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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

He was a first-time governor and ally of Trump who enjoyed popularity among conservatives with his stance against Covid-19 lockdown and restriction since the coronavirus pandemic began. He also recently signed a controversial bill banning transgender female athletes from participating in sports.

sensible, balanced man then :rolleyes:

The attendees were also “asked attendees to mark any of 25 policy issues as most important to them.” The issues that topped the results are Immigration/Border Security, Election Integrity and Religious Freedom.

Doesn't that sum them up: keep the riff-raff out, stop black people from voting, and religious freedom for far-right Christians.

In a lawsuit filed in state court in Manhattan, the company alleged wrongful termination of the contract in mid-January, saying the city and Mayor Bill de Blasio had "denounced President (Donald) Trump in the most inflammatory terms" and "incited others to terminate business with Trump-related entities" the day after the riot.

Pointing also to comments de Blasio had made earlier in his term in which he threated to end the city's Trump-related contracts, the company said in the lawsuit that "Mayor de Blasio had a pre-existing, politically-based predisposition to terminate Trump-related contracts, and the City used the events of January 6, 2021 as a pretext to do so."

The company had operated the Bronx golf course since 2015.

A spokesman for the city law department said Monday that "the actions of Mr. Trump to incite a deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6th caused a breach of the Ferry Point contract by eliminating options for hosting championship events and we will vigorously defend the City's decision to terminate the contract."

"The City properly followed the termination process detailed in the contract and we look forward to selecting a new vendor for Ferry Point that will further the best interests of New Yorkers," the spokesman said.

GETTR is one of the highest-profile projects in a larger ecosystem of pro-MAGA tech and social media platforms that have blossomed on the right, largely fueled by a sense that Big Tech is attempting to silence conservative and pro-Trump ideology from being disseminated online. In recent months, it was widely reported that the Trump team was searching for a platform on which to re-establish his online presence, either by buying a company outright and rebranding it as his exclusive platform, or becoming a featured draw.

The app first went live on the Google and Apple app stores in mid-June and was most recently updated Wednesday. It’s been downloaded over one thousand times on each, drawing positive reviews from users.
I didn't even know router was a "thing"

“The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We’re so beyond the routers, there’s so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don’t want to give up the routers. They don’t want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?”

What, you ask, is he talking about?

Well, as part of the ongoing audit of the vote in Maricopa County (Arizona), there has been an attempt by Trump-aligned forces to subpoena the network routers used by the county’s election division.

Why the routers? Oh because the state Senate Republicans leading the audit – as well as the questionable firm they have hired to run said audit – want to know whether the Maricopa County voting machines were connected to the Internet on Election Day. Why? Because of a debunked conspiracy theory that votes were somehow electronically transferred from Trump to Biden. (This is all part of a broader conspiracy theory that Italian satellites were used to change votes. And no, I am not kidding.)

Why won’t the county just turn over the routers to appease Trump? Three reasons actually:

1. Money. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has estimated the cost of replacing routers, which would need to be done if the current ones were handed over for this “audit,“at $6 million. (If you’re wondering the board has a 4-1 Republican majority.)

2. Disruption: Handing over the routers would “severely disrupt the operations of county government because other agencies outside of the recorder’s office and elections department use them,” according to the board.

3. Safety: “Given access to the mail carriers’ – or routers’ – information, it would be easier for a bad actor to get access to a person’s mail, or to target the information inside the network,” wrote the Arizona Republic.
maybe this is not so stupid

Members of Donald Trump’s “inner circle” have allegedly been reaching out to Instagram influencers, some only teenagers, to promote the former president’s fundraising efforts as well as their own businesses.

According to a Huffington Post report, some of Mr Trump’s former team have been tapping into a network of far-right social media accounts which posts memes on right-wing conspiracy theories and anti-Covid vaccine propaganda to millions of followers.

Huff Post claims that these Instagrammers, some of whom are as young as 14, were initially hired by MAGA merchandise brands to display ads to their followers.

One account operator with hundreds of thousands of followers told the Huffington Post: “A lot of this stuff is very down-low.”

The minor, who requested anonymity, has posted dubious content including false information about Covid vaccines, false allegations that President Joe Biden is a pedophile, and racist content calling for the deportation of politicians who are women of color.

“There’s a lot of money to be made,” one account holder said. “You just gotta know the right people.”
Interesting and kind of predictable. The Trumpists are like some kind of pantomime Dickensian cult, aren't they? That paedophile accusation - have noticed that suddenly cropping up in, um, "conversation" with 45ists, recently. Just comes out of nowhere, when this self hasn't even mentioned the guy.
45ists here are having a (predictable) meltdown over this. Today's take on it is, that there was no insurrection on January 6th and Milley should be arrested for... being an insurrectionist. Because he went behind 45's back etc.

Fuck knows what this is about. Posted yesterday, so it refers to Feb 14 2022. A date upon which there are no elections, although it will be a year since the impeachment process against him failed.

There's another book out, from former press aide Stephanie Grisham with some choice revelations, such as talking about how strong kangaroos are with Boris Johnson:
My favourite is that one of his advisors was " the “Music Man”, who [Grisham] says could calm Trump down by playing his favourite songs, Memory from the musical Cats chief among them."
I can just imagine it. Trump, purple with apoplexy, mid-rant, his fingers toying with the red button, suddenly placated by Max Miller wandering in playing Memory on a flute
There's another book out, from former press aide Stephanie Grisham with some choice revelations, such as talking about how strong kangaroos are with Boris Johnson:
My favourite is that one of his advisors was " the “Music Man”, who [Grisham] says could calm Trump down by playing his favourite songs, Memory from the musical Cats chief among them."
I can just imagine it. Trump, purple with apoplexy, mid-rant, his fingers toying with the red button, suddenly placated by Max Miller wandering in playing Memory on a flute

Music has charms to sooth a savage breast.
There's another book out, from former press aide Stephanie Grisham with some choice revelations, such as talking about how strong kangaroos are with Boris Johnson:
My favourite is that one of his advisors was " the “Music Man”, who [Grisham] says could calm Trump down by playing his favourite songs, Memory from the musical Cats chief among them."
I can just imagine it. Trump, purple with apoplexy, mid-rant, his fingers toying with the red button, suddenly placated by Max Miller wandering in playing Memory on a flute

Wonder what tune would calm him down next time?
Over the weekend, Trump had a rally in Iowa. I actually had some invites to go. I find it frightening that he's going to run again in 2024. We'll be dealing with him and the damage he's caused for years to come:

He repeated false claims that the 2020 election was "rigged." He continued to cast doubt on the results, including in Arizona which just concluded a review of the state's largest county's votes and found no evidence of a stolen election.

And in front of thousands of whipped-up supporters, he endorsed both U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley and Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses, which has for decades launched the presidential nominating contests for both major political parties.

"You proved why Iowa should continue to vote first in the nation, that’s right. First in the nation," Trump said, referencing his 8-point margin of victory in Iowa in 2020.

Civil War" was a top trending topic on Twitter on Sunday after remarks from an attendee of former President Donald Trump's rally in Iowa were widely circulated online and by the media.

Trump held a rally at the Iowa State Fairground in Des Moines on Saturday. At the event, Trump supporter Lori Levi told MSNBC that she believes the U.S. is headed for a "civil war." Levi criticized Democrats and Republicans, saying most members of the GOP are "as weak as they possibly could be in Congress."

"They're establishment. They don't care about the American people because they're in their elite little tower," she said. "So we're just sick of it, you know, and we're not going to take it anymore. I see a civil war coming. I do. I see civil war coming."

As of Sunday afternoon, the term "Civil War" had been tweeted nearly 67,000 times as it trended on the major social media platform. Many were criticizing Trump supporters and the right-wing "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement. Some also tried to offer solutions to the current divide within American society.

"Polarization is worse than ever and getting worse not better. There is a Civil War coming if we don't stop dehumanizing those we disagree with politically," unsuccessful Democratic presidential and New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang tweeted. The political activist promoted his new Forward Party PAC, which aims to promote democratic reforms.

Polarization is worse than ever and getting worse not better. There is a Civil War coming if we don’t stop dehumanizing those we disagree with politically. @Fwd_Party

— Andrew Yang🧢⬆️🇺🇸 (@AndrewYang) October 10, 2021
"Political stress is at record highs, we're already seeing political violence, 42% of people now see political opponents as "mortal enemies" or "evil." We can all feel it. Where will it end? I wish it were hyperbole but we should take this very seriously," Yang added in a follow-up Twitter post.

Dean Obeidallah, host of The Dean Obeidallah Show, suggested that largely Democratic states would be happy for largely Republican states to secede from the country—unlike what happened back in the 1860s during the Civil War.

"Civil War Coming" is trending. It's not for various reasons but a big one is the Civil War in 1861 happened when Red States said we are leaving and Blue States waged a war to preserve the Union. Today if Red States wanted to leave Blue states would say "Check out time is 1PM"

— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) October 10, 2021
"'Civil War Coming' is trending. It's not for various reasons but a big one is the Civil War in 1861 happened when Red States said we are leaving and Blue States waged a war to preserve the Union. Today if Red States wanted to leave Blue states would say 'Check out time is 1PM,'" he tweeted.

Nick Knudsen, the executive director of DemCastUSA, warned that America's shouldn't dismiss the threat of violence.

To everybody making light of the MAGA folks talking about Civil War: just remember that they’re heavily armed, brainwashed and consistently encouraged by the GOP to engage in vigilantism/insurrection.

Not a good combo. We should fear for the folks they’ll target with violence.

— Nick Knudsen 🇺🇸 (@NickKnudsenUS) October 10, 2021

I watched a little bit of video and he's still trying to stir up some kind of violence to put himself back in office. Its frightening how he'll say a phrase and within a couple of days I'll hear people I know say it. I actually had someone tell me that I'm "an elite" because I have a degree. I've also been assured that "the elities will get what's coming to them once Trump comes back." I sure didn't feel like an elite when I was 14 and detasseling corn to save up for it, or when I was working from 11 pm to 7 am, getting two hours of sleep before going to class to pay for room and books. Its ironic that many of the people who class me as "an elite" make a fuckton more money than I ever will. Sorry, for the whining. This all has put me in a bad mood.
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Let's hope it's just hyperbole and hot air from the usual suspects. The reality of a second US civil war, and the fallout from it, would be catastrophic for both the USA and the rest of the world.
Let's hope it's just hyperbole and hot air from the usual suspects. The reality of a second US civil war, and the fallout from it, would be catastrophic for both the USA and the rest of the world.
The country seems so divided, that a civil war may be the only way out.

I'm not sure how it would play out, though.
The last civil war saw states vs states. Easy to see what side you were on.
How would it work out if it was democrats vs republicans? Each state has both.

Scary stuff, and I truly hope that it will not happen.
They would need something that the whole country could unite together.
I have no idea what that would be.
There's another book out, from former press aide Stephanie Grisham with some choice revelations, such as talking about how strong kangaroos are with Boris Johnson:
My favourite is that one of his advisors was " the “Music Man”, who [Grisham] says could calm Trump down by playing his favourite songs, Memory from the musical Cats chief among them."
I can just imagine it. Trump, purple with apoplexy, mid-rant, his fingers toying with the red button, suddenly placated by Max Miller wandering in playing Memory on a flute

Just like David with Saul

¶ But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit sent of the Lord, vexed him. And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, the evil spirit of God vexeth thee.
Let our Lord therefore command thy servants that are before thee, to seek a man that is a cunning player upon the harp: that when the evil spirit of God cometh upon thee, he may play with his hand, and thou mayest be eased.
Saul then said unto his servants, Provide me a man, I pray you, that can play well, and bring him to me. Then answered one of his servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse, a Bethlehemite, that can play, and is strong, valiant, and a man of war, and wise in matters, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him.

¶ Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. And Jesse took an ass laden with bread and a flagon of wine and a kid, and sent them by the hand of David his son unto Saul. And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him very well, and he was his armor bearer. And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David now remain with me: for he hath found favor in my sight. And so when the evil spirit of God came upon Saul, David took an harp and played with his hand, and Saul was refreshed and was eased: for the evil spirit departed from him.
The country seems so divided, that a civil war may be the only way out.

I'm not sure how it would play out, though.
The last civil war saw states vs states. Easy to see what side you were on.
How would it work out if it was democrats vs republicans? Each state has both.

Scary stuff, and I truly hope that it will not happen.
They would need something that the whole country could unite together.
I have no idea what that would be.
I'm sure all those slaves in the Southern states had no qualms about supporting their side.

The term "War between the states" was one coined by white racists in the South seeking to justify their 2Lost Cause" narrative
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