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Misogyny in Parliament and UK politics

Apparently he's done it twice though. Once in the chamber and once in a committee room. Terrible mistakes I'm sure.

Very clumsy with his smart phone. Probably shouldn't' be in a position of reviewing and voting on ledgislation.
At least not until he's had a serious review of where he stores his porn links/apps on his phone. You really shouldn't be running the risk of 'accidentally' opening your porn stash. 13 year olds know that :facepalm: :rolleyes:
I’ve wondered if he opened a video sent to him from a WhatsApp group or similar. Perhaps not on an actual porn site.

But irrelevant really, yer man is being paid to do a job for his constituents not browse porn at work. For now we wait while the disgraced tories play resignation buckaroo
I’ve wondered if he opened a video sent to him from a WhatsApp group or similar. Perhaps not on an actual porn site.

But irrelevant really, yer man is being paid to do a job for his constituents not browse porn at work. For now we wait while the disgraced tories play resignation buckaroo
sure Buckaroo has something pungent to say on this subject
If I was in a work meeting and someone sent me a video, the last thing I'd do would be open it because I'd have no idea what would happen re sound. (And the videos my friends send me tend to be of their kids or pets or whatever.)
I guess this may explain the reason why you’re not a Tory MP.

For most people, playing on your phone in a work meeting is not something you’d even consider.
Just read (guardian feed I think) that the 'interview' his wife did was her getting rung up/ambushed by a journo, at which point she didn't know it was her husband. Wow, he gets classier and classier, didn't even tell his partner when it was obvious that the press would be after her. Even more to the point, he didn't even tell her what he'd done. Complete lack of respect, regardless of the rest of the story.
Apparently he's done it twice though. Once in the chamber and once in a committee room. Terrible mistakes I'm sure.

Very clumsy with his smart phone. Probably shouldn't' be in a position of reviewing and voting on ledgislation.
Curse of two left thumbs strikes again?
'Tractors', that's his excuse then.

Yeah, tractors? And then ended up on a porn site? Is there some porn site with a name like tractors? Wtf am I missing something obvious. Or is it just a ludicrous excuse?
Yeah, tractors? And then ended up on a porn site? Is there some porn site with a name like tractors? Wtf am I missing something obvious. Or is it just a ludicrous excuse?
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