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Which party will you vote for in the next election ?

who will you vote for ?

  • conservative

    Votes: 13 10.1%
  • labour

    Votes: 42 32.6%
  • liberal democrats

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • democratic unionist party

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • scottish national party

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • sinn fein

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • plaid cmyru

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • social democratic & labour party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • green party

    Votes: 29 22.5%
  • alliance party of northern ireland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • another party

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • spoiling ballet or not voting

    Votes: 25 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I admit it. I was totally wrong about the Lib Dems. My error made no difference because the Tory won by bloody miles anyway. But I had no idea that they would capitulate so utterly and horribly to the Tories' ideological war on the poor.

You can borrow my sjambok after I've finished self-flagellating if you like.
Because he was trying to be 'clever' by pointing out that a proportion of Urban posters will have changed their opinion in the light of subsequent evidence. As I've already said. Which isn't really very insightful. Moreover, the implication is a rather childish "Told ya so! Look! Some of you were wrong!" Somewhat similar to your own tone at times in fact.

If you say it, it must be true eh? :D

I suppose the irony of your own reaction to my reply to Howie (nothing to do with you, it's worth noting), your desperate need to dip your oar in (and pursue it like some sort of message board crusader), is entirely lost on you.

No he wasn't. He was pointing out fact. You took that as a personally directed dagger to your heart. Your problem - except for the angry tears you're insisting that we all get a taste of.
I suggest you go back and read the context Corax. You're massively over-reacting to something that was not directed at you. AFAICT, you tried to have a dig at moon, Sgt Howie missed that it was a dig and made an innocent reply, which you took as a dig at you and decided to make a huge deal out of it, for no obvious reason.

I didn't take it as a dig at me, I asked Howie to explain his post and his point. I only started getting slightly irked when he started using terms like 'brianiac' [sic]. I've never claimed to be Brian. The 'big deal' has only come about from butcher's gallant attempt to ride to the rescue. Are we done with this now? I'm bored.
I didn't take it as a dig at me, I asked Howie to explain his post and his point. I only started getting slightly irked when he started using terms like 'brianiac' [sic]. I've never claimed to be Brian. The 'big deal' has only come about from butcher's gallant attempt to ride to the rescue. Are we done with this now? I'm bored.

What a great poster you are. What substance you bring.
Well I admit it. I was totally wrong about the Lib Dems. My error made no difference because the Tory won by bloody miles anyway. But I had no idea that they would capitulate so utterly and horribly to the Tories' ideological war on the poor.
that's totally fair enough, becuase there are so many people just like you, who feel utterly cheated and deceived now
don't disagree with any of this, but I'm hopeful this is changing (slightly). Labour have lost 5 million votes since 1997, whilst only 2m fewer voted in 2010 than 1997. These clearly haven't all gone to the tories (1m up since '97), the lib dems (+1.6m). People have either given up on voting, gone green, SP in minute amounts, nationalist in scotland and wales, WESPECK. People (I think) are finally getting fed up to boiling point with Labour, and their single biggest asset is the lack of a viable 'true left' alternative'. I'm one of them;. all I need is that alternative, and I'm off. Given that the Lab vote held up best in Campaign group members' seats (such as my MP), I'm clearly not the only one. I certainly don't think the old castiron loyalties are there; it's as much a horror of tory rule that holds them up. Even so, I can see the greens continuing to rise, and mainly at Labour's expense.

The old loyalties might be evaporating, but it's that hatred of the Tories that will see Labour propelled back into office. The Greens, and whatever the far left manages to come up with, are no threat nationally. And even if Labour are forced for a time to make some kind of show of opposing the cuts and distancing themselves from the New Labour project, in order to placate the media they will have to tone it down to stand any chance of being elected. The media barons understand only too well, and so does the Labour leadership, that Labour can't rely on a militant anti-cuts movement, the shrinking former Labour heartlands, and various disaffected sections of society to gain a secure majority, even if we are plunged back into economic crisis (in reality we haven't come out of it and still everybody looks to the very parties and policies that caused it.)

And so we are unfortunately faced with the near-certainty that we'll get the cuts one way or another despite what goes on on the streets and outside the town halls.
I didn't take it as a dig at me, I asked Howie to explain his post and his point. I only started getting slightly irked when he started using terms like 'brianiac' [sic]. I've never claimed to be Brian. The 'big deal' has only come about from butcher's gallant attempt to ride to the rescue. Are we done with this now? I'm bored.

You asked him to explain a very straightforward post. It's not surprising he was a bit nonplussed at someone asking him to explain it, or rather the non-existent subtext.

Leave it, seriously.
OK. Carry on. It's making you look really good.

Cool, thanks!

Everyone's being so nice and complimentary today. It's lovely. :)

Serious Thread, Serious Posters.

The old loyalties might be evaporating, but it's that hatred of the Tories that will see Labour propelled back into office. The Greens, and whatever the far left manages to come up with, are no threat nationally. And even if Labour are forced for a time to make some kind of show of opposing the cuts and distancing themselves from the New Labour project, in order to placate the media they will have to tone it down to stand any chance of being elected. The media barons understand only too well, and so does the Labour leadership, that Labour can't rely on a militant anti-cuts movement, the shrinking former Labour heartlands, and various disaffected sections of society to gain a secure majority, even if we are plunged back into economic crisis (in reality we haven't come out of it and still everybody looks to the very parties and policies that caused it.)

And so we are unfortunately faced with the near-certainty that we'll get the cuts one way or another despite what goes on on the streets and outside the town halls.

Your post makes a lot of sense if people forget that.
New Labour doubled spending on health and education.
Bought in the minimum wage and minimum income guarantee.
Bought in working tax credits and the ema.

Yeah lots and lots of sense to the left wing miserabilists and the daily mail.
Your post makes a lot of sense if people forget that.
New Labour doubled spending on health and education.
Bought in the minimum wage and minimum income guarantee.
Bought in working tax credits and the ema.

Yeah lots and lots of sense to the left wing miserabilists and the daily mail.

And continued from the Tories the very policies that led to the economic crash we're all now being made to pay for, and pushed the market into areas even Thatcher didn't dare go, thus making Cameron's job easier. Not that they could have done much different; it isn't Labour's role to bring about even modest radical change anymore, and they'd be brought down by their corporate backers if they tried to do so.

There's no such thing as a miserabilist. There are realists, blind optimists and fantasists.
I didn't take it as a dig at me, I asked Howie to explain his post and his point. I only started getting slightly irked when he started using terms like 'brianiac' [sic]. I've never claimed to be Brian. The 'big deal' has only come about from butcher's gallant attempt to ride to the rescue. Are we done with this now? I'm bored.

Why, then, would my (by your own admission) entirely straightforward point - that it's among the sort of soft-left small-l liberals who populate this board that Lib Dem support has dropped most dramatically; and that this is the one political reflection worth making on the poll - provoke your unedifying, ongoing hissy fit?

I didn't know you'd been mugged by the Lib Dems for what it's worth, because I'd never noticed you before now, but as others have observed you clearly took this as some sort of personal slight. Now is the time to stop making a total cock of yourself.
I didn't know you'd been mugged by the Lib Dems for what it's worth, because I'd never noticed you before now, but as others have observed you clearly took this as some sort of personal slight. Now is the time to stop making a total cock of yourself.

Ah, you're psychic too eh? The pure self-regard of some internet posters really tickles me. It's a circle jerk of srs bsnssnss. :D

Look, you don't need to do this, your butcher in shining armour has already valiantly ridden to your aid; you can rest your pretty head.

Corax, what are you getting out of this unconvincing blustering, other than attention? You're just making yourself look even more of a prick.
Corax, what are you getting out of this unconvincing blustering, other than attention? You're just making yourself look even more of a prick.

I'm having fun playing the 'last word' game with you. You're playing it very well I have to say. You appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that I give a hoot what you or any other Urban warrior thinks. :D
could you two bellends please get a room ffs.

anyway... voting is pointless because as it stands, it only legitimises a thoroughly corrupt practice. there is no choice between the three main parties and the others don't have a chance. so the people need to be awoken from their slumber and start demanding proper representation, until then voting can SMC.
could you two bellends please get a room ffs.

anyway... voting is pointless because as it stands, it only legitimises a thoroughly corrupt practice. there is no choice between the three main parties and the others don't have a chance. so the people need to be awoken from their slumber and start demanding proper representation, until then voting can SMC.

This. When you can't really vote for any of the three main parties, because you have no confidence in any of them, what are you supposed to do. Seriously they should stick a "none of the above" box on the voting forms and see how many votes that pulls - and then look at why and do something about it.
This. When you can't really vote for any of the three main parties, because you have no confidence in any of them, what are you supposed to do. Seriously they should stick a "none of the above" box on the voting forms and see how many votes that pulls - and then look at why and do something about it.

Who is this they?
LIfe is all about making choices. If you can not decide between the parties perhaps you should look into it a bit more. Some people were very resistant to universal suffrage in the first place.
Who is this they?
LIfe is all about making choices. If you can not decide between the parties perhaps you should look into it a bit more. Some people were very resistant to universal suffrage in the first place.

But seriously if you don't agree with the parties ethics, ethos, principles or policies and the fact that some of the seem intent on either engaging in publicly unethical conduct or sticking their foot in their mouth - and without AV there is no point in voting for any of the smaller parties where do you go? I have a feeling that you were taking the piss but anyway........
But seriously if you don't agree with the parties ethics, ethos, principles or policies and the fact that some of the seem intent on either engaging in publicly unethical conduct or sticking their foot in their mouth - and without AV there is no point in voting for any of the smaller parties where do you go? I have a feeling that you were taking the piss but anyway........

I wasnt taking the piss. I think that the choice is a bit limited but i think that its a choice well worth making. And if you want a better/wider choice then perhaps you should try to join/create one.
When a few years ago people stood as (none as the above in the GE) they got very little support.
This. When you can't really vote for any of the three main parties, because you have no confidence in any of them, what are you supposed to do. Seriously they should stick a "none of the above" box on the voting forms and see how many votes that pulls - and then look at why and do something about it.
That would just be putting your faith in the ballot box by another means. Pointless, on its own. There will never, ever be an elected party of government which won't do exactly as much as they can get away with to screw us over. You'll never change anything merely by demanding different bums on seats.

Get out on the streets and let them know which lines no government can afford to cross. It's the only way we'll get any semblance of democracy, with or without revolution.
Don't get me wrong - totally get your points. Was a member of the "young" branch of a political party at University and never got where they were going or participated heavily as I found some of their behind the scenes ethos a bit unsavory, and it didn't sit very well with me, and I didn't actually vote for them in the local elections whilst I was at University (any politicians that took the time to visit Halls of Residence flats and sit down in the kitchen and explain what they were after - got my vote, to put it bluntly fuck taking me for granted).

Agree there needs to be some form of serious major revolution on the streets to address issues, I just feel sorry for the fact that it will be the police that will probably end up dealing with it, when most people's real problems are with the politicians. It's the same as phoning up a call center and bollocking the person on the other end of the phone - they don't run the company and in 99% of cases they haven't caused the problem that you're probably complaining about.
good points flash (although beating people etc is obviously completely fucking unacceptable)
which party was it btw? if you dont mind me asking?
When a few years ago people stood as (none as the above in the GE) they got very little support.

Incidentally I wasn't suggesting as standing as "none of the above" - if you forced 100% turnout (e.g. made it an offence not to vote) and put a box on the paper with "none of the above" if you really couldn't bring yourself to vote for any of them, it would just be interesting to see how much this would poll nationally.
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