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Charlottesville aftermath discussion thread...

yeh. anything rather than justify your view.
I'm too busy for you to draw me in today, even though I've justified my view. Someone else will give you the argument you crave.
I suggest you find one of these - you might be able to spend less time on urban then.
I'm too busy for you to draw me in today, even though I've justified my view. Someone else will give you the argument you crave.
I suggest you find one of these - you might be able to spend less time on urban then.

i'm not seeking an argument, for which you're clearly unsuited in any case. at this late date posting the auld monty python sketch is the act of a numpty bereft of any actual point. i think you're bullshitting when you tell us of this lunar house episode which clearly had no impact on your pre-existing view that anti-fascists are as bad as fascists.
i'm not seeking an argument, for which you're clearly unsuited in any case. at this late date posting the auld monty python sketch is the act of a numpty bereft of any actual point. i think you're bullshitting when you tell us of this lunar house episode which clearly had no impact on your pre-existing view that anti-fascists are as bad as fascists.
Nope, not working.
Anyone take one for the team and give Pickman's his scheduled Monday morning 10am argument? His day will be odd without it...
Well I'm sure if anyone could make a pacifist turn to violence it's you Pickman's, so take some comfort in that.

"Pickman's Model died in the line of duty, bayoneted to death by a Polish conscientious objector"

Anyway let's move on, embarrassing grown men bickering like this in public...
Well I'm sure if anyone could make a pacifist turn to violence it's you Pickman's, so take some comfort in that.

"Pickman's Model died in the line of duty, bayoneted to death by a Polish conscientious objector"

Anyway let's move on, embarrassing grown men bickering like this in public...
What happened in poland between 39 and 45?

Seriously, of all the thing to make a stand on.
10 points for anyone who gets the quote

Woody Allen's 'Love And Death'. Can I cash in my ten points for an explanation of why you claim some relatively recent event at Lunar House caused you to see antifascists as equally bad as fascists, particularly when the bit Pickmans quoted suggests you had formed that opinion years previously?
Woody Allen's 'Love And Death'. Can I cash in my ten points for an explanation of why you claim some relatively recent event at Lunar House caused you to see antifascists as equally bad as fascists, particularly when the bit Pickmans quoted suggests you had formed that opinion years previously?
Didn't cause, reinforced
TBH, you are banging your head against a brick wall. Pickman's nor any of his acolytes will make me see it any differently. In fact you are merely reinforcing the view that extreme ends of political viewpoints are populated by higher than the average percentile of ridiculous arseholes
I swear on my dog's head it happened ON MY DOG'S HEAD

Anecdotes always change a little in the retelling, especially as time passes. You know this already, "a couple of years ago" is a figure of speech. Stop being obtuse
I swear on my dog's head it happened ON MY DOG'S HEAD

Anecdotes always change a little in the retelling, especially as time passes. You know this already, "a couple of years ago" is a figure of speech. Stop being obtuse
(((d'ward's dog))), whose tail, legs and body have already been sworn away by d'wards :(

do you still look foward to getting fascist leaflets, chuck?
What's the bit that made you feel tempted to say 'i told you so'?
Is it the president's attempt to characterise the 40,000 (?) counter protestors who turned up by tweeting that there are lots of "anti police agitators" about? Do you think that is enough to convince lots of undecided unaligned folk that maybe the nazis have got a point? There's no way to control what he might say and no way to ensure that everyone behaves the same way unless you have no mass protests at all.

And maybe have a think about why some people amongst the 40,000 might have attacked the police there also, after they (police) spent all day protecting the tiny number of "free speechers" , and when the BLM movement has to some degree been forged out of accumulated rage about police brutality?

this is pretty condescending. I am actually on their side, have had numerous antifa friends and root for them any chance I get (yes, I said it, some of my best friends are antifa 1!1!1!)

I just think there really was no reason for it, they (the small group of protesters that decided to get aggressive / violent) couldn't have made a worse decision on how to act that day, and luckily it hasn't been blown way out of proportion as it very easily could have been.
this is pretty condescending. I am actually on their side, have had numerous antifa friends and root for them any chance I get (yes, I said it, some of my best friends are antifa 1!1!1!)

I just think there really was no reason for it, they (the small group of protesters that decided to get aggressive / violent) couldn't have made a worse decision on how to act that day, and luckily it hasn't been blown way out of proportion as it very easily could have been.
Who was it that decided to get violent? From my experience of such situations, I would wager that it was the police that decided to get violent. The report linked to earlier quotes what the police had to say about what happened. How much of that do you believe? Why would you believe any of it?

Also important not to forget that Trump is the enemy here. Surely you want him to be condemning your actions. I'm trying to associate this with the UK and it is a stretch to understand the position: 'Don't act up or Maggie will make a statement disapproving' is the closest UK analogy I can think of. Eh? Um, that's what we want.
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this is pretty condescending. I am actually on their side, have had numerous antifa friends and root for them any chance I get (yes, I said it, some of my best friends are antifa 1!1!1!)

I just think there really was no reason for it, they (the small group of protesters that decided to get aggressive / violent) couldn't have made a worse decision on how to act that day, and luckily it hasn't been blown way out of proportion as it very easily could have been.

You seem to have tried your best to blow it out of proportion.

Any answer to Bimble's question about what made you feel tempted to say 'I told you so'?

Oh, and if I sound condescending it's probably deliberate.
In case you thought the hot takes of red scare merchants, free speech obsessives, bleeding heart liberals and people who just wish *some* antifa hadn't stirred up all this trouble wasn't derailing the thread enough, remember there is actually worse out there...

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