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The Khan review on smoking

I couldn't give a fuck if you or anyone else smoke to your heart's content. Just don't do it where it will affect me or any other non smoker.

I agree, although that does effectively extend the ban to pretty much everywhere including social housing and public parks. I mean I'm reluctantly OK with that, but that does really outlaw it completely pretty much.
I agree, although that does effectively extend the ban to pretty much everywhere including social housing and public parks. I mean I'm reluctantly OK with that, but that does really outlaw it completely pretty much.

I’m kind of ok with properly outside spaces - the middle of a park is fine, and if they can make it to the top of snowdon - there too.
I’m kind of ok with properly outside spaces - the middle of a park is fine, and if they can make it to the top of snowdon - there too.
At my local Christmas funfair, rammed with kids, there were scumbags smoking everywhere. It was horrible. Personally I'd license a few smoking pubs or clubs (though not really sure how to handle the issue of staff) but ban it anywhere outdoors kids are likely to be.
Thankfully the government seem minded to ignore this:

..because it gets pretty batshit:

Banning Social Housing tenants smoking in their own homes ? I do get regular complaints about cigarette smoke , but I also get regular complaints about people smoking skunk , we cant stop them doing that , so fuck all chance of policing people smoking their snout.
Smokers can become ex-smokers. Even after fifty years of smoking, they can stop.

Not stopping is a conscious decision, not an inability to stop.

I'm absolutely neutral on this issue, to be otherwise after smoking for decades would be both sanctimonious and hypocritical.

I would say this though, you really do not know how much your house reeks, until you go into a smoker's house after stopping smoking.
I smoked for 40 years and stopped 10 years ago, most of that time I was a heavy smoker (40-60 a day). Stopping was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. But as an ex smoker I wouldn't dream of making life harder for smokers, nor would I complain about tobacco smells in their homes. If people want to smoke in their home, it should be entirely up to them and those they live with. All the rest is controlling shit.
I would say this though, you really do not know how much your house reeks, until you go into a smoker's house after stopping smoking.
They used a funny strategy on the trains in France before the smoking ban came in:
they stopped cleaning out the yucky smell from the smoking carriages for 6 month or so before the ban came in, these were then empty for those months, as they bloody well reeked.
They used a funny strategy on the trains in France before the smoking ban came in:
they stopped cleaning out the yucky smell from the smoking carriages for 6 month or so before the ban came in, these were then empty for those months, as they bloody well reeked.

Mrs Sas has a friend she visits who is a smoker. When she comes home, her clothes go in the wash and she goes in the shower. Even her hair is reeking of smoke.

I must say, I'm not terribly happy when you come out of ASDA and have to go through a cloud of tobacco smoke, quite unpleasant.
Banning Social Housing tenants smoking in their own homes ? I do get regular complaints about cigarette smoke , but I also get regular complaints about people smoking skunk , we cant stop them doing that , so fuck all chance of policing people smoking their snout.

If it becomes a thing, then it will definitely end up being selectively enforced, weaponised by other tenants, etc.
If it becomes a thing, then it will definitely end up being selectively enforced, weaponised by other tenants, etc.

It already is a thing here (Almond Housing), and is enforced. People smoke outside of the house. There is a private rent rent three doors from us, the landlord does not allow smoking, the tenants smoke on the doorstep.
I smoked for 40 years and stopped 10 years ago, most of that time I was a heavy smoker (40-60 a day). Stopping was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. But as an ex smoker I wouldn't dream of making life harder for smokers, nor would I complain about tobacco smells in their homes. If people want to smoke in their home, it should be entirely up to them and those they live with. All the rest is controlling shit.

Absolutely. If someone smokes in their house, it is your choice to visit.

We stay on Islay for a week or so with my SIL who is a smoker. She smokes roll ups though, which doesn't honk as much as tailor mades.
If the report didn't have extreme parts then he wouldn't have any ammo would he?
50 years ago banning smoking is restaurants and pubs was seen as ‘extreme’ . Now it’s bizarre to think antisocial selfish twats used be able to fuck those spaces up for everyone else.
As someone who enjoys smoking socially these days (used to be chain smoker for about 15 years, started when I was 14) I just think: replace tobacco with alcohol on this equation and it really seems like a terrible and ludricous idea to ban people from smoking in their own homes. Smoking has been a part of our human rituals since I don't know when and it's never going to stop completely. What needs to be stopped is the tobacco industry and all the carcinogenics added to tobacco.

And I'd have to agree also the advertising and glamorisation of it in movies, etc should be tightly controlled.

Someone I know got fined for dropping a fag butt on the floor - and although an £80 fine seemed extreme - I hope they'll never do it again. Pocket ashtrays are cheap and every smoker should have one. Maybe tobacco companies could give them out free and run an education campaign with a tiny portion of the profits they make.

No, if you sit there drinking vodka shots next to me all evening, whilst you might try to punch me in the face later, I’m not going to get liver failure or DTs as a result.
No, if you sit there drinking vodka shots next to me all evening, whilst you might try to punch me in the face later, I’m not going to get liver failure or DTs as a result.
Drunk people are rubbish at fighting. It's only when they fight other drunk people that it sometimes looks impressive.
As usual, smug social engineering applies to social tenants and renters but not, naturally, to private home-owners. Not to mention the surveillance, controls and vast state edifice required to police this particular behaviour. Lot of hate on this thread.
I'd ban smoking in a house with kids regardless of ownership.

And what about non-smoking tenants and renters? Why shouldn't they have the same right to smoke free living quarters as homeowners? Everyone's whining about poor smokers being picked on but it's the poor who suffer most from smoking.
No, I am not really much of a banner of anything, tbh. In theory, it often sounds good...but in practice, I think we all need to take a wee step back from demanding state control of individual behaviours and attitudes And I am struggling to see why smoking at home has such a deleterious affect on non-smokers...apart from not liking some smell (if you saw the decor I inherited from a previous tenant!!!...and obvious pet infestation) I gotta say, I fucking loathe cats but would never, in a million years, consider any sort of ban (even though I am pretty certain I could quote public health anxieties around toxoplasmosis and cat shit) but hey, I am vastly uncomfortable with the whole ban this, ban that sort of thing.
And I am struggling to see why smoking at home has such a deleterious affect on non-smokers...apart from not liking some smell
Second hand smoking causes lung cancer.

Also, I was the child of a smoker, I was smoking by the age of fourteen and my twenty-eight years of smoking may well have contributed to my own child's cancer (even though I gave up before he was even conceived). I'd treat smoking round kids the same as any other form of child abuse, like knocking them about or raping them. That's not a ban, it's just protecting those who don't get a say.
I'd ban smoking in a house with kids regardless of ownership.

Yeah, I think certainly if there's a home where the children are experiencing persistent bronchitis, ear infections, and other ailments associated with secondhand smoking it wouldn't be a bad idea for any resident chainsmokers to be ordered to at least take it outside.
Yes, this is indeed the case in my house, KillerB (I have not been a smoker for the last few months but sweetheart still not managing to quit), but there is no freaking way I want some state apparatus piling in to lay punitive fines (cos it will invariably be monetised as some sort of revenue stream) on my partner.
Ah maomao - I have been a lifelong drug-addict - do you think I should have had my children taken from me because of child abuse. ..should I be evicted? Punished?...in a sort of one size fits all statutory ruling...regardless of the outcome of my parenting abilities, my children's happiness and desires? What if I was obese - should that be punishable as some sort of child abuse? The law is a blunt instrument and the state has shown itself to be callous, brutal, mendacious, politically aligned (with capital) and anything but fair. At the very least, have a word with yourself. I get your personal feelings here but this is a slippery, dangerous slope.
Ah maomao - I have been a lifelong drug-addict - do you think I should have had my children taken from me because of child abuse. ..should I be evicted? Punished?...in a sort of one size fits all statutory ruling...regardless of the outcome of my parenting abilities, my children's happiness and desires? What if I was obese - should that be punishable as some sort of child abuse? The law is a blunt instrument and the state has shown itself to be callous, brutal, mendacious, politically aligned (with capital) and anything but fair. At the very least, have a word with yourself. I get your personal feelings here but this is a slippery, dangerous slope.
Did you force your children to take any of the other drugs you were on?
No, obviously not...but the same arguments, discussing parenting abilities and safeguarding were flying around.especially an insistence that children of addicts were almost inevitably destined to follow the same life paths. How about other health choices, such as sugar, poor nutrition leading to obesity? Uncontrolled access to screens? There are many public health interventions I applaud...and the overall picture is always more complicated (such as where do we remove these children to - wards of the state? ) Look, I honestly see where you are coming from, as a parent, but I absolutely question your belief that this requires some sort of punitive state intervention....but mostly, I think, what got my back up was the control over tenants in social housing which would not/could not apply to privately owned households.
I think the vast majority of smokers know it's a stinking, damaging to others habit and don't smoke indoors. I used to smoke in the garden/balcony when I was a full time smoker. If neither was available and I was really desperate I'd stick my head out of the window as much as possible (this was where I lived, because I didn't like my room to smell of smoking).

HOWEVER it was my own choice, if there was some gvmt. twat telling me I wasn't allowed to smoke indoors that would really really piss me off, especially young, angry rebellious me. I'd end up smoking indoors on purpose.

Some of you seem to think smokers are degenerate addicts who can't think beyond themselves and smoking :D. It's not crack, it's nicotine!
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