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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Someone distantly related (presumably) has a similar email address to me and obviously fudged it when signing up to Trump's mailing list.

Anyway, here's today's gem (I've redacted the pledge/email bit):


Democrats are trying to undo the Election regardless of the FACTS!

The Do Nothing Democrats should be focused on building up our Country instead of wasting everyone’s time and energy on this BS Impeachment Scam, which is what they have been doing ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016!

They are willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind. It’s disgusting!

Their goal has always been to silence YOU, GLENN. They want to steal YOUR voice and YOUR vote. Ultimately, they want to STEAL THIS ELECTION!


I need you on my team to fight back! We just launched the Official Impeachment Defense Task Force, and I’m calling on only my most loyal supporters to join - True, American Patriots, like YOU.

This Task Force is so critical, that I’ve activated an EMERGENCY DOUBLE-MATCH on ALL CONTRIBUTIONS made before 11:59 PM TONIGHT.

What is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the People. Intended to take away the power from YOU.

The Left wants to take away your VOTE, your Freedoms, your Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and your God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!

That’s why I need you on my team. As a member of my Task Force, you’ll play a critical role in representing our Impeachment Defense front for all of your state. You will save our country.

Make no mistake, this is a battle, and a battle we MUST WIN.

My team is giving me a list of every American who contributes and joins my Official Impeachment Defense Task Force TOMORROW. Will I see your name on there?

Please contribute $5 to join our Official Impeachment Defense Task Force by 11:59 PM TONIGHT and get on the list of Patriots my team sends to my office.

Thank you and GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
Someone distantly related (presumably) has a similar email address to me and obviously fudged it when signing up to Trump's mailing list.

Anyway, here's today's gem (I've redacted the pledge/email bit):

what a waste of $5!!!!

Contributions to TMAGAC or any member committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

I guess the money raised will be used to pay his lawyers....
I also had to go and check for myself.

If a tin pot dictator of some third world nation had said that you'd think "slow down mate", let alone the democratically elected leader of the free world.

Still, strong and stable geniuses have no time for false modesty
I like good news. This isn't great news but it has the potential to turn out that way.


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's accounting firm must turn over eight years of the president's tax returns to a grand jury in New York, a federal judge ruled Monday.

Trump immediately appealed. A federal appeals court agreed to temporarily delay enforcing the lower court judge's decision while that case goes forward, which means the grand jury and state prosecutors in New York won't get Trump's tax returns just yet.

Policy disaster? Yes
NATO disaster? Yes
Disaster for Israel? Maybe but it's probably more about cash

Disaster for millions of innocent civilians including little kids who are likely to be killed, maimed, disfigured, or generally messed up?

No fucker in the white house seems to give a toss.
On form, no. On strong drugs, yes.


Trump expanded ..

Later when expanding on his "off limits" tweet, Mr Trump said Turkey should "not do anything outside of what we would think is humane".

Does he mean something like separating little kids from their families and locking them up in cages without a toothbrush?
Trump expanded ..

Does he mean something like separating little kids from their families and locking them up in cages without a toothbrush?
...if it's whatever the Trump administration thinks is humane, then he's given Erdogan a lot of 'wriggle room'...
Oh yes, 'the old second whistle-blower trick'. And as a result of being represented by the same law firm coincidentally, whistle-blower No 2 should be ideally placed to cover up the credibility cracks in the whistle-blower No 1's story. You have to laugh.

Yeah, why on Earth would both whistleblowers choose to use a lawyer who worked within the CIA protecting whistleblowers from reprisals before joining Whistleblower Aid, a nonprofit legal group dedicated to protecting whistleblowers? Won't the Democrats ever stop cooking up these crazy conspiracies to bring an honest president down? #fakenews #conspiracy #witchhunt #hillarysemails #bestpresidentever #greatandunmatchedwisdom
Anyone got an idea what Trump is on about when he says he will obliterate the economy of Turkey which he has “done before”? Did I miss him obliterating the Turkish economy or is he now identifying himself as “America” and its entire history personified? Or as God?
Anyone got an idea what Trump is on about when he says he will obliterate the economy of Turkey which he has “done before”? Did I miss him obliterating the Turkish economy or is he now identifying himself as “America” and its entire history personified? Or as God?

He's saying he's obliterated the economy of a country, not specifically Turkey, so presumably he means the USA. :D

Nah, really he's just senile.
Yeah, why on Earth would both whistleblowers choose to use a lawyer who worked within the CIA protecting whistleblowers from reprisals before joining Whistleblower Aid, a nonprofit legal group dedicated to protecting whistleblowers? Won't the Democrats ever stop cooking up these crazy conspiracies to bring an honest president down? #fakenews #conspiracy #witchhunt #hillarysemails #bestpresidentever #greatandunmatchedwisdom

According to said lawyer the whistleblowers could now prove to be "numerous". All acting independently of course. Democrats have suggested that if they do come to testify they their identities will be protected and their voices altered to prevent detection. But who are they being protected from? Now it may suit liberals to consider this iteration of the CIA "woke" but they are still the CIA.

As for conspiracies there have been almost 90 reasons advanced by Democrats as grounds for impeachment in less than three years. So 'crazy conspiracies' do abound. Of the conspiracies that have come to fruition (Mueller and Kavanaugh) it is 0 - 2 to the Donald. In the latest gambit (which looks the weakest of the three) it is assumed the whistle-blowers are working to a Democratic agenda. I'm sure this is what Democrats assume too.

But what if it's the other way round? What if elements of the CIA/FBI etc are pursuing their own agenda with the Democratic left simply providing cover?

Ultimately it says everything about the self-styled progressives that just over 12 months out from the election they have decided to focus on something like this. But what does it tell us?

It tells us that for all the blather about democracy the liberal left have come to regard US intelligence services as a better bet than the electorate. It also tells us that the liberal left on both sides of the Atlantic is simply unmoored.
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Anyone got an idea what Trump is on about when he says he will obliterate the economy of Turkey which he has “done before”? Did I miss him obliterating the Turkish economy or is he now identifying himself as “America” and its entire history personified? Or as God?

what makes you think he isn't talking about the bird?
He's saying he's obliterated the economy of a country, not specifically Turkey, so presumably he means the USA. :D

Nah, really he's just senile.
I think he's really starting to lose it. That tweet is extraordinary, but appears genuine!

Would he have done this to the Kurds were it not for the pressure of impeachment
He's saying he's obliterated the economy of a country, not specifically Turkey, so presumably he means the USA. :D

Nah, really he's just senile.
He's on about the time they briefly sanctioned two mates of Erdogan in order to secure the release of a US pastor (Andrew Brunson) they were detaining on absurd charges in order to pressure the US to extradite Gulen to turkey.
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I think he's really starting to lose it. That tweet is extraordinary, but appears genuine!

Would he have done this to the Kurds were it not for the pressure of impeachment
The US were always going to do just this - or similar - as was clear years ago. In a battle of interests vs friends, interests always win in these situations.
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