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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Whats really astonishing is that anyone can take it seriously. The author is anonymous and there are dozens of hearsay references to other anonymous contributors. Many of the allegations have no legal foundation. Clearly the Democrats have learned nothing from the Mueller fiasco because they don't want to learn anything. Already friendly media outfits have had to try and re-frame the arguments to meet the impeachment narrative - just two day in.

Washington Post and CNN have already been called out for blind partisanship that meets the very definition of fake news. Adam Schiff likewise simply made up a version of the conversation that he would liked to happened in order to tally with his soundbite about the Trump request for a 'favour' being akin to "Mob shakedown."

Confronted he later describe it as a "parody". In reality it is the impeachment process that is a parody. Not only have the liberal left leaned nothing they are actively regressing. Mueller was a confection but it least it had legs. Mueller 2.0 is so thin a gruel it might not make it past the weekend without imploding.

That's shockin', Joe
Seems odd to criticise the complaint because the whistleblower is "anonymous" - the validity of the source doesn't really seem to be in question, it's known that the person who filed the complaint is an intelligence officer who filed it through channels set up to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

Looks like a wise move, since Trump has attacked the whistleblower as a partisan traitor and suggested that he and the people who spoke to him should be executed.

This is all moving along faster and with wider public support than I expected - according to a poll taken after the announcement of the impeachment inquiry but before the release of the complaint, the US public is now evenly split on impeachment, with even 10% of Republicans in favour.

Support for impeachment jumps in new poll
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The madam Tussaud's waxwork of Trump and Stormy Daniels needs a bit of work
I think the House will probably impeach him - Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have started the process if she didn't believe she had the votes - but I don't think they'd get a two-thirds majority in the Senate to convict him and actually remove him from office even if there was clear evidence he had committed treason.

Hunter Biden seems like a liability, I think while the impeachment process drags on, the Republicans and Fox etc. will dredge up all kinds of stuff, as well as rehashing his getting kicked out of the Navy for using cocaine, romancing his brother's widow, etc., and quite likely find enough for Trump to claim some sort of vindication. If they get anything really juicy, they might wait until after Biden gets the Democratic nomination to release it.

I have a really wild idea. Why don't the dems run a presidential candidate without any dodgy past deeds that can be dragged up and, get this, from a non-dodgy family?
Ner, obviously silly - much easier to pick someone and try to hide the dodgy bits.
I have a really wild idea. Why don't the dems run a presidential candidate without any dodgy past deeds that can be dragged up and, get this, from a non-dodgy family?
Ner, obviously silly - much easier to pick someone and try to hide the dodgy bits.
go Bernie ,is there any dirt on him and his fam yet ?
One of the biggest problems in politics is politicians. Way too many are dirty in one way or another but the big plan is hiding their shit instead of finding people without skeletons in their cupboards.
I have a really wild idea. Why don't the dems run a presidential candidate without any dodgy past deeds that can be dragged up and, get this, from a non-dodgy family?
Ner, obviously silly - much easier to pick someone and try to hide the dodgy bits.
They could try it, I suppose, but it's pretty clear that dodgy deeds and dodgy families are not the issue.
24 hours is a total bastard for Trump.
This total and utter fuck up is looking like even Trump can't get out and, here comes the killer, it's looking like the Republicans in the senate might be forced to vote for impeachment.
The political pundits, even right wing ones, are saying he could very well be fucked this time.
Hope so.
Seems Trump hit back at Fox with 30 tweets in as many minutes, those including a retweet about sharks from a spoof account.
It looks like Trump is angry and barking in the same way a wounded dog shows its teeth to a vet.
This is looking very bad for Trump, but good for the world.
According to this things not going so well for Trump's defenders even the Fox presenter gave Stephen Miller a hard time:

Trump loyalists are working hard defend the president. It isn’t going well.

Following on from Mueller and Kavanaugh once again there's a whole series of problems with this latest Democratic gambit.
1. The so called whistle-blower isn't actually a whistle-blower as understood. He/she/they didn't stumble on the evidence. He merely compiled it from unknown sources and spun said allegations into a coherent whole, and released it into the wind.
2. The Democrats announced the inquiry prior to the transcript being released which suggests they didn't expect the White House to make the transcript public so early, or at all.
3. So for them the drum beat for impeachment is still based on the allegations rather than the transcript (which falls considerably short of being the necessary smoking gun).
4. Most damning is that the by comparison with Mueller this is considered by Democrats to be 'more straightforward' and so easier to digest. Which points to the intended audience not being the House of Representatives much less the Senate - but the electorate. In other words this is not a serious attempt at impeachment (of which there is zero chance and shrinking by the hour) but of hanging the idea of impeachment around Trumps neck in the election run-in.
5. Because of that there is a rush to judgement and a coordinated attempt to inflate the charges in order to try and maintain momentum - any stalling and the whole thing deflates leaving the Democrats covered in it once again. The fact for example that the 'secret server' was used just for this chat but more or less routinely shows that one of the three key points by the whistle-blowers is already at risk of being disproved.
6. Already Democratic propagandists are already having to work way to hard to keep the thing in the air. For instance the link to the Lindsay Graham interview in above link demolishes the optimism of the headline on its own. Accordingly the dangers of this blowing up in the Democrat faces is already acute.
Seems Trump wants to break the law and meet the whistleblower - I wonder why :hmm:

Seems Trump wants anyone that says bad things about him tried for treason

Seems Trump says it's hearsay and a scam

Seems Trump is a daft twat.
Following on from Mueller and Kavanaugh once again there's a whole series of problems with this latest Democratic gambit.
1. The so called whistle-blower isn't actually a whistle-blower as understood. He/she/they didn't stumble on the evidence. He merely compiled it from unknown sources and spun said allegations into a coherent whole, and released it into the wind.
2. The Democrats announced the inquiry prior to the transcript being released which suggests they didn't expect the White House to make the transcript public so early, or at all.
3. So for them the drum beat for impeachment is still based on the allegations rather than the transcript (which falls considerably short of being the necessary smoking gun).
4. Most damning is that the by comparison with Mueller this is considered by Democrats to be 'more straightforward' and so easier to digest. Which points to the intended audience not being the House of Representatives much less the Senate - but the electorate. In other words this is not a serious attempt at impeachment (of which there is zero chance and shrinking by the hour) but of hanging the idea of impeachment around Trumps neck in the election run-in.
5. Because of that there is a rush to judgement and a coordinated attempt to inflate the charges in order to try and maintain momentum - any stalling and the whole thing deflates leaving the Democrats covered in it once again. The fact for example that the 'secret server' was used just for this chat but more or less routinely shows that one of the three key points by the whistle-blowers is already at risk of being disproved.
6. Already Democratic propagandists are already having to work way to hard to keep the thing in the air. For instance the link to the Lindsay Graham interview in above link demolishes the optimism of the headline on its own. Accordingly the dangers of this blowing up in the Democrat faces is already acute.

There is a lot of this that is doubtful.

i) Whistle-blowers don't have to be a person who is involved in an act, they can (as here) hear about something and then blow the whistle (in fact many whistleblowers here and in the US, who have gone through the correct process and who have leaked to the press, have been people who have heard about things rather than been involved in them). This person appears to have done so properly; none of it leaked until most of the steps had been gone through.
ii) I am not sure that anyone expected Trump to release the memo, especially given that it broadly supports part of what the whistleblower said. They probably launched the enquiry in the hope that they would be able to obtain the details of the call (and remember the memo is not a complete transcript of what was in that call) and the complaint itself.
iii) Of course any impeachment enquiry would be based on the allegations contained in the whistleblower complaint - the memo is just a part of it.
iv) How is that damning? Even if you take away the complaint about the aid being withheld and base everything on just what was in the memo, it is the President of the US asking a foreign head of state to investigate a political rival of his. It is both pretty damning and easy to understand how wrong that is.
v) No it isn't. The complaint around the "secret server" is that it prevented the details of the call being circulated to a wider audience and that was the sole reason for it being on there. If it was routinely used for that reason, Trump is going to get impeached or invalided out of office because all of it is going to come out - probably at once.
vi) How is this going to blow up in Democrat faces? Is Trump suddenly going to produce the real transcript of the call that is completely at variance to what the memo says he said?
There is a lot of this that is doubtful.

i) Whistle-blowers don't have to be a person who is involved in an act, they can (as here) hear about something and then blow the whistle (in fact many whistleblowers here and in the US, who have gone through the correct process and who have leaked to the press, have been people who have heard about things rather than been involved in them). This person appears to have done so properly; none of it leaked until most of the steps had been gone through.
ii) I am not sure that anyone expected Trump to release the memo, especially given that it broadly supports part of what the whistleblower said. They probably launched the enquiry in the hope that they would be able to obtain the details of the call (and remember the memo is not a complete transcript of what was in that call) and the complaint itself.
iii) Of course any impeachment enquiry would be based on the allegations contained in the whistleblower complaint - the memo is just a part of it.
iv) How is that damning? Even if you take away the complaint about the aid being withheld and base everything on just what was in the memo, it is the President of the US asking a foreign head of state to investigate a political rival of his. It is both pretty damning and easy to understand how wrong that is.
v) No it isn't. The complaint around the "secret server" is that it prevented the details of the call being circulated to a wider audience and that was the sole reason for it being on there. If it was routinely used for that reason, Trump is going to get impeached or invalided out of office because all of it is going to come out - probably at once.
vi) How is this going to blow up in Democrat faces? Is Trump suddenly going to produce the real transcript of the call that is completely at variance to what the memo says he said?

very good retort. basically his post says, "look at me, i hate liberals so much I'm willing to go to bat for trump."
Trump Pressed Australian Leader to Help Barr Investigate Mueller Inquiry’s Origins

e2a, italy next?
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Nice to see Rudy pushed for documents, even better to hear him say he will refuse to cooperate.
That leaves the potential to see him in serious trouble - a very good thing.

There's no hearsay about this, but there are audio tapes of the orange fucker trying to get a foreign power to directly assist influencing a presidential election.
The whistleblower is reporting based on official white house documents, not passing on gossip.
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