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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
contact the council - they can re-issue postal voting pack as late as 5pm on election day.

from my (some time ago) experience as a poll clerk, i think there is some special procedure for someone turning up on the day who's listed as having had a postal vote but wants to vote - think it involves putting ballot paper in to a special envelope and reporting the circumstances to the returning officer, or something (from my perspective, the process would have been 'get the presiding officer involved quick')
Yes, that sounds about right from my very long ago experience of being a poll clerk. Actually, not sure if I was even a poll clerk, think I was the assistant. :hmm:
my papers turned up in the post yesterday.

all i need to do now is decide if i've got the energy and enthusiasm to vote for anyone, or to draw something on the paper

tending towards voting for the yellow vermin as best placed to win against the new tory twunt who's standing in place of the long term tory twunt who has stood down - would have been more of an inspiration to vote against him, but finding it hard to summon up any enthusiasm.


and i don't have a dog to take to the post box, and doubt that either of neighbours' cats would want to go for a walk.
my papers turned up in the post yesterday.

all i need to do now is decide if i've got the energy and enthusiasm to vote for anyone, or to draw something on the paper

tending towards voting for the yellow vermin as best placed to win against the new tory twunt who's standing in place of the long term tory twunt who has stood down - would have been more of an inspiration to vote against him, but finding it hard to summon up any enthusiasm.


and i don't have a dog to take to the post box, and doubt that either of neighbours' cats would want to go for a walk.
Can't you take yourself? :hmm:
Why is being lazy abusing the system??
Fuck alone knows. A young lad who was proud to be voting the first time posted a selfie putting his postal vote in the letterbox and they were all like "You can walk to a polling booth! You're abusing the system!" etc. :rolleyes:

I think it had more to do with him being 1. Young and 2. Voting Labour that enraged them.

You might've thought they'd be pleased that someone was engaging with the democratic process in their preferred manner. But no.

I dId enjoy seeing someone posting one of those "Readers added context" things though, explaining why postal votes aren't an abuse of the system. :D and marty has been having fun with them. :D
The fear about postal votes has been bubbling for a while (I remember the NW getting chosen as one of Labour's 'all postal vote ' experiment years ago and that was coated in off-stage whispers about bloc voting etc).

Trump would all but end mail-in voting and I think Farage is saying something very similar.
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