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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
For how many people is this true ?
Dreadful photo was taken 9 years ago and a colleague signed to say it looked like me lol though I suppose they also checked at my passport interview.

I am going to vote in person at 7am.

That much I have decided, and I have decided who I am not going to vote for. I will make my mind up who I will support in the actual voting booth!
No dogs at mine either, just a young and very posh Labour teller, probably a student they’d roped in to do it. About half a dozen people there at 7am including the mum of someone in my son’s class who I had a chat with. Didn’t have my polling card and it took them ages to find me on the list because it was the first time using it, felt like I was holding everyone up!

Reckon there will be quite a few in there today as this is the liberal elite green-voting heartland and they’re motivated given there’s a good chance Denyer will take the seat.
Was at polling station in Tooting at 7:30, and one of the tables (not mine, thankfully) had a 10 person queue. I only had one person in front of me... Swerved the exit pollster (? or poller?) as usual :D

It's a dead cert for Rosena Allin-Khan in Tooting :)
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I voted by post because I'm away from home. I voted Green. I'm in a safe labour seat. Hope a reduced labour sends a message.

I used to be in the labour party and they have not realised I no longer pay subs. Someone asked me to deliver leaflets in my area
I responded 'Hi X , still have great respect for you as a councillor and all you do but I have lost respect for Labour on so many fronts and stopped paying subs some time ago. Sorry to personally let you down but not sorry about national Labour or local MP - they don't deserve my loyalty in any way. best wishes xxxx
Trickle of voters but no queue at my polling station.

A total of ten candidates on the ballot paper, which is the most I can ever remember.

Fortunately my choice was near the top of the list...
Just come back from voting. It was busier than usual. There were four people in the queue for my group of roads so had to wait a longer to actually get my ballot paper. I was told they had a queue waiting to get in at 7am which isn't normal for here. Apparently they've had far more voters turn up today than is usual for this time of the morning.
They said it had been busy but it was two in two out at 9.30 after the pre work rush.

One of the two coming in as I was going out was Chris Morris of Brass Eye fame. Not sure if he was there to vote or draw a spunking cock.

If you live in Tooting then you might be right. I saw him once on Balham High Street and then I found out he lives there
Just come back from voting. It was busier than usual. There were four people in the queue for my group of roads so had to wait a longer to actually get my ballot paper. I was told they had a queue waiting to get in at 7am which isn't normal for here. Apparently they've had far more voters turn up today than is usual for this time of the morning.

Tories desperate to keep their Gammon of choice or disillusioned voters desperate to replace him with a grey middle manager?
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