It was... Rebekah Vardy's account
Not dogecoin?!? How?!?Even dogecoin is off by 88%
Not dogecoin?!? How?!?Even dogecoin is off by 88%
Nah, people borrowed money to buy in at higher levels than it is now...if you are still holding you aint going a fresh influx of naive suckers to push up demandYes and no. If it had produced a bubble of fictitious capital over the last two years equal to thousands of percent, I might not yet call it a crash. Also, the stock market does represent things with actual value.
In that reverse bubble graph, I'd say we're back one frame to the bloke in the balloon, not yet back to the bloke holding the balloon. He's losing height daily, though.
Maybe.About 500 people then
I have heard a lot about cryptocurrency for last few years excepially after Bitcoin price increasing so decided to invest some money in crypo too. After a while of searching I found MY FLAPS and it quite reliable service to start with.
I have heard a lot about cryptocurrency for last few years excepially after Bitcoin price increasing so decided to invest some money in crypo too.
I decided to hide some money in a hole in the wall instead - about two-thirds of it was eaten by mice, but I'm still a lot better off than I would have been if I'd put it in cryptocurrencies.
3500 USD
I can imagine a lot of punters are still clinging onto a loss making position in the hope that it will resurrect itself
It won’t but this big swinging dick thinks it will actually get to 15k by the end of the year
He is running out of days
Booming prices- market is rightThe backpedal begins. "I'm not wrong... the market is wrong".
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Was going to post this myself. A currency and system of exchange based on mistrust... even of ones own spouse, or safety deposit boxes, wills or any kind of legal backups apparently. If it had been a scam it would be funny enough, but the sheer stupidity if this....
yes, but is every p-o-w blockchain transaction necessarily as carbon expensive at each Bitcoin transaction?If it wasn't computationally expensive to solve a block, then malicious actors could take over the network with a large number of simple miners. The energy usage is part of the design.
Yes, that's my understanding. Blockchain tech has a use, but it's not as any form of currency.If you limit membership of the network to trusted actors, then you can prevent any one of them taking over the network. But then you're just left with a secure means of recording transactions, which is a solved problem, several times over.
Fire (and lots of it): Berkeley researcher on the only way to fix cryptocurrency
if that is true the blockchain has plenty of future in the realm of digital identity. If.What's worse, Weaver said, is that public blockchains are woefully wasteful and inefficient. Contrary to what blockchain proponents say, the requirement that many computers participate in resource-intensive "proof-of-work" computations has nothing to do with securing consensus. Instead, it's required to prevent so-called Sybil attacks that subvert a peer-to-peer system by creating a large number of fake nodes.
The result is that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies waste what Weaver said is an "obscene amount of resources." A central authority that designated 10 trustworthy entities could generate the same blockchain with "10 Raspberry Pis using less power than an incandescent light bulb."
That like driving 15 miles?
LondonYou'd have to be driving pretty slow for it to take over 4 hours to drive 15 miles.