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Petition to request parliament review LTNs

I see and hear about the actual affects of the Lambeth 24/7 LTNs on people and businesses on a daily basis and have been since 2020 so no academic assessment or Lambeth council monitoring report claiming how great they are is going to persuade me
You've come a long way from asking for an independent review. Or should this be un-academic? Just a bunch of people in the pub, reckoning stuff?
You've come a long way from asking for an independent review. Or should this be un-academic? Just a bunch of people in the pub, reckoning stuff?
Nope - I would hope that parliament would, after hearing about all the misery these LTNs have caused, seek to get to the truth about what has happened and why so many studies claim success when there are so many issues being reported
We are never going to agree but at least I can have discourse without needing make derogatory comments about you personally
We're never going to agree because you are engaging in bad faith conversation - as you've said, you have already decided what is happening and anything which disagrees with you is wrong becaues comes from "active travel academics" or LTN councils or whatever and is to be discarded. You can't find anything that agrees with you, so you class anyone who studies these things as active travel academics in order to discard what they are saying.
This isn't discourse, it's bad faith discussion.
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We're never going to agree because you are engaging in bad faith conversation - as you've said, you have already decided what is happening and anything which disagrees with you is wrong becaues comes from "active travel academics" or LTN councisl or whatever and is to be discarded. You can't find anything that agrees with you, so you class anyone who studies these things as active travel academics in order to discard what they are saying.
This isn't discourse, it's bad faith discussion.
Well we were told that the traffic should evaporate after 18 months in Lambeth but all I see and hear about is more traffic and congestion on all the main roads and people living on those roads having to take their children to the doctors as they have developed new and worsening respiratory conditions - I am being genuine with with what I post on here so it is sad that you deem it to be anything other and seek to denounce it as anything else - sometimes you have to agree to disagree and refrain from casting disparaging remarks about the other party just as I have done
Well we were told that the traffic should evaporate after 18 months in Lambeth but all I see and hear about is more traffic and congestion on all the main roads and people living on those roads having to take their children to the doctors as they have developed new and worsening respiratory conditions - I am being genuine with with what I post on here so it is sad that you deem it to be anything other and seek to denounce it as anything else - sometimes you have to agree to disagree and refrain from casting disparaging remarks about the other party just as I have done
sometimes you have to actually engage with what people are saying and enter a conversation with the possibility of having your mind changed.
You are doing neither, ergo you are a bad faith actor.
sometimes you have to actually engage with what people are saying and enter a conversation with the possibility of having your mind changed.
You are doing neither, ergo you are a bad faith actor.
You have not convinced me - that is not me being anything other than someone who is not convinced by what you have said and what you have shared - I have seen and heard of lots of reports by people and businesses how LTNs have significantly affected their health, wellbeing and/or livelihood and the council have been informed about this too but nothing has been done to mitigate these issues and the councils and councillors have simply ignored them - they are bad faith actors
This isn't even data; it barely even qualifies as hearsay; it's just some bollocks you've made up. About a kid a month dies from asthma in London and it's not because of LTNs.
Obviously you don't want to believe this but it's true and no academic research is going to highlight this but the mother of the child who did have air pollution listed on her death certificate also is not a supporter of LTNs due to the displaced traffic and congestion they cause on the boundary roads which are in generally just other residential roads often where schools are located
Obviously you don't want to believe this but it's true and no academic research is going to highlight this but the mother of the child who did have air pollution listed on her death certificate also is not a supporter of LTNs due to the displaced traffic and congestion they cause on the boundary roads which are in generally just other residential roads often where schools are located
A grieving mother is not 'data' Ian. And her daughter died in 2013.
You have not convinced me - that is not me being anything other than someone who is not convinced by what you have said and what you have shared - I have seen and heard of lots of reports by people and businesses how LTNs have significantly affected their health, wellbeing and/or livelihood and the council have been informed about this too but nothing has been done to mitigate these issues and the councils and councillors have simply ignored them - they are bad faith actors

You have already made up your mind. There is literally nothing I could post that would change it. You have said as much. You don't understand what a bad faith actor is so the best you can do is sling it back at some people who are not me, have nothing to do with me and are not connected to the vast majority of LTNs anyway.
Obviously you don't want to believe this but it's true and no academic research is going to highlight this but the mother of the child who did have air pollution listed on her death certificate also is not a supporter of LTNs due to the displaced traffic and congestion they cause on the boundary roads which are in generally just other residential roads often where schools are located
so - maybe we need fewer cars on the roads NOW? something worth campaigning for?
ianarmstrong hasn't blundered in without manners, it's just that they haven't got any new arguments and are talking rubbish.

It's true that some of the responses have been a bit more aggressive than is really called for.
He’s seemed happy enough with aggressive and intimidating posting styles on other areas of social media when the tide of opinion has been the other way.
Ah the “I reckon” methodology. Who needs experts eh?

Have you ever asked yourself why these things are going ahead despite your views? And no, it’s not because of giant conspiracy against cabbies.
Yes I've heard why the councils and councillors say they are doing this and their reasons are based on flawed logic in my opinion and they are not actually monitoring the reasons they say they are doing this for. They clearly believe all they are being told about LTNs but once they started to be informed about the misery they are causing I would expect them to seek to mitigate those issues instead of simply ignoring them but it seems they believe the issues will go away as that is what they have been told.
Well we were told that the traffic should evaporate after 18 months in Lambeth but all I see and hear about is more traffic and congestion on all the main roads and people living on those roads having to take their children to the doctors as they have developed new and worsening respiratory conditions - I am being genuine with with what I post on here so it is sad that you deem it to be anything other and seek to denounce it as anything else - sometimes you have to agree to disagree and refrain from casting disparaging remarks about the other party just as I have done
I lived in Lambeth at the time and no one ever said traffic would evaporate :confused:
Is he still here ?
Good grief....

I signed up to that FB group out of interest.
Bloody hell.
It's fairly-well adminned, but there are plenty of links to the full-on loons.
It's a way of describing the reduction in traffic that happens when you reduce road capacity (and the opposite happens if you increase it). It's not really that controversial.
I can’t see that claim in there 🤷🏼‍♀️
“We found that people in ‘high dose areas’ [of traffic interventions], including low-traffic neighbourhoods, were doing 40 to 45 minutes walking or cycling a week more than people in the control group,” says Professor Rachel Aldred, who co-authored the study, which was published last week.

Monitoring by the council shows there has been an overall fall in motor traffic across the entire borough – although there were small rises on the surrounding border roads. “The evidence shows there’s likely to be a mix of traffic displacement and ‘evaporation’ – ie some people will make journeys in other ways if driving becomes a bit more difficult,” says Aldred. “You wouldn’t expect 100% of people to stop driving but given current trends, without measures to discourage driving we will see much more traffic on all the roads.”

She adds measures such as low emission zones and widening pavements would help protect people living on main roads from traffic pollution.

As I say, pretty uncontroversial. Less room for cars and people using other modes = less driving. But this is "ideology" and "zealotry" to some.
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