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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
Everyone who uses a postal vote is failing to exercise an important part of their democratic right - the right to take dogs into the polling station.

You're allowed to take up to two dogs and to ask the polling station officer to hold the lead whilst you vote.

My dad fought* to preserve these rights.

* National service, long after the war in the hazardous environment of the Royal Army Pay Corps. Possibly he was on the front lines in Bracknell
No papers yet, but the local post depot has lost at least a half dozen things over the past six months and it won't surprise me if they add to that list.
What is the process to vote in person if you're registered to vote by post?
What is the process to vote in person if you're registered to vote by post?

contact the council - they can re-issue postal voting pack as late as 5pm on election day.

from my (some time ago) experience as a poll clerk, i think there is some special procedure for someone turning up on the day who's listed as having had a postal vote but wants to vote - think it involves putting ballot paper in to a special envelope and reporting the circumstances to the returning officer, or something (from my perspective, the process would have been 'get the presiding officer involved quick')
I think I could have had a vote even from foreign parts but would involve being more engaged and together than I am, so won't be.
Everyone who uses a postal vote is failing to exercise an important part of their democratic right - the right to take dogs into the polling station.

You're allowed to take up to two dogs and to ask the polling station officer to hold the lead whilst you vote.

My dad fought* to preserve these rights.

* National service, long after the war in the hazardous environment of the Royal Army Pay Corps. Possibly he was on the front lines in Bracknell

I took the dog to the post box does that count?
Done, spoiled properly, will post today
If the candidates listed could please follow my instructions contained within and fuck the fuck off I will be properly pleased
No poll in here ever cuts the mustard... I had a postal vote and spoiled it so Jones of the poll options
Giant Stone Eater
No poll in here ever cuts the mustard... I had a postal vote and spoiled it so Jones of the poll options
Giant Stone Eater

That’s voting. Spoiled ballot papers are counted. They make a statement, albeit an incoherent one. So you select the first option, unless you don‘t get round to posting the spoiled ballot, in which case you select the last one.
Everyone who uses a postal vote is failing to exercise an important part of their democratic right - the right to take dogs into the polling station.

You're allowed to take up to two dogs and to ask the polling station officer to hold the lead whilst you vote.

My dad fought* to preserve these rights.

* National service, long after the war in the hazardous environment of the Royal Army Pay Corps. Possibly he was on the front lines in Bracknell
I didn't know this. I'm taking gracie to the polling station then getting a photo of her with the polling bod.
Wahay !

My postal ballot has [finally] arrived.
t'OH got theirs several days ago, and has already returned it.

I plan a small ceremony to vote and then walk Bella the collie to a post box for a selfie.
That’s voting. Spoiled ballot papers are counted. They make a statement, albeit an incoherent one. So you select the first option, unless you don‘t get round to posting the spoiled ballot, in which case you select the last one.
Utter Bollox
Wahay !

My postal ballot has [finally] arrived.
t'OH got theirs several days ago, and has already returned it.

I plan a small ceremony to vote and then walk Bella the collie to a post box for a selfie.
Done the deed, although the walk to the post box didn't happen as planned.
I sent my postal vote off yesterday. It was a bit of a job figuring out how to do it as the envelope they sent me had about six sheets of doubled sided printed papers, half of which were instructions telling you what the next sheet was for.

But finally I got the ballot paper into the small envelope then that plus the completed date of birth declaration into the large envelope. Lots of trees and squids gave up their lives making the paper and ink for this election.
Haven't had my papers yet.

Apparently my local council have said they have sent the last batch of postal votes out today.

The state the post is round here, I might get it before next Thursday...
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