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Misogyny in Parliament and UK politics

He looks fucking guilty as fuck in the interview I've just seen where he says he has the full support of his lovely wife :rolleyes: and that he's not intending to resign. He almost seemed stoned tbh
I hope his phone is taken from him, thoroughly searched, his privacy destroyed, his reputation questioned and his phone finally returned to him at some unspecified future date. Oh, my mistake, he's not someone reporting a sexual assault.
They know they can literally get away with anything

And again and again this is proven
It's an interesting moment though, with the delegation of largely female mps seeing the chief whip yesterday. Not quite a Westminster MeToo moment as they are not naming the other abusers, but significant. Needless to say, the party will try and get away with as little action as possible, alongside some rhetoric on cultural change. At the moment, my guess is he might lose the whip permanently, though temp suspension and crawling back in in 6 months is just as likely. Can't be bothered looking it up, but it looks like there's a lot of procedure they'd have to go through to force a by-election. They'd try to avoid that anyway.

Anyway, the outcome of all this is there will be just as many abusers and bullies walking round Westminster, with the added element of subsidised booze and patronage systems.
His wife is 'standing by him'. Doesn't believe he did it, but backs the women who made the complaints. She must have twisted blood from some of the twists and turns she made in that interview.

His wife is 'standing by him'. Doesn't believe he did it, but backs the women who made the complaints. She must have twisted blood from some of the twists and turns she made in that interview.

You have to wonder how much independence of thought she is allowed at home.
His wife is 'standing by him'. Doesn't believe he did it, but backs the women who made the complaints. She must have twisted blood from some of the twists and turns she made in that interview.

This isn't about his wife. This is about him.
To be fair the news report alleges he was viewing ‘adult content’. Perhaps this means Parish was watching centrist Twitter saying ‘isn’t it nice to have a grownup in the room again?’ in response to a Tony Blair speech?
At approximately 35 seconds, a BBC reporter feeds Parish a convenient alibi. "Did you open something in error in the Commons?", asks the reporter. To which Parish replies "I did". This isn't journalism, it's PR.

Well except that in answering to that suggestion in that way Parish potentially just created another problem for himself. Before he had been named, the press reports of "the MP" had stated that two women had mentioned such an incident and that it only then become clear that they were referring to the same person but to two different occasions, once in the Commons chamber and once at a committee meeting. How credibly 'error prone' is he supposed to be?
I wonder what kind of porn it was? Gay? Hetero?

I’m hoping furry.
Considering his voting record I am hoping for Gay

"Well, when I was intending to open my own notes on the on going crisis in Ukraine, I in fact mistook "Cheerleader gets finger banged."
Yeah right
I am reminded of my grandson aged about 3 denying he knew what had happened to the chocolate when his face was covered in it
Apparently he's done it twice though. Once in the chamber and once in a committee room. Terrible mistakes I'm sure.

Very clumsy with his smart phone. Probably shouldn't' be in a position of reviewing and voting on ledgislation.
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