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Misogyny in Parliament and UK politics


Not sure if it makes any difference, but he appears to be middle aged from the photos I've seen. This isn't some 20 something coming out with bizarre comparisons of how women his own age smell, which would itself would be misogynistic shite anyway. It just dials the creepiness right up - what a fucking scumbag.
MP shares a list of 20 parliamentary nonces. Wish she didn't have to go through the ritual of pretending it was 'shared by accident', but I'm glad she's don it. I suspect it would be pretty easy to get to 20, just by accusations in the public domian.

MP shares a list of 20 parliamentary nonces. Wish she didn't have to go through the ritual of pretending it was 'shared by accident', but I'm glad she's don it. I suspect it would be pretty easy to get to 20, just by accusations in the public domian.

How many LP MPs are on it?

Not sure that "Am I not meant to warn others about conduct I've seen, experienced or been told about (emphasis added)" is consistent with "I can't legally make a third party report to ICGS"... and as for the police it is absolutely possible to make a third party allegation for sexual offences. From what she has said here and previously it sounds like she has ample grounds to make complaints.
Not sure that "Am I not meant to warn others about conduct I've seen, experienced or been told about (emphasis added)" is consistent with "I can't legally make a third party report to ICGS"... and as for the police it is absolutely possible to make a third party allegation for sexual offences. From what she has said here and previously it sounds like she has ample grounds to make complaints.
Tbf the police have form for being utterly shit about this sort of thing. Plus I suspect they wouldnā€™t want to even know about a lot of ā€œminorā€ incidents that women frequently experience but donā€™t think of reporting because theyā€™re so ubiquitous.
Tbf the police have form for being utterly shit about this sort of thing. Plus I suspect they wouldnā€™t want to even know about a lot of ā€œminorā€ incidents that women frequently experience but donā€™t think of reporting because theyā€™re so ubiquitous.
Yes. And it's quite likely a lot of the alleged victims wouldn't be happy about someone contacting the police on their behalf, for a number of reasons, not least the strong likelihood of it not resulting in anything but stress for them, and almost certainly not a viable court case that'd result in any kind of conviction.
Panorama investigation into the way harassment claims are handled in Westminster cancelled - no reason given. The possible reasons I could guess at would be political pressure and/or legal threats and/or possible flaws in the Panorama investigation. If the latter, guessing even further, it's unlikely to be just that. Anyway, whatever the reason, the outcome only serves to protect the perps.

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