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Misogyny in Parliament and UK politics

Quite the moralist as well (from his wiki):

Parish opposes, and voted against the implementation of same-sex marriage, stating that he felt the issue was "for the Church and Christians to decide [upon], not for parliament to legislate."[16] In 2014, Parish voted against enabling the courts to deal with proceedings for the divorce of a same sex couple and against making same sex marriage available to armed forces personnel outside the UK.[17]
I suspect he'll already have his appointment booked with the private doctor who provides a diagnosis of stress for wanking/gropey/noncey MPs.
Yeah, well BBC R4 had already trotted out apologists yesterday before he was named, saying how awful porn addiction was and how it destroyed poor men's lives.
I’d rather this thread were named “misogyny in parliament” or “… in uk politics”.

While the “family values” brigade tends to the right, sexual harassment, assault, intimidation etc is rife across the political spectrum.

I agree & reported your post, asking for the thread title to be changed.
Just seen Neil Parishs interview on ITV news and claims he opened an app up by mistake?:facepalm:
Reminds me of a training exercise at work in introducing us to the internet when a profoundly xian manager said look up whatever you want...my mate typed in Australian bikes....
Just seen Neil Parishs interview on ITV news and claims he opened an app up by mistake?:facepalm:

I think it's fair for him to give his side of the story and to test it. Shouldn't be that hard to tell where it was opened from, whether it was a "mistake"/one-off, how long he watched for, etc.
I’d rather this thread were named “misogyny in parliament” or “… in uk politics”.

While the “family values” brigade tends to the right, sexual harassment, assault, intimidation etc is rife across the political spectrum.
Agreed. If I had any strategy at all it would have been there could have different threads for each party, along the lines that we've got for each newspaper going down the pan. Anyway, I've edited the title down further so we can include all of the scumbags in one.
This is his explanation,
BBC Spotlight said Mr Parish had suggested to them that he had opened something on his phone by mistake. Mr Parish said: "It was a huge error. I will be interviewed thoroughly by the standards' committee and I will answer their questions and await their findings.

"In the meantime, I just want to support my wife through all of this, and family."

Mr Parish, who has been an MP for 12 years, following a stint in the European parliament, says he will consider his position following the outcome of the investigation.

It's the sort of not guilty plea that contains a back up admission of guilt i.e. why would he need to 'support his wife' and end up 'considering his position' if he was an innocent abroad on his phone, clicking away at random links.
Who has a porn app on their phone? I don't get it at all, why watch porn on a phone?

The screen is way too small.
And your first reaction - I'd have thought - would be to slam the laptop lid shut immediately. So fast, in fact, that hardly anyone would see what was on the screen.
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