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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

The article, while it may be onto something regarding Trump wanting US agencies to stay at his hotels, is creating a false/misleading narrative - US military aircraft land and stopover at Prestwick every day, and it's not unusual for aircraft going to Kuwait to stopover at Prestwick. The variable is weather, airspace/storage/accomodation congestion at different air bases/airports, and headwinds. Those decisions are often made while the aircraft is over the Atlantic, and the hotel booking might only be done when the aircraft lands.

Check the spotter websites, it's an unusual day when there aren't US aircraft at Prestwick.

Also often visited at least for refuelling by CIA aircraft although you won't see them on the spotter sites.
One can only imagine what Fox and the rest of the US right would have done if Obama had ever proposed this:

American negotiators have reached an “agreement in principle” with Taliban leaders over nine rounds of talks in Qatar aimed at facilitating the withdrawal of the roughly 13,000 US troops who remain in Afghanistan nearly 18 years since the military campaign commenced.

The Camp David talks would have been held three days short of the anniversary of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks by al-Qaida militants who were being harboured in Afghanistan by the then ruling Taliban regime, the justification for the US-led invasion of the country a few weeks later.

Most of the terms of the provisional peace agreement are classified but it would include the withdrawal of 5,000 American soldiers from five bases across Afghanistan by early next year.

The Taliban would agree to renounce al-Qaida, fight the Islamic State group and stop jihadists from using the south Asian country as a safe haven.
The article, while it may be onto something regarding Trump wanting US agencies to stay at his hotels, is creating a false/misleading narrative - US military aircraft land and stopover at Prestwick every day, and it's not unusual for aircraft going to Kuwait to stopover at Prestwick. The variable is weather, airspace/storage/accomodation congestion at different air bases/airports, and headwinds. Those decisions are often made while the aircraft is over the Atlantic, and the hotel booking might only be done when the aircraft lands.

Check the spotter websites, it's an unusual day when there aren't US aircraft at Prestwick.

If the problem is its happenng a lot which is the insinuation of the established discount arrangement, feel sorry for the singled out flight crew hope they spin the fuck out it, cite "airport familarization recency" and explain that their could be significant savings for the pentagon as there might be certain flights where there could be operational savings from freighting using a c130 instead of c17
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If the problem is its happenng a lot which is the insinuation of the established discount arrangement, feel sorry for the singled out flight crew hope they spin the fuck out it, cite "airport familarization recency" and explain that their could be significant savings for the pentagon as there might be certain flights where there could be operational savings from freighting using a c130 instead of c17

My mistake, sorry it WAS a C17, not a Herc.Joint Air Force Alaska Air National Guard. 2 C130's did end up at Preswick on Saturday though.

Stats on what they are keeping an eye on:
95 stops and 40 overnights at Turnberry in 2015
145 and 75 in 2016
180 and 116 in 2017
257 and 208 in 2018
259 stops and 220 overnights through August 2019.

Turnberry charging $136, local Marriot $161
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Apparently they changed the law over the weekend just to deny sanctuary to those affected by Dorian.
Harsh and I mean very harsh, but probably right , hope State Dept fly in an emergency admn team. Don't get me wrong Bahamas was my first family holiday destination that didn't involve tents, (fucking loved it and dreamed of becoming a lift attendant there apparently !I was 7)) But it's a coral island and a lot of people are going to see off as a one way trip all things considered.

What's more bugging me Where the fuck is Queen Elizabeth? She sailed to Eastern seabord over a week ago. All I see on the website is v high gloss kit operational footage Some actual doing shot footageright now would be benefit cubed hattip to the RFA but WHERE THE FUCK IS QUEEN ELIZABETH!
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...Where the fuck is Queen Elizabeth? She sailed to Eastern seabord over a week ago. All I see on the website is v high gloss kit operational footage Some actual doing shot footageright now would be benefit cubed hattip to the RFA but WHERE THE FUCK IS QUEEN ELIZABETH!

She doesn't have a full contingent of air group personnel aboard so she couldn't operate many more helicopters than she has
with her - she also doesn't have HADR supplies on board, so - as she is - she'd kind of just get in the way. Unlike the RFA's Sheshe doesn't have a well deck or mexifloats, so without a functioning port she couldn't get the stuff off anyway. She could, in extremis, be used to move people, but so could any of of the criuse liners that are about, and they'd be far better at it.

The Bahamas are only 90 miles off Florida, once the RFA and the others clear some helicopter landing zones and then the runway, as well as getting the ports back on line, there are hundreds of ships far closer that could do a better HADR job than QE.
She doesn't have a full contingent of air group personnel aboard so she couldn't operate many more helicopters than she has
with her - she also doesn't have HADR supplies on board, so - as she is - she'd kind of just get in the way. Unlike the RFA's Sheshe doesn't have a well deck or mexifloats, so without a functioning port she couldn't get the stuff off anyway. She could, in extremis, be used to move people, but so could any of of the criuse liners that are about, and they'd be far better at it.

The Bahamas are only 90 miles off Florida, once the RFA and the others clear some helicopter landing zones and then the runway, as well as getting the ports back on line, there are hundreds of ships far closer that could do a better HADR job than QE.
She's also got a massive problem with her stern gland that that better fucking learn from on Big Ears. So sending her across the Atlantic on trials that are as much about promo and recruitment, in squall season - what twat did that? Makedo and mend
Also clear we now have need of new aircraft design. No arrestor hook means change of plans at sea is limited to what you can get within operational range of a Merlin. Going to need something VTOL with a longer range than that
He doesn't know.

Senior Service can only do so much, as Operation Mikado showed. Loss of Atlantic Conveyor was regrettable (but that was McQueen for you). There is operational hole that I suggest will requiire a longer range VTOL capability.

Helping sort out thee Bahamas is a peace time role, and that we CAN send people and kit via friendly shores less than 90 miles away, serendipitousus at this time, but that may not always be the case with a running role redeployment.
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He doesn't know.

Whilst the US has a Commander in Chief and Administration thats focus on this CAT 5 has been, gasoline for first responders, Alabama and due process of environmental refugees, there is cause for the UK to be a bit more can do.

Given the importance of ballasting to the daily operation of a carrier, and the dangers from getting it wrong, particuarly in the Atlantic during hurricane season. There is a lot to learn from moving forward.
Good. Sick of seeing him on screen thinking "no -one with that sort of comedy moustache can be evil..."

He just fired John Bolton, which is probably good news for the wider world (of course, depends on his choice for the next National Security Adviser)

It kinda looks like Bolton found out on twitter

His (JB's) previous tweets today sound like it genuinely was a surprise too :D
He just fired John Bolton, which is probably good news for the wider world (of course, depends on his choice for the next National Security Adviser)

I would say "It can't be someone as bad as John Bolton," but Trump's shortlist probably includes Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, Buck Turgidson, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Steven Seagal, He-Man, and this John Bolton guy he's been hearing a lot about lately.
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