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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

John Bolton was fired, and the price of oil instantly fell - CNN

Oil prices fell swiftly on Tuesday after President Donald Trump fired Iran hawk John Bolton as national security adviser.

The surprise exit of Bolton prompted speculation that the tensions between the United States and Iran could ease, or at least that the chance of a military conflict had decreased.

Bolton was a strong proponent of the Trump administration's "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran. That campaign was built on tough sanctions that caused Iran's oil exports to plunge.

US oil tumbled as much as 2.2% to $57.30 a barrel immediately after Trump tweeted out the firing of Bolton. Crude bounced off those lows and was recently trading around $57.75 a barrel. {/quote]
Harsh and I mean very harsh, but probably right , hope State Dept fly in an emergency admn team. Don't get me wrong Bahamas was my first family holiday destination that didn't involve tents, (fucking loved it and dreamed of becoming a lift attendant there apparently !I was 7)) But it's a coral island and a lot of people are going to see off as a one way trip all things considered.

What's more bugging me Where the fuck is Queen Elizabeth? She sailed to Eastern seabord over a week ago. All I see on the website is v high gloss kit operational footage Some actual doing shot footageright now would be benefit cubed hattip to the RFA but WHERE THE FUCK IS QUEEN ELIZABETH!

From elsewhere:

Currently onsite from the UK are personnel from:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office - diplomatic co-ordination
Department of International Development - disaster relief specialists
Royal Fleet Auxiliary - RFA Mounts Bay (logistics ship, with landing craft dock and helicopter) was pre-positioned in the Caribbean for hurricane season, packed with supplies and personnel from
- Royal Navy
- Royal Marines
- Royal Logistic Corps
- Royal Engineers
- Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Royal Corps of Signals

I doubt the Queen Elizabeth could be more helpful than that.

Also, when you said "a lot of people are going to see off as a one way trip all things considered," what you meant by that was that they never planned to return, right? And you're sympathetic with that goal, but you seem to also think it was OK for the US to change their Visa laws virtually overnight to prevent people from even entering the USA.

And subsequent events have shown the people in charge walking back from that. Probably.

It looks like the difficulty was that the previous visa specified flying into the US, so those who arrived on boats were refused. Not hand-paddled canoes, but normal cruise ships that they had travelled on before without anyone saying hey, did you fly here? They got in under the same visa before so why not now? This time, boats were able to travel but planes weren't.

Regardless of the humanitarian reasons, you cannot expect people in a disaster zone to have up-to-the-minute access to new decisions.

And the local govt agree with that.

Bolton needs to be as far away from power as is possible, with the exception perhaps of a 133000kV overhead electricity line.

I will sleep fractionally better tonight knowing that he’s been fired.

Until we find who he's hired next.
Bolton texted Fox live on air, he's adamant he resigned.

Of course Trump's going to claim he fired him. Alpha males etc. A real battle of the bastards.

Anyway, good riddance.
Trump tweeted this Tuesday night - I guess the only sane explanation is that he has already given up on winning a second term next year. What confuses me is why he thinks he's going to be able to run against Bernie Sanders in 2024...

not sure you could find worse than Bolton trump will manage the only good thing is trumps new pick won't have quite the same war crazy rep and high profile as John bomb Iran now! Bolton
Trump tweeted this Tuesday night - I guess the only sane explanation is that he has already given up on winning a second term next year. What confuses me is why he thinks he's going to be able to run against Bernie Sanders in 2024...

View attachment 183840
Probably hoping that the repubs retain the senate and spend all of Sanders' (or any dem pres.) term stymieing, obstructing and generally destroying any legislation that passes to it -like they have been doing overall up to now...
Unfortunately there is more than one Trump. Could just be a continuation of the dynasty.

Could be they're "just messing with the Libs."

Or, they could be suggesting he serve a third term, for real. It would mean the overturning of our current system--a coup. In which case, there will be a lot of people planning to make sure he leaves office by any means possible, not all of them from the left.

<edited to add>
Evidently, this is what they mean:

Donald Trump Jr. will run for president in 2024, and he'll likely win the Republican nomination, GOP strategist says

Kill me now.
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Could be they're "just messing with the Libs."

Or, they could be suggesting he serve a third term, for real. It would mean the overturning of our current system--a coup. In which case, there will be a lot of people planning to make sure he leaves office by any means possible, not all of them from the left.

<edited to add>
Evidently, this is what they mean:

Donald Trump Jr. will run for president in 2024, and he'll likely win the Republican nomination, GOP strategist says

Kill me now.

This is a great quote though:

"He is fluent in the language of whining, dickish grievance-mongering, which has replaced modern conservatism," Wilson said.
Just speaking normally.

He just sounds to me like what he is - a tired 73-year-old guy trying to remember complicated stuff about tariffs and world leaders when he'd much rather be eating a cheeseburger and watching TV.

He sounded a lot more eloquent when he addressed a Republican gathering in Baltimore later that night - maybe because he was more comfortable in front of an adoring crowd, or because he's still popping "cheap speed" diet pills.
He sounded a lot more eloquent when he addressed a Republican gathering in Baltimore later that night

The US president referred to “Mike Pounce” as he reeled off a list of Republicans in attendance at the party’s annual retreat in Baltimore.

During Thursday night's speech, he also suggested "nobody" lived in the US 25 years ago and told California Republican Kevin McCarthy he was "just like a cow" but "smaller".

Trump blames energy efficient light bulbs for making him 'look orange'
Maybe this is all bonus deleted scenes material from Requiem for a Dream, and we will soon be treated to a rare naked Elvis impersonation, live from the Oval office. The initial response will no doubt be 'I've never seen a burger placed there before'
Yep, everything he said was stupid and insane, but it didn't sound like he was having any trouble expressing himself.

Yeah, to be honest I dont get excited about his occasional complete mental absences because its not new - he looked lost and wandered off during a meeting in Israel years ago if I remember properly.
not necessarily the US ..........just Trump inc.

trumps got several intelligence agencies ......but hes waiting on the Saudis ? "and under what terms we would proceed!"

tin foil hat time ...maybe the the US deep state droned it , to increase the price of crude , lets be fracking 'avin yer

meanwhile , back in the banana republic

""Manhattan D.A. Subpoena's 8 Years of Trump Tax Returns. ‘it may be more difficult to fend off a subpoena in a criminal investigation with a sitting grand jury’""
8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

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