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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

One thing I'm not grasping from that NY Times story, is why the Trump campaign refunded such vast sums of money? ($122 million, apparantly).

Is there some rule with US election funding which means you have to refund to your donors if you lose?? </ :confused: x 10 >
It's a try-on. They operate on the basis that a proportion of donors won't realise, or don't know what to do, but they're not going to refuse refunds and risk getting publicly done for it. It's pure Trumpism.
It's a try-on. They operate on the basis that a proportion of donors won't realise, or don't know what to do, but they're not going to refuse refunds and risk getting publicly done for it. It's pure Trumpism.

So the refunds come from Republican Trump-supporters themselves requesting that their donations get refunded to them?

That would make $122 million look like an even vaster sum ....
having heard of some of the pop ups he placed in the way of gullible supporters

whatever his is paying back is less that around 15%, he was able to fleece after losing the election

but saying that he will be trying to milk this action for years to prove he cares about his base
One thing I'm not grasping from that NY Times story, is why the Trump campaign refunded such vast sums of money? ($122 million, apparantly).

Is there some rule with US election funding which means you have to refund to your donors if you lose?? </ :confused: x 10 >
Apparently they need to by law. The maximum donation is $2000, so any over-payment has to be returned. For Biden it amounted to something like $75k, Trump and GOP went all went all underhand, fleeced loads of people then got caught out. Typical Trump.

The campaign arm of House Republicans is using an aggressive tactic to push online donors toward committing to monthly contributions, telling them that opting out of having the same amount automatically charged to their credit card or withdrawn from their bank each month is an act of disloyalty toward former President Donald Trump.

With a pre-checked box on the National Republican Congressional Committee's donation page on the GOP's online fundraising platform WinRed, donors are opted into making monthly donations and told: "We need to know we haven't lost you to the Radical Left. If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you're a DEFECTOR & sided with the Dems."
Not sure to where to put this. One for all you in the intersection of the Venn diagram of American politics and an unhealthy interest in UK police tactics and equipment. This is a still from a documentary about the invasion by Trump twats of the US Capital Building. This is a US Senator who kept some kit in her office for just such an event. She had a respirator ( gas mask) , ballistic vest and this police riot helmet.

Ignore the fact she is putting it on backwards. It is quite clearly a UK police issued NATO riot helmet. The markings show it was from Staffordshire and issued to PC 5451, who I imagine is busy deleting his or her e-bay account as I type.4DEF8BC6-490F-4956-A444-328BF463CF40.jpeg
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Trump's response to facebook's continued ban on him

“What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country,” Trump said in a statement.

“Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth, but the truth will come out anyway, bigger and stronger than ever before,” he continued. “The People of our Country will not stand for it!

These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process.”
Possibly an interesting development:

AFAIK being incarcerated doesn't bar you from running for president.

In the very unlikely event that he gets locked up, I can foresee the Fox news piece comparing him to Nelson Mandela
AFAIK being incarcerated doesn't bar you from running for president.

In the very unlikely event that he gets locked up, I can foresee the Fox news piece comparing him to Nelson Mandela
Except in reverse, and not a freedom fighter.

How do you run a country from pokey?

"I'll take my calls in the very small oval office, once Bubba has finished on the can"

Over the years, Trump has obsessively railed against wind turbines, accusing them of causing cancer, killing birds, and being just plain ugly.

That obsession hit the next level on Wednesday night. “They’re making windmills all over the place. They kill our land and kill our birds. They kill everything,” the disgraced ex-president groused.

He went on to claim that wind turbines were “not good” because, in his opinion, they only provide “intermittent energy” and that’s “not going to power our great factories.”

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