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Think Tank: UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71

My mum worked until she was 72 , I suspect mostly so she didn't have to spend all day with my grumpy dad. I fully intend to not carry on working til I'm 72 , vague-ish plan of retiring at 62/3 - ish .
I’ve got my retirement countdown on my phone set for the day of my 68th birthday. I’m not changing it yet but we all know when think tanks start floating ideas like this the government aren’t far behind.
Exactly; they're 'rolling the pitch' for even more pain for working people.
Also, all the rich people who sit down all day at work will have their own pensions and retire early while all the people who do manual jobs will rely on the non existent state pension and their pitiful People’s Pension and retire late. It doesn’t seem quite fair to me.
have no private pensions....have 6 years till retirement age but i am fully expecting to have to carry on working if i still physically can do it....am starting to get niggles now.....:(
36, I joined when I was 15 and I already knew the swears :thumbs:
Same, minus a few from both numbers.

Think I've always just assumed that if I don't die before I reach state pension age, it'll either be about 80 by then or have been replaced with a rebranded workhouse run by serco / soylent green factory.
Same, minus a few from both numbers.

Think I've always just assumed that if I don't die before I reach state pension age, it'll either be about 80 by then or have been replaced with a rebranded workhouse run by serco / soylent green factory.
There's 2 of us?
I doubt I could physically do my job at 71, even if I'm a sprightly 71. 35 more years of work is a horrible thought.

I 100% couldn't do my job at 71. No way. It's already taking a physical toll at 46. What are they expecting people who have had manual labour jobs all their lives to do? Actually I know the answer to this, it's work til you literally drop isn't it.

Also, all the rich people who sit down all day at work will have their own pensions and retire early while all the people who do manual jobs will rely on the non existent state pension and their pitiful People’s Pension and retire late. It doesn’t seem quite fair to me.

We've got a regular DPD delivery driver who is retiring next year. I know this because every time he delivers us something he leaves with a cheery '264 days to go!' or whatever the current time is. He is literally counting the hours til he can retire, because it's fucking hard work running up and down the stairs of tenement flats delivering wardrobes and lugging boxes of chains and bundles of tyres into bike shops. Seventy fucking one?
We've got a regular DPD delivery driver who is retiring next year. I know this because every time he delivers us something he leaves with a cheery '264 days to go!' or whatever the current time is. He is literally counting the hours til he can retire, because it's fucking hard work running up and down the stairs of tenement flats delivering wardrobes and lugging boxes of chains and bundles of tyres into bike shops. Seventy fucking one?
How much does this remind you/one of William :(
The crucial part of the article:

View attachment 411002

The neoliberal consolidator state kills socialised healthcare, free at the point of delivery, to the extent that poorer workers 'lucky' enough to be fit until their 70s must work to pay for the declining health of the nation. Cunts.

And doesn't that argument mean you shouldn't raise the state pension age? It'll mean more people on unemployment and disability benefits, and that costs a lot more to administer than a pension. "More people won't be able to work" doesn't really lead to "we will make more people work" in any logical way.

And yes, I can't imagine my GF, an NHS care worker, doing her job at the age of 70, and it's a little late to retrain - you'd never recoup your training costs.

Stupid people who basically want to punish the poor. That's all it is, really.
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