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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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please stop quoting him at me. He may be very, very good at some things, but he's also very, very bad at others. The official stories bandied about on this subject, from the goverments ect, are pretty much all bullshit. Now, Mr Bad Astronomy will only take his references and stuff, from credible sources, and that's perfect for some subjects, but it doesn't work when the official sources don't tell you what's actually going on. Becasue they are telling you porkies. That's the whole conspiracy, the cover up. And there has been, and still is one.

There's a doc, made for the history chanel, called "I know what I saw" It has the pilot, and a shed load of highly credible witnesses. It also has the pictures of the radar images (of that and other cases), and the transcripts/recordings from the black box recordings. "why is it ufos are only seen by rednecks named Bubba" :D http://video.google.co.uk/videosear...&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wv&view=2&dur=3 It's on there. If you got an hour and a half spare, check it out :)

I believe :cool:
The thing with most conspiracies that gives them some legs is that there is motive, often multiple motives, why someone might have been bumped off. People jump on that and then go looking for any evidence to backup the theory, no matter how silly the evidence is.

I would certainly not bet my life that such conspiracies are untrue, nor would I bet my life that they were true. Some of them are a bit more plausible than many posters on here suggest, but thats not the same as there being any decent proof that any of them are true.
please stop quoting him at me.

I didn't quote "him" at you. I quoted the air traffic controller, who was in the best position to say whether anything showed up on the radar. He said that nothing showed up on the radar.

If you think you can refute his evidence, do so on the appropriate thread instead of derailing this one. Likewise if you think you can substanciate your claim about an object "a mile wide", as I asked you to do at the time.
Well, if you watch that video, you'll heart it from the pilot, who has the tape recording, half an hour of taped radar, the official FAA report and a chart with all of the objects that should have been in the sky. Not bad for an event that never happened. :D
Alien and JFK conspiracies were the ones that used to get quite a lot of attention in the mass media in the days before widespread internet access. At least there is more variety now ;)
Does anyone think that if the IRA were just at the stage of doing mainland bombing campaign now, there would be more conspiracy theories about attacks, due to the internets?
Does anyone think that if the IRA were just at the stage of doing mainland bombing campaign now, there would be more conspiracy theories about attacks, due to the internets?

Definatly. It'd all be part of the new world orders plan to bring in martial law, so that they can kill us all in prison camps. And lets not forget the false flag attack conspiracies. They'd love it.
Does anyone think that if the IRA were just at the stage of doing mainland bombing campaign now, there would be more conspiracy theories about attacks, due to the internets?

Alex Jones claims that the Omagh bombing was carried by British Security services.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy. No white fiat.

Drunk driver speeds through streets and crashes, only person to survive is the only person wearing a fucking seatbelt.

It'd be a bit of shit assassination if it could have been thwarted by Diana belting up you fucking muppet.

She was alive after the crash. The assassination was completed in the ambulance.
She was alive after the crash. The assassination was completed in the ambulance.

Of course it was. :)

*now where did I leave his meds*

She was alive after the crash. The assassination was completed in the ambulance.

Ah accusing a team of Parisian paramedics of murdering someone, without a shred of evidence. Dr Jazzz ladies and gentlemen, just so classy.
I'm not dismissig Zapruder you fucking twat, I'm dismissing the quality of the blow up and video compression.

No it claims the exit wound is the same as the entry wound of another bullet.
It claims that the exit wound is a dislodged piece of skull that was hanging still attached to the scalp, resulting in the grotesque frame of the Zapruder film. It provides a very good explanation for that, and the video quality is quite good enough.

The implication is that that could only be an exit wound.

You haven't actually pointed out where this reasoning is going wrong, and really without that I have to consider that this is a strong piece of evidence.

Is the word "trajectory" in your vocabulary. The bullet was travelling upwards, either the sniper was traveling on a skateboard alongside the car, or the bullet was fired from fucking middle earth.
You seem to be the one not getting it. The alleged angle of the shot is 3-4 degrees upwards and 22 degrees from the side (I guess from the storm drain). There would be absolutely no problem with interference.

She was holding his head you fucking dullard.
It claims that the exit wound is a dislodged piece of skull that was hanging still attached to the scalp, resulting in the grotesque frame of the Zapruder film. It provides a very good explanation for that, and the video quality is quite good enough.

The implication is that that could only be an exit wound.

The implication is wrong, it's perfectly acceptable that it could be an entrance wound.

You haven't actually pointed out where this reasoning is going wrong, and really without that I have to consider that this is a strong piece of evidence.

You seem to be the one not getting it. The alleged angle of the shot is 3-4 degrees upwards and 22 degrees from the side (I guess from the storm drain). There would be absolutely no problem with interference.


Your sketch of the car ignored the actual layout of the car, and how Connally would have been in the way.

And the "guh huh" you guess. The storm drain would have been near dozens of witnesses.

Oswald could have made the three shots that caused all the wounds. Your first job is to refute that Oswald couldn't have made the shots. Not for me, to find some fictitious shooter you guess might have been somewhere.
Ah accusing a team of Parisian paramedics of murdering someone, without a shred of evidence. Dr Jazzz ladies and gentlemen, just so classy.

I'm telling you how it happened. You made that good point that such an assassination attempt would be silly if you could not be sure of killing the person with the crash. And you couldn't.

You can, however, control the scene immediately after. Now was it really a coincidence (in addition to all the CCTV mysteriously not working in the tunnel) that a doctor was on scene the very next minute, an ambulance extremely quickly... and then.... it takes fully 95 minutes to drive Diana to hospital? That's plenty of time to let someone die.
I'm telling you how it happened. You made that good point that such an assassination attempt would be silly if you could not be sure of killing the person with the crash. And you couldn't.

You can, however, control the scene immediately after. Now was it really a coincidence (in addition to all the CCTV mysteriously not working in the tunnel) that a doctor was on scene the very next minute, an ambulance extremely quickly... and then.... it takes fully 95 minutes to drive Diana to hospital? That's plenty of time to let someone die.

And you fucking contemptible little obnoxious shit, you worthless little worm, you'd know that in the UK and US paramedics work in a stabilise and run practice. Get a pulse, get them in an ambulance, and leg it to the emergency or casualty ASAP. However in France and several other mainland European countries the protocol is to give much more first aid on the scene, before taking them to the hospital. Both schools of thought have their merits and flaws, and in the aftermath of the Diana crash the french team came into criticism from British and American Paramedic experts, but the fact remains they weren't doing anything different from standard french paramedic procedure after a serious car crash.

They didn't "let her die" You rancid little wanker, they worked their arses off. Oh and you nothing takes away from the fact that you are accusing a team of french paramedics of being complicit of murder you feckless cowardly little fucktard.
No it claims the exit wound is the same as the entry wound of another bullet.

Which would be a somewhat (at best) specious claim for this reason:

1. Anyone with even an elementary knowledge of ballistics and gunshot wounds knows that, in the vast majority of cases, the exit wound is larger (often considerably larger) than the entry wound. And the chances of hitting a moving target, with a bolt action rifle (they take a couple of seconds to recock and aim between shots, even with a skilled rifleman), in such a way as to make two headshots in exactly the same spot on the head in question, are so slim as to be virtually nil.

That, Jazzz, is a scientific and medical FACT.

Anyone with an elementary knowledge of firearms, ballistics and gunshot wounds knows these things.
I'm telling you how it happened. You made that good point that such an assassination attempt would be silly if you could not be sure of killing the person with the crash. And you couldn't.

You can, however, control the scene immediately after. Now was it really a coincidence (in addition to all the CCTV mysteriously not working in the tunnel) that a doctor was on scene the very next minute, an ambulance extremely quickly... and then.... it takes fully 95 minutes to drive Diana to hospital? That's plenty of time to let someone die.
do you think the death of a royal parasite is anything to mourn?
it would only take one or two renegade people at the scene or in the ambulance, 8den.

Sorry to knock your argument on the head.

You don't take it very well when that happens do you? :)

Regarding your puerile abuse - you do realise that we see the world as a reflection of ourselves?
Which would be a somewhat (at best) specious claim for this reason:

1. Anyone with even an elementary knowledge of ballistics and gunshot wounds knows that, in the vast majority of cases, the exit wound is larger (often considerably larger) than the entry wound. And the chances of hitting a moving target, with a bolt action rifle (they take a couple of seconds to recock and aim between shots, even with a skilled rifleman), in such a way as to make two headshots in exactly the same spot on the head in question, are so slim as to be virtually nil.

That, Jazzz, is a scientific and medical FACT.

Anyone with an elementary knowledge of firearms, ballistics and gunshot wounds knows these things.

It's clear you haven't watched the . Do you want to come back when you have done so?
do you think the death of a royal parasite is anything to mourn?

No but I think that suggesting that a team of paramedics let someone die inexcusable.

Theres a brilliant moment when NY Tour Guide Mark Roberts turns to Alex Jones at a 9/11 memorial at ground zero, and presents him with a list of Jones' quotes implying the FDNY are implicated in the "911 conspiracy theory" and suggests that Jones might like to walk a couple of blocks and repeat these claims inside a FDNY department close to ground zero. Jones declines, probably because he would need someone to help him pick up his teeth because his arms would also be broken.
It's clear you haven't watched the . Do you want to come back when you have done so?

Ah bless the assumption that someone hasn't watched your evidence, otherswise how could they not draw your own conclusions. Heaven for fucking fend that someone could look at your evidence and not come to the same conclusion as you.

Jazzz whats your opinion about the shoddy diagram of the car and it's incorrect layout.
if other people will join me, i'll put five euros towards jazzz taking a trip to paris to meet the paramedics to see how they appreciate his tripe.
it would only take one or two renegade people at the scene or in the ambulance, 8den.

And which specific members of the crew are you accusing of murder?

Sorry to knock your argument on the head.

You don't take it very well when that happens do you? :)

Regarding your puerile abuse - you do realise that we see the world as a reflection of ourselves?

Well you a cunt. It can be difficult to accept. Cunt.

And as to puerile abuse, I'm calling you names assfuck, you're basely accusing people of murder, and you're trying to scramble up to the higher ground?

Are you that conceited? Arrogant? Lack that level self of awareness? That much of an asshole? Or all of the above?
do you think the death of a royal parasite is anything to mourn?
This doesn't really have anything to do with the question of whether she was in an accident or 'accidented'.

As it is, I know well the fashionable line is that caring about Diana is something for common people, but I don't blame them because she really used her position for some worthwhile issues. Madonna claimed that she was only person who would draw press attention away from her. The military industry must have hated her, and we know what the rest of the 'royal parasites' thought of her.
It's clear you haven't watched the . Do you want to come back when you have done so?


I'm from a military family. Hence I know more than the average civilian does about weapons and their effect on the human body. Not everything, but enough to be certain in my own mind that Oswald fired the shots.

I'm a crime writer. I have, surprise surprise, some degree of knowledge of how assassins operate. And that includes the 'lone gunman' type like Oswald.

I've fired rifles with live rounds, having received tuition in shooting, gunshot wounds and the ballistics thereof, from a combat veteran of 21 years military service, which included some six years of warfare at the very least.

If you want to convince me then you'd have to do a lot better than three or four people I've never even heard of telling me something that goes against what the aforementioned combat veteran (and my own experience) taught me, I'm afraid.

On a side note, there is a certain irony in that a thread that originally started out noting that the number of conspiracy theories and their exponents seems to have risen in the internet age, has itself descended into yet another hoary old conspiracy thread.
And as to puerile abuse, I'm calling you names assfuck, you're basely accusing people of murder, and you're trying to scramble up to the higher ground?

It's really not difficult is it 8den. Why don't you calm down and have a nice cup of tea?
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