feck! arse! girls! drink!
or even really understand what an LTN is. The idea is not to restrict people from driving in an LTN but from driving through an LTN, people that live there carry on before just maybe their route in and out of it is a bit longer and less direct than before.
That's true for some LTNs, not true for others. They all have their own rules, though they seem to be the same per borough, at least. For some (like Lambeth) you can register up to two cars if you have a blue badge, but taxis - even black cabs - don't count. For some no cars are allowed in at all, even if it's a disabled resident. If my road were made an LTN with no cabs allowed it'd be really hard for me to get around.
Obvs the petition is bollocks, but some LTNs absolutely do affect people with disabilties - some don't. Some sort of national guidelines probably would be genuinely helpful and take the wind out of the sails of those complainers who don't actually give a shit about disabled access.