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Misogyny in Parliament and UK politics

Tbh, I think a lot of people seem to have no idea about boundaries* and I'm pretty sure it's worse than it used to be because watching porn on a phone is less obvious/more 'normal' than looking at a magazine in public would be.

*I've certainly seen people watching porn on their phones on the bus for example. :(
Yep I have seen this and find it truly shocking; the absolute self centered, entitled world view it displays in spades is gob smacking. The same is true of doing it in any public/shared space including the HoC chamber.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I downloaded Bridgerton to watch when I was away last week. Then I thought I’d leave it as there’s a bit too much sex in it tonwatch on a train or plane. I mean it’s just common sense and that’s a fucking Netflix series. Ffs.

Also I’ve come across people wanking and watching porn on public transport, other public places and whilst I was at school in the 90s. It is about control, it is about bullying and it is about entitlement. Misogyny and rape culture all stem from shit like this.
I am genuinely amazed and shocked that anyone would watch porn in public, it just doesn't compute in my head.

Surely this illegal? If not, why not?

TBH it makes me ashamed of being bloke.
Yeah, I don't really understand it, but I'm aware some do this.

Like I said, for me the surprise is purely deciding to do it in a place that is broadcast live to the public on a daily basis.
As others have said, I very carefully ensure any films, TV, etc I download for travelling is checked for it to be safe, in these terms. Hell, I once wouldn't watch the opera Salome because of the nudity. I consider myself quite normal in this regard. I find the whole idea of anyone watching extreme violence or porn in public incomprehensible.
If it’s a big name, the excuses will be pathetic. Ambushed by porn. It was only 9 minutes. I didn’t think it was illegal. The cops will be saying: it was in the past, we have to wait for Sue Gray to report, there’s nothing to investigate.
this is the whole point, don't you get it? This guy wasn't wanking in the houses of parliament thinking it was an ok thing to do - he's either a pervert who enjoys the thrill of maybe getting caught, or a pervert who gets off on freaking women out. Either way, being observed is part of the fun.
House of Commons benches are perfectly set up for backbenchers to observe frontbench exhibitionism.
Parish suspended.

Oh, Neil Parish.


(My knowledge of Tory MPs is pleasingly small these days. There was a list in the Guardian the other day of 10 who had sent letters because of Johnson. I'd heard of one of them.)
Rather curious that no one has mentioned the two Labour MPs censured by the watchdog for sexual harassment.
Not really, it's a thread on misogyny in the tory party. :)

And if if needs saying, I'd hope every Labour sex pest/sexual assaulter/bully gets every bit of what (should be) coming to them. They are all scumbags, working in an institution that has long tolerated such behaviour. Although... going back to page 1, this should also be discussed as misogyny per se, not just misogyny in politics.
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