (and last i remember the Royals were not up on the old race relations). The cameras on the tunnel were pointing the wrong way, the media went way over the top in branding anyone suspicious as a loon including a grieving father.
None of this i got from a dodgy website by the way
Not what i claimed at all, but you can go ahead and put words in my mouth if you like.

But if thousands of people, every year, report things in the sky. Including qualified pilots, top military personal. With objects showing on radar, time and time again. Then a logical conclusion would be, that there is something going on that we don't fully understand. Occams razor says that the simplest solution is the right one. Now, the simplest solution, for thousands of reports, many of which are from qualified observers, WITH radar evidence. Would be that they are telling the truth. Not that they are all bonkers. It's quite simple, really.

That doesn't mean that a variety of unexplained phenomena can only be adequately explained by intelligent extraterrestrial craft.
Driver had complete memory wipeout of the most tragic night of his life,

Er yeah, thats by product of being, y'know dead. You mean the bodyguard. And weirdly people suffering from amnesia after massive head trauma caused by a traffic accident isn't uncome.

had thousands of euros paid into his account shortly beforehand by spooks.

Source please.

She was deeing a coloured gentlemen

She had been seeing surgeon Hasnat Khan for two years before Dodi.

and was rumoured to be pregnant to him

Baseless her autopsy showed she wasn't pregnant.

(and last i remember the Royals were not up on the old race relations). The cameras on the tunnel were pointing the wrong way, the media went way over the top in branding anyone suspicious as a loon including a grieving father.

The grieving father is a loon.

None of this i got from a dodgy website by the way

Well done congratulations you read the fucking express then.

You clearly are deficient on the facts.
oops i meant the survivor!! I can't remember his name, or care.

you mean Trevor Rees-Jones, who "suffered serious head injuries in the crash. His face was flattened: numerous bones were broken or crushed. His face was reconstructed from family photographs by a maxillofacial surgeon, Luc Chikhani, using about 150 pieces of titanium to hold the bones together and recreate the original shape."

Hardly surprising he lost his memory is it? And it wasn't him that had thousands in his bank accounts, so that debunks that one.

Get real - drunk driver, speeding, has accident, passengers not wearing seatbelts = death.
you mean Trevor Rees-Jones, who "suffered serious head injuries in the crash. His face was flattened: numerous bones were broken or crushed. His face was reconstructed from family photographs by a maxillofacial surgeon, Luc Chikhani, using about 150 pieces of titanium to hold the bones together and recreate the original shape."

Hardly surprising he lost his memory is it? And it wasn't him that had thousands in his bank accounts, so that debunks that one.

Get real - drunk driver, speeding, has accident, passengers not wearing seatbelts = death.

you may even be right. I wasn't there. But to say that she was DEFINATELY NOT BUMPED OFF is equally as absurd. YOU weren't there either.
you may even be right. I wasn't there. But to say that she was DEFINATELY NOT BUMPED OFF is equally as absurd. YOU weren't there either.


There is no evidence of a conspiracy. No white fiat.

Drunk driver speeds through streets and crashes, only person to survive is the only person wearing a fucking seatbelt.

It'd be a bit of shit assassination if it could have been thwarted by Diana belting up you fucking muppet.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy. No white fiat.

Drunk driver speeds through streets and crashes, only person to survive is the only person wearing a fucking seatbelt.

It'd be a bit of shit assassination if it could have been thwarted by Diana belting up you fucking muppet.

Yeah right, "she's got a seatbelt on, abandon the assassination!"
Yeah right, "she's got a seatbelt on, abandon the assassination!"

Are you defective. Are you a complete idiot? Why would you risk killing one of the most famous person in the world in a conspiracy that would bring down the english establishment, in a manner than could be defeated by a fucking seatbelt?

Never mind she was only casually shagging Dodi, theres no evidence they were engaged, and no evidence she was pregnant. You're digging yourself in deeper here you fucking dingbat.
Are you defective. Are you a complete idiot? Why would you risk killing one of the most famous person in the world in a conspiracy that would bring down the english establishment, in a manner than could be defeated by a fucking seatbelt?

Never mind she was only casually shagging Dodi, theres no evidence they were engaged, and no evidence she was pregnant. You're digging yourself in deeper here you fucking dingbat.
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. :D
The 'national outpouring of grief' (tm) was far more suspicious than the circumstances of her death. Who stole the Stiff Upper Lip?

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