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Petition to Parliament now active to exempt Blue Badge drivers and other disabled from LTN's

There's a big argument to be had for how heavy traffic in city centres impacts on neuro-diverse people too. In the last few years in London I found central London to be almost a no-go zone for me due to the noise and other sensory issues caused by traffic, as well as being a person who developed asthma after moving to London in the mid 80s. It had quite a serious impact on my ability to work until I quit in 2020.

Yeah but people's entitlement to make as much noise and pollution as they feel they need to in order to get 500 yards down the road is more important than that.
The current levels of traffic and pollution are not sustainable, for a very wide range of reasons, from environment to social.
We need very drastic measures to reduce traffic levels within a very short timescale. Why? Because we have been kicking the can down the road for too long.

Things need to change now, to the inconvenience of mainly drivers, but also to others.

If things don't change in the very near future we are fucked.
Can someone set up a petition simply asking the government to ignore the previous petition. I bet we could get more signatures than this clown.
Oh this is ridiculous. I've made my point I'm outta here and muting all notifications. Those with sense will sign and those with vile and hatred and have no sense of helping others I still hope you have a wonderful pleasant Christmas holiday......and disappear.....bye

Meanwhile... Trying to ban cars from parking on pedestrian pavements and blocking disabled access that way - that's clearly a step too far. A "consultation" has been dragging on for years with no action whatsoever.
Except that many areas are now issuing fines, of up to £1000, for parking on pavements and blocking disabled access. I know it's quite recent, but it is happening.
From being fined and being sent a PNC or Penalty notice of about £130 for passing through a restricted LTN.
I don’t know why I’d want to drive through one, though. My badge is about access. It’s not about the route I take.

I have to admit I don’t know much about LTNs. I don’t think we have them in Glasgow. But what I do know of them, I’m supportive of. I’m a bit fan of the 15 minute neighbourhood ideal, and cities that are designed for people.
Except that many areas are now issuing fines, of up to £1000, for parking on pavements and blocking disabled access. I know it's quite recent, but it is happening.
Where's this?
In googling I see that Scotland has changed the rules very recently, just a couple of weeks ago, which I hadn't realised had happened. It looks like the fine is up to £100.
Where's this?
In googling I see that Scotland has changed the rules very recently, just a couple of weeks ago, which I hadn't realised had happened. It looks like the fine is up to £100.
It's certainly happening in Edinburgh and is, I'm told, due to be extended to other places. It was supposed to be rolled out very soon in England too.

The local news was saying fines up to £1000, I think £100 is likely to be less of a deterrent. But anything that stops people blocking pavements and access points has to be a good thing.
Yes, it’s technically feasible.

But if you qualify for a blue badge, an LTN-related delay to the car part of the journey is likely to be neither here nor there. The soul-sapping bit is invariably the last hundred yards, which is researched and planned well in advance, and is where the badge is essential, because otherwise it might be an obstacle-strewn three hundred yards.

Zones which need LTNs may well often be the ones where parking is so much in demand and the roads are so narrow that councils restrict blue badge privileges, or only extend them to residents. A blue badge isn’t much use in central London.

I will eat my hat with festive clotted cream and a sprig of holly if Mikespenser is a blue badge holder and genuinely believes that his car journeys would be massively improved by free access to LTNs.

I owe Mikespenser an apology.

He does have a blue badge and is the former front man of something called The Cannibals. So perhaps he has a legitimate interest in getting to gigs quickly without disappointing impatient fans.

I owe Mikespenser an apology.

He does have a blue badge and is the former front man of something called The Cannibals. So perhaps he has a legitimate interest in getting to gigs quickly without disappointing impatient fans.

Mr Spenser said: “I can’t walk and cycle.“

If he’s managed to get a grand in LTN fines, it doesn’t sound like he can read or drive either.
Oh this is ridiculous. I've made my point I'm outta here and muting all notifications. Those with sense will sign and those with vile and hatred and have no sense of helping others I still hope you have a wonderful pleasant Christmas holiday......and disappear.....bye

Oh, bye then 😢
There is an active petition now to Parliament that is NATIONAL and not limited as the government has always rejected petitions against LTN's as a local issue only. The petition is to cover ALL Blue Badge disabled drivers throughout the UK and people with life threatening health issues like asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and more to be exempt from being penalized and fined by having to pass through LTN's and other unspecified road restrictions. The petition asks it to be made mandatory that this exemption be added to the DVLA Vehicle database and mandatory it is passed on to ALL of the Councils in the UK, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland along with the request for the vehicle owners name and address from the vehicle car's registration number so as PCN's, fines and penalties are not issued in the first instance. The petition will last until May 24th, 2024. Please sign and share and don't forget after signing go to your email to verify the email address that will be sent. Please take a picture of the QR code and show to people who when just pointing at it with their phones (if they have a barcode scanning app) with bring up the petition's signing page. Please don't be selfish and ask,"why just the disabled be exempt". It's because unless you are disabled or know someone who is you cannot understand the hardships it already is to be discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, subtlety or without care or even knowledge of the existence of your disability.

The QR code to scan, save and pass on is:
The URL to the petitions is: Petition: Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
You just need another 99,640 signatures before your petition will be considered for debate in Parliament!
You just need another 99,640 signatures before your petition will be considered for debate in Parliament!

Considered for debate for as long as it takes them to figure out that LTNs are a devolved issue that local authorities, not central government, are responsible for. So anything up to 8 seconds.
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