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Petition to Parliament now active to exempt Blue Badge drivers and other disabled from LTN's

or even really understand what an LTN is. The idea is not to restrict people from driving in an LTN but from driving through an LTN, people that live there carry on before just maybe their route in and out of it is a bit longer and less direct than before.

That's true for some LTNs, not true for others. They all have their own rules, though they seem to be the same per borough, at least. For some (like Lambeth) you can register up to two cars if you have a blue badge, but taxis - even black cabs - don't count. For some no cars are allowed in at all, even if it's a disabled resident. If my road were made an LTN with no cabs allowed it'd be really hard for me to get around.

Obvs the petition is bollocks, but some LTNs absolutely do affect people with disabilties - some don't. Some sort of national guidelines probably would be genuinely helpful and take the wind out of the sails of those complainers who don't actually give a shit about disabled access.
That's true for some LTNs, not true for others. They all have their own rules, though they seem to be the same per borough, at least. For some (like Lambeth) you can register up to two cars if you have a blue badge, but taxis - even black cabs - don't count. For some no cars are allowed in at all, even if it's a disabled resident. If my road were made an LTN with no cabs allowed it'd be really hard for me to get around.

Obvs the petition is bollocks, but some LTNs absolutely do affect people with disabilties - some don't. Some sort of national guidelines probably would be genuinely helpful and take the wind out of the sails of those complainers who don't actually give a shit about disabled access.

Wasn’t aware of that, which seems absolutely dreadful.

I thought all LTNs were basically about blocking off road entrances at only one end, to frustrate through traffic.
Wasn’t aware of that, which seems absolutely dreadful.

I thought all LTNs were basically about blocking off road entrances to frustrate through traffic.

It really really varies.

But actually I've read more and the Lambeth one is much better than I thought! The Lambeth LTNs for blue badge holders makes it look like you can't drive in at all, but the main LTN page says that you can drive in from one direction, and accessible cabs are exempt. That's WAY more reasonable and now I'm in favour of their rules applying in general. :D
There is an active petition now to Parliament that is NATIONAL and not limited as the government has always rejected petitions against LTN's as a local issue only. The petition is to cover ALL Blue Badge disabled drivers throughout the UK and people with life threatening health issues like asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and more to be exempt from being penalized and fined by having to pass through LTN's and other unspecified road restrictions. The petition asks it to be made mandatory that this exemption be added to the DVLA Vehicle database and mandatory it is passed on to ALL of the Councils in the UK, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland along with the request for the vehicle owners name and address from the vehicle car's registration number so as PCN's, fines and penalties are not issued in the first instance. The petition will last until May 24th, 2024. Please sign and share and don't forget after signing go to your email to verify the email address that will be sent. Please take a picture of the QR code and show to people who when just pointing at it with their phones (if they have a barcode scanning app) with bring up the petition's signing page. Please don't be selfish and ask,"why just the disabled be exempt". It's because unless you are disabled or know someone who is you cannot understand the hardships it already is to be discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, subtlety or without care or even knowledge of the existence of your disability.

The QR code to scan, save and pass on is:
The URL to the petitions is: Petition: Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
Jokes thread ---- >
It really really varies.

But actually I've read more and the Lambeth one is much better than I thought! The Lambeth LTNs for blue badge holders makes it look like you can't drive in at all, but the main LTN page says that you can drive in from one direction, and accessible cabs are exempt. That's WAY more reasonable and now I'm in favour of their rules applying in general. :D

I'm not quite up to date with it all, but yes, my understanding of LTN's is that it's mainly about blocking particular streets half way, or at a junction, so that what had been a through road becomes a cul-de-sac (or each end becomes one) - sometimes with cycle only access, and / or emergency vehicle access only, which can mean that some journeys with a car become a longer way round.

there must be a process for banning all traffic in a street / making it pedestrians (or maybe cycles) only, but think that's something else.
I'm not quite up to date with it all, but yes, my understanding of LTN's is that it's mainly about blocking particular streets half way, or at a junction, so that what had been a through road becomes a cul-de-sac (or each end becomes one) - sometimes with cycle only access, and / or emergency vehicle access only, which can mean that some journeys with a car become a longer way round.

there must be a process for banning all traffic in a street / making it pedestrians (or maybe cycles) only, but think that's something else.

A couple of the ones I've been to were no traffic at all at some times of day - Westminster. Including black cabs.
If all traffic is blocked, it's not an LTN, it's a pedestrianised street.

The whole point of LTNs is they don't stop anyone from driving anywhere, they just mean you might have to take a roundabout route, and they try and get through traffic off roads that weren't designed for it.

Despite all the fuss they are really quite meek measures designed not to upset the car people more than we dare.

Meanwhile... Trying to ban cars from parking on pedestrian pavements and blocking disabled access that way - that's clearly a step too far. A "consultation" has been dragging on for years with no action whatsoever.
gets popcorn and deck chair
Oh yeah, you forgot to mention the marching band, the twirlers, the floats and all the bunting! Maybe later when the petition gets debated and agreed that it's well needed and an essential issue that will be approved and made policy because it's well thought of and well planned. Oh, don't forget I may bet my name on the Kings Honour List next year and gosh, won't I be such a celebrity! What I always wanted! Then I can die with a smile on my face....but at least I can say "'I've done my little bit to help others" and I'll let those that benefit from it be that much happier while you can get on with your cynical remarks.

Do something yourself instead of sitting comfortably, or on your bike, or besides passing gas and passing snide remarks, you might next time you look in the mirror smile a little and feel a little bit more charitable. If you help instead of snearing at others that are trying to do something for the good of at least some part of our society (I've read there are about at least 250,000 Blue Badge drivers in London alone) you'd be able to pull your finger out from where it is at the moment and give a thumbs up to those that would have a lot more equality which under the present Equalities law of 2010. Have a good read over the holiday's, (the link below) you may understand a bit more. says they are entitled to finally be getting that.

Merry Christmas to you and all your charitable friends.

Equality Act 2010 Look for the section if you're in a rush to get your popcorn or look
for a deck chair under Protected Characteristics, one of which is Disabilities

gets popcorn and deck chair
I think he was a drive by poster, came here with his petition wrapped around a brick to lob through the window before scarpering. Petition is up to 333 signatures now.
Surely not? I was really looking forward to years of interesting interactions with them on here.....
Blue Badges are allocated on a personal basis, Before my Mum went into the care home she had a Blue Badge (for severe arthritis) and it lived in my parents hallway. It was on my sisters checklist for which particular one of her children or grandchildren had drawn the short straw to be Nan's taxi driver on an given day. (Ignore Grandad's wittering, make sure Nan puts her coat and shoes on, check she has her purse and medication and pick up the Blue Badge so you can park close to where you're going, Don't forget to put it back for the next person)
This petition has 306 signatures now and had 281 when I first saw this thread last night so I can see it growing but doubt it will get to the 10,000 minimum to get a response.
I agree with Silas Loom though I bet the petition's author doesn't have a Blue Badge or even really understand what an LTN is. The idea is not to restrict people from driving in an LTN but from driving through an LTN, people that live there carry on before just maybe their route in and out of it is a bit longer and less direct than before. But that 's one of the great things about having a car eh? distance and time are no longer necessarily the same thing.
I suspect there is a certain amount of hypocrisy when it comes to people objecting to LTN's I think a great many people would want to live in one but object to having to drive the long way round because other people might want to live in one as well.
Some of your answers and quotes make me laugh! Geezus! Do you also have a PhD in Ignorance? Soon I'll be ignoring and wasting time relying to all these petty pot shots and signs of stupidity and just concentrate on the questions with meaning and some valid points. Silly, truly silly and utterly stupid remarks I was told to expect. Not a worry in the world. This will get debated and it will make most of you look like what you have deep inside, prejudice and discrimination.
Some of your answers and quotes make me laugh! Geezus! Do you also have a PhD in Ignorance? Soon I'll be ignoring and wasting time relying to all these petty pot shots and signs of stupidity and just concentrate on the questions with meaning and some valid points. Silly, truly silly and utterly stupid remarks I was told to expect. Not a worry in the world. This will get debated and it will make most of you look like what you have deep inside, prejudice and discrimination.
Who told you to expect them?
Do you also have a PhD in Ignorance?

I don't get it, is the PhD for the study of ignorance? In which case, that seems like a potentially fruitful area of research with clear benefits to society. If you mean a PhD in being ignorant, well we're talking about an academic qualification here. They don't really do them for skills. You can't get a PhD in basketball, or crochet. So even leaving aside someone's motivation for seeking academic recognition for their achievements in a field not generally considered to be especially prestigious, I really don't think it would be possible.
There is an active petition now to Parliament that is NATIONAL and not limited as the government has always rejected petitions against LTN's as a local issue only. The petition is to cover ALL Blue Badge disabled drivers throughout the UK and people with life threatening health issues like asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and more to be exempt from being penalized and fined by having to pass through LTN's and other unspecified road restrictions. The petition asks it to be made mandatory that this exemption be added to the DVLA Vehicle database and mandatory it is passed on to ALL of the Councils in the UK, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland along with the request for the vehicle owners name and address from the vehicle car's registration number so as PCN's, fines and penalties are not issued in the first instance. The petition will last until May 24th, 2024. Please sign and share and don't forget after signing go to your email to verify the email address that will be sent. Please take a picture of the QR code and show to people who when just pointing at it with their phones (if they have a barcode scanning app) with bring up the petition's signing page. Please don't be selfish and ask,"why just the disabled be exempt". It's because unless you are disabled or know someone who is you cannot understand the hardships it already is to be discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, subtlety or without care or even knowledge of the existence of your disability.

The QR code to scan, save and pass on is:
The URL to the petitions is: Petition: Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
This is the only time that Daily Heil readers and the like ever give a crap about disabled people, right? When you can put it to the greens and the cyclists. Just. Fuck. Off. sincerely, a person with disabilities.
Asthma is mentioned. A terrible condition for sure. If only there was something that could be done to reduce the number of kids developing asthma.
There's a big argument to be had for how heavy traffic in city centres impacts on neuro-diverse people too. In the last few years in London I found central London to be almost a no-go zone for me due to the noise and other sensory issues caused by traffic, as well as being a person who developed asthma after moving to London in the mid 80s. It had quite a serious impact on my ability to work until I quit in 2020.
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