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Bullshitting Brexiteer hypocrite James Dyson to relocate Dyson head office from UK to Singapore

I don’t see a problem with that :confused: The guy’s literally offering to help out in a crisis.
Glad someone said it first*.

If your staff are going to get fucked on their taxes then how can you as an employer make them go? You can’t. Which means you then don’t help.

* I would have but then people would just pile on top of me with insults and then I’m the one who gets thread banned, not them.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding. It reads like he’s asking not to be taxed in some way that he otherwise wouldn’t if his people come in to help design/build ventilators at the height of the crisis?

Yep. Dyson employs a number of British non-doms in Singapore who pay a low rate of income tax, if they spend more than a certain number of days in the U.K. per year they will lose the non-dom status and be subject to full U.K. income tax/NI. As they were offering to come over to help during a national emergency Dyson asked that their non-dom status be protected for the days they were in the U.K. to try and help out.

I dislike the whole non-dom set up and want it scrapped, but as it is in place the request is really quite reasonable and it becoming public knowledge today neatly deflects the heat from that thieving cunt Handcock and his family and all the other bastards that have used the pandemic to rob the country blind.
Yep. Dyson employs a number of British non-doms in Singapore who pay a low rate of income tax, if they spend more than a certain number of days in the U.K. per year they will lose the non-dom status and be subject to full U.K. income tax/NI. As they were offering to come over to help during a national emergency Dyson asked that their non-dom status be protected for the days they were in the U.K. to try and help out.

I dislike the whole non-dom set up and want it scrapped, but as it is in place the request is really quite reasonable and it becoming public knowledge today neatly deflects the heat from that thieving cunt Handcock and his family and all the other bastards that have used the pandemic to rob the country blind.
Yep. Dyson employs a number of British non-doms in Singapore who pay a low rate of income tax, if they spend more than a certain number of days in the U.K. per year they will lose the non-dom status and be subject to full U.K. income tax/NI. As they were offering to come over to help during a national emergency Dyson asked that their non-dom status be protected for the days they were in the U.K. to try and help out.

I dislike the whole non-dom set up and want it scrapped, but as it is in place the request is really quite reasonable and it becoming public knowledge today neatly deflects the heat from that thieving cunt Handcock and his family and all the other bastards that have used the pandemic to rob the country blind.
Foreign firms get tax break enticements to do business in the UK all the time.

Outrage because Dyson is perceived to be a British business. We’d don’t care much if foreigners get tax breaks but care deeply when it’s one of our own. It’s a funny old world.
Yeh this is a distraction, Johnson's going to be able to defend it to deflect attention from the proper sleazy stuff. :(

This secret text message between the two men has been leaked to the press - the underlying reasons for the message aren't totally unreasonable, it's just the maverick nature of the exchange which bypasses all the civil service red tape that the leftists don't like. They'd rather PEOPLE DIE so their precious papers are in order.

The bigger stories are the £millions given to shell companies set up to do nothing but mark up the price of PPE. The dyson story feels like a setup.
So did a lot of ordinary people in this country.

I helped out at food bank. Like a lot of locals in my area Lambeth.

We did this voluntarily. Expecting nothing from it apart from helping our community.

AFAIK they weren't asking for anything either as such, what they did ask for is to not have to effectively pay 100's of 1000's to be able to help out.

The whole thing is a massive distraction from the real issues here, Johnson is launching an enquiry in to the leak ffs, on the day the Good Law Project's big case kicked off. Oh look at that dead cat!
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Also tax rates are nothing to do with the PM & he has no authority to adjust them even in a pandemic. It is an HMRC issue.
James Dyson, you say. I said, James Dyson? Hopefully this won't push the hilarious thread title up the Google rankings any further.
Back in the days when London had more public toilets there used to be a fair sized one at the underground station at Piccaddilly Circus and you'd quite often have young men standing by the dryers who'd helpfully turn them on for you. Makes me think that some of the usability disadvantages that seem to come with Dyson style technological solutions could be more sensibly addressed with a bit of community spirit. Mighty forests of solidarity start with small acorns of mutual aid etc. etc.
I don’t think that’s what the young men were standing there for.
You mean James Dyson? The hand drier vacuum cleaner man with the hmrc tax scandal UK Boris Johnson?

James Dyson the vacuum salesman. That's the one. He's in some sort of tax scandal with Boris Johnson the UK's prime minister right now. Please don't quote me on it though. Does James Dyson do those hand driers too? Oh the Dyson Air Blade? Is that the one?
He hasn't done anything particularly wrong per se, all he did was try to make life easier for his employees so actually maybe even a good thing. What has clearly got peoples back up is the realisation that Dyson a man who makes no secret of his disdain for the proles is in a position where faced with a problem he can just shortcut everything and go straight to the PM to get things sorted.
He has Boris Johnson's personal mobile number? It just drives home the distinction between those at the top and those at the bottom.
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He hasn't done anything particularly wrong per se, all he did was try to make life easier for his employees so actually maybe even a good thing. What has clearly got peoples back up is the realisation that Dyson a man who makes no secret of his disdain for the proles is in a position where faced with a problem he can just shortcut everything and go straight to the PM to get things sorted.
He has Boris Johnson's personal mobile number? It just drives home the distinction between those at the top and those at the bottom.

What's wrong with having the PM's personal number when you're the head of a leading UK company? He hasn't even done anything wrong there, surely? I mean, really, what is all of this fuss about?
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