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Petition to request parliament review LTNs

Surprised that the tory taxi cunt has not popped back to big up Rat-boy's "pro-car" policies to dismantle the woke clean air.
I think it's hilarious to see Sunak overreach with this 20mph bollocks. I'd have thought the last thing in the universe this government would want is to absorb responsibility for local roads from the councils, because that's pretty much what they'd have to do to actually implement the policy. Never mind that 20 zones and LTNs are sort of a reverse-NIMBY thing - people want them on their roads, but not on anyone else's. And the sort of people who want traffic calming on their roads and no one else's are exactly the sort of people who would normally vote for him. This flailing about at populism is desperate.
We've just got an LTN trial in my area of Exeter. It's driven a lot of people into extreme agitation. They are going a bit hysterical on the local FB page. Last night someone smashed up the planters blocking the roads.

I had a bit of fun trolling the group by saying inflammatory things like "it's nice and quiet now" or "this is a good idea" but I can't be arsed with continuing. Most of the other people in favour are staying silent as they don't want the abuse.
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