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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Nobody has said there are audio recordings. These calls are no longer routinely recorded and haven't been for some years. That's the reason so many other people listen in on the calls, so they can make a faithful transcript afterwards. It's highly unlikely there are any actual recordings excelpt maybe in Ukraine.

e2a, sorry hadn't refreshed my page and this was in response to somebody saying the whistleblower was referring to recordings of the Ukraine conversation
I've been away from t'interwebs for a few weeks and am a bit baffled: why is what Trump's supposed to have done re asking the Ukrainians for dirt on Biden junior (who isn't even standing) even worse than asking Russians for dirt on H Clinton? Is it on account of granting/withholding military aid, and is that such a game-changer, or am I missing something else?

Because Biden Junior got a very dodgy job in The Ukraine when his daddy was VP; and Boden Snr was involved in getting a Ukrainian prosecutor sacked at some point.

An article here from Oliver Bullough, the author of Moneyland in which he was very critical of Biden Jnr, explaining why these two facts do not add up to a conspiracy

Giuliani threatens to sue congressional Democrats over 'worse than McCarthy' tactics | Daily Mail Online

Rudy Giuliani says he might sue individual members of Congress on behalf of the president and members of his administration - possibly himself - over brass-knuckle tactics he says they're employing in their impeachment investigation.

Giuliani told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that civil rights and constitutional attorneys are advising him to challenge Democrats participating in the probe, including House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, for interfering with Donald Trump's Article II powers in the Constitution.

'They're doing extraordinary things,' he argued Tuesday evening. 'This is worse than McCarthy. How about a totally illicit impeachment proceeding,' he said minutes later.

He affirmed Wednesday morning in a tweet that a lawsuit is still under consideration on the grounds that Democrats are taking illegal actions to build their case for impeachment.
Nobody has said there are audio recordings. These calls are no longer routinely recorded and haven't been for some years. That's the reason so many other people listen in on the calls, so they can make a faithful transcript afterwards. It's highly unlikely there are any actual recordings excelpt maybe in Ukraine.

e2a, sorry hadn't refreshed my page and this was in response to somebody saying the whistleblower was referring to recordings of the Ukraine conversation

bet Vlad the bad did

not much happens in the Ukraine without Vlad sniffing around it,, methinks

State Dept inspector general's 'urgent' Ukraine briefing underway on Capitol Hill

I wonder whats dropping ?
It’s on going and getting worse.

Is he going to step over the line and say something so fucking insane that he needs sedating and taking away

Not sure what would qualify as over the line now - we're at the point where the president of the US could rant on social media at 3 in the morning about his enemies plotting a coup against him and post links to conspiracy websites, and it wouldn't be seen as anything too far out of the ordinary.
Live updates: Trump's impeachment inquiry - CNNPolitics

Kinda sad to see him floundering and drowning in a cesspool of his own creating.

Ten years ago I could have managed that. After spending the last two and a half years feeling like I'm under a "take no prisoners" attack from the right, I'm not inclined to be needlessly kind. I've lost that ability. Throughout his life, he's been the nastiest of bullies. He's gathered other nasty bullies around him who set out to make life miserable for people I care about. If this is what finally takes him down (and I'm not certain it is), I see no reason to feel sorry for him. He's had precious little sympathy for anyone else.
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Not sure what would qualify as over the line now - we're at the point where the president of the US could rant on social media at 3 in the morning about his enemies plotting a coup against him and post links to conspiracy websites, and it wouldn't be seen as anything too far out of the ordinary.

He apparently fitted a “Motherfucker” into one of his most recent rants at journos
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As long as he lives long enough to see his entitled prickish offspring having an uncomfortable time in jail. That’ll be satisfying for a lot of us.
His utter lack of shame or dignity is quite astonishing. Unfortunately they're also what seem to allow him to somehow pull through this shit.... because it's just not possible to shame him, he's the Donald and what he does is Right and Justified. He knows if he shouts 'Conspiracy' and 'Coup' he'll redouble his support and the game is up if he gives any concessions, and at this point acting like anything other than a cornered animal is giving concessions.

OTOH, he does seem properly shaken - all his life he has bullied and threatened his way out of things, and he may not be able to this time. Though I still fear he somehow will, there is nothing he won't stoop to. I'd say I'd fear he might call on militias to back him up only he's probably too fucking ignorant to actually be aware of them and what they are.
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Asking Ukraine for illegal assistance to alter a US election came out
Trump repeated his call for illegal interference on TV, and added China to the pot
Seems Trump also asked the UK, and I gather the Australians as well, the latter explaining the sickly remarks and almost sex between two twats of not so many days ago.

A sensible defence, and no doubt his base will accept it.

The only thing in all this, unless there’s a lot more to come, that might be enough to turn the senate is the quid pro quo angle with Ukraine. The Aus and UK stuff will be swatted away quite easily as there is no suggestion that he was effectively bribing them. With Ukraine there’s some evidence that he withdrew funding pending their help investigating Biden which ups the ante.

Still a long shot as the Republicans won’t turn on him unless he becomes an electoral liability, and he’s looking good for another term atm.
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