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Petition to request parliament review LTNs

The concept of what gets called "evaporation" is really anti-intuitive for a lot of people I think. Maybe there should be a better term for it because it makes it sound like a sort of magical process. But all it is, is the idea that in areas with a lot of demand for road space, that space will tend to fill up to reach a certain level of congestion. And that level of congestion is determined by what drivers will tolerate before switching to other modes - it's not determined by overall road network capacity.
The concept of what gets called "evaporation" is really anti-intuitive for a lot of people I think. Maybe there should be a better term for it because it makes it sound like a sort of magical process. But all it is, is the idea that in areas with a lot of demand for road space, that space will tend to fill up to reach a certain level of congestion. And that level of congestion is determined by what drivers will tolerate before switching to other modes - it's not determined by overall road network capacity.

“We found that people in ‘high dose areas’ [of traffic interventions], including low-traffic neighbourhoods, were doing 40 to 45 minutes walking or cycling a week more than people in the control group,” says Professor Rachel Aldred, who co-authored the study, which was published last week.

Monitoring by the council shows there has been an overall fall in motor traffic across the entire borough – although there were small rises on the surrounding border roads. “The evidence shows there’s likely to be a mix of traffic displacement and ‘evaporation’ – ie some people will make journeys in other ways if driving becomes a bit more difficult,” says Aldred. “You wouldn’t expect 100% of people to stop driving but given current trends, without measures to discourage driving we will see much more traffic on all the roads.”

She adds measures such as low emission zones and widening pavements would help protect people living on main roads from traffic pollution.

As I say, pretty uncontroversial. Less room for cars and people using other modes = less driving. But this is "ideology" and "zealotry" to some.
It says travel will reduce over time through a number of mechanisms including evaporation- Not that all traffic will evaporate.

I was objecting to the idea that counselors have lied to people. I lived in Lambeth, they didn’t, they were super cautious….
Search for evaporation
liquidindian already did this, quoted the relevant part of the document and explained why it's not saying what you are making it out to say. And then Manter replied too. All this just a few posts up there ^^^

Ignoring this, and just posting "search for evaporation" is rude and impolite behaviour. More so than using swear words.
liquidindian already did this, quoted the relevant part of the document and explained why it's not saying what you are making it out to say. And then Manter replied too. All this just a few posts up there ^^^

Ignoring this, and just posting "search for evaporation" is rude and impolite behaviour. More so than using swear words.
He said he could not find it so I searched the article and identified the word to search for and replied so he could then find it for himself - that's not me be being rude or impolite that's me being helpful
Well that's how I interpreted what was posted - no attempt at being rude - just me trying to help him/her find the text in the article
It's evident that you don't read what others have posted, because you posted your "help" after someone else had already done so. Bad manners.

It's also evident that you don't read what others post each time you regurgitate the same old stuff despite it already having been responded to.

And when you ignore those responses, that's also bad manners.
It's evident that you don't read what others have posted, because you posted your "help" after someone else had already done so. Bad manners.

It's also evident that you don't read what others post each time you regurgitate the same old stuff despite it already having been responded to.

And when you ignore those responses, that's also bad manners.
I'm very busy and I dip in now and then when a notification email is sent to my inbox but I don't traverse back up the posts looking to read every single message to see if someone else has already answered the post directed at me as it was directed at me and there are some are very abusive and insulting posts directed at me and I'm not that interested in hearing what the latest insult is
ianarmstrong (since you only look at this thread if someone has tagged you)
You know you don't always have to have the last word, eh? You posted the petition, your aim as stated by you was to promote it to get more signatures. Judging by the comments now at 35 pages, I don't think you're going to get any more. You've said your mind is made up on LTNs. So in think you've achieved your original aim.
You could just leave the thread. Then no one can insult you.
ianarmstrong (since you only look at this thread if someone has tagged you)
You know you don't always have to have the last word, eh? You posted the petition, your aim as stated by you was to promote it to get more signatures. Judging by the comments now at 35 pages, I don't think you're going to get any more. You've said your mind is made up on LTNs. So in think you've achieved your original aim.
You could just leave the thread. Then no one can insult you.
I'm not responding to every post but I'll decide whether to respond or not - if no one posts any more on here than that will be the end of it
Is this thread still going?

Just what Urban needs, another mono-maniacal single issue poster.

Don't you have any views on any other subject, ianarmstrong like, I don't know, the effect of Brexit on the Irish border and who should be responsible for sorting it out?
I do have views on all sorts of things but I won't be airing them on this forum as there has been way too much hatred, insulting and offensive language directed at me for simply posting a petition
you weren't. not that that makes it any better, but...
That's all I intended to do actually - post a petition - in the hope that some people who do not like LTNs where members of this group and would sign it - just like this one which I see absolutely no one complained about nor responded too!

That's all I intended to do actually - post a petition - in the hope that some people who do not like LTNs where members of this group and would sign it - just like this one which I see absolutely no one complained about nor responded too!

go vegan !
That's all I intended to do actually - post a petition - in the hope that some people who do not like LTNs where members of this group and would sign it - just like this one which I see absolutely no one complained about nor responded too!

you do realise whose forums these are ?
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