I'll admit that there's a tendency by me, and on the boards in general, to discuss things in terms of ideal world solutions that the current state would be incapable of implementing effectively but at the same time we don't call for the legalisation of rape and murder because the current legal system doesn't deal with those things effectively.No, obviously not...but the same arguments, discussing parenting abilities and safeguarding were flying around.especially an insistence that children of addicts were almost inevitably destined to follow the same life paths. How about other health choices, such as sugar, poor nutrition leading to obesity? Uncontrolled access to screens? There are many public health interventions I applaud...and the overall picture is always more complicated (such as where do we remove these children to - wards of the state? ) Look, I honestly see where you are coming from, as a parent, but I absolutely question your belief that this requires some sort of punitive state intervention....but mostly, I think, what got my back up was the control over tenants in social housing which would not/could not apply to privately owned households.
I also think smokers in general (not just you) are often guilty of downplaying the genuine dangers of smoking and stressing the right to individual choice over the rights of others to a smoke-free environment.
What about an adult social tenant in shared accommodation? Should they just have to put up with smoking and its associated health risks so as not to affect another tenant's right to smoke?There shouldn't be any smoking in a house with children. Smokers should go outside for a fag.