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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Looks like he brought all of his vile spawn and their spouses on this "State Visit" (aka expensive vacation paid for by US and UK taxpayers). Did the youngest sprog come? Haven't seen him in months.

Cage them all
Looks like Trump gate crashed a church service on the way home from golf on Sunday - possibly urged by some advisor to do something that looked like he gave a shit about the 12 people murdered in Virginia Beach. The fact the church was one of the closest ones from the course, nowhere near and with no connection to anyone involved in the mass shooting about 3 hours a week, didn't matter. Nor it seems did it matter that the Church had no idea he was turning up until he arrived.

So, that explains the golfing gear and bad hair. Asshole didn't even ask for a prayer for the dead, survivors or families. No, he wanted the pastor to say a prayer for him. Didn't go down too well with the congregation, but I guess the preacher was caught off guard, but still . . . Actually surprised lightning doesn't strike when he walks into a church to be honest.

Pastor tells congregation why he prayed for Trump

“Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn’t see coming, and we’re faced with a decision in a moment when we don’t have the liberty of deliberation, so we do our best to glorify God,” Pastor David Platt of McLean Bible Church said Sunday evening in a statement to church members titled “Prayer for the President.” “Today, I found myself in one of those situations.”
“At the end of my sermon at the 1:00 worship gathering, I stepped to the side for what I thought would be a couple of moments in quiet reflection as we prepared to take the Lord’s Supper,” he said. “But I was immediately called backstage and told that the President of the United States was on his way to the church, would be there in a matter of minutes, and would like for us to pray for him.”

And while Trump is demanding the blessings of priests and queens . . . his regime is tortures children as a matter of policy.

Botched reunifications left migrant children waiting in vans overnight

Under the blistering Texas sun last July, 37 migrant children boarded vans for what was supposed to be a 30-minute ride. At the end of the road from Harlingen to Los Fresnos lay the promise of hugs, kisses and long overdue reunification with their parents, from whom they were taken when the Trump administration began systematically separating migrant families who crossed the border illegally.
But when the children, all between 5 and 12 years old, arrived at Immigration and Customs Enforcement's adults-only Port Isabel Detention Center, rather than seeing their parents, they saw a parking lot full of vans just like theirs, with children from other facilities who, just like them, were waiting to be processed and reunified with their parents.
Not until 39 hours later — after two nights in a van — did the last child step out of a van to be reunited. Most spent at least 23 hours in the vehicles.
Despite two notifications from HHS that the children would be arriving, ICE officers kept to their regular schedule, clocking out for the day while the parking lot filled with children eager to see their parents again. There was no one present to greet the arriving children and they were not equipped to process them in a parking lot, the BCFS official told NBC News, describing the scene as "hurried disarray."
As treelover pointed out on another thread, it doesn't look like the anti Trump demos are all that big. Can anyone offer any additional info to that, or do we know numbers in London?

I went to the protest in Sheffield yesterday evening, which had perhaps 400 on the march but far less stayed to hear speakers. Was covered in Stand Up to Racism placards. Speakers and slogans all pretty much boiled down to Trump is racist/sexist/nasty/killing the planet/etc. No mention of Tories at all, or how the system produced Trump.

It was very similar in terms of message to the last anti-Trump protests in Sheffield but much smaller. I was wondering, I guess, if that's mainly because these demos have tended to stress Trump as uniquely awful or some sort of abberation, rather than simply the logical continuation of mainstream US politics. People were warned he would be disastrous, and in a sense he is, but he's also not too different to the last few Presidents. Additionally there seems no attempt to concretely link opposition to Trump to opposition to the Tories.

Anyway, just some thoughts, would be interested to hear reports/ideas from others.
Interesting piece here about how the Trump/GOP regime want to skew the census as one way of achieving a perpetual one party white supremacist fundamentalist Christian autocracy.

A White Man’s Republic, If They Can Keep it

The disparate approaches taken by two of the Court’s conservatives to the Voting Rights Act reflect the right’s dueling impulses towards civil-rights laws. Where Scalia rejected the very effort to guarantee black people the same right to cast a ballot as white people as a “racial entitlement,” Roberts insisted that he agreed with the law’s underlying premises but that the statute now did more harm than good (because such close scrutiny was no longer needed.)
The Census provides the basis for congressional apportionment and the distribution of federal resources. Empirical studies of the impact of adding the (citizenship) question have determined that it would result in a dramatic undercount of Latinos and immigrants—exactly contrary to one of the Trump administration’s stated rationales, that it would provide a more accurate count.
Voting districts are drawn using total population. A switch to using voting age citizen population would, Hofeller concluded in his 2015 memo, would expand white political power at the expense of people of color, and thereby increase Republican advantage.
The Census case is not ultimately about administrative procedure; it is, more fundamentally, about whether the Trump administration can use the federal government for the explicit purpose of increasing white political power. The Trump administration, and by extension, the conservative masses, are already on board, convinced by years of right-wing propaganda that all the opposition’s victories at the ballot box are suspect.
As treelover pointed out on another thread, it doesn't look like the anti Trump demos are all that big. Can anyone offer any additional info to that, or do we know numbers in London?

I went to the protest in Sheffield yesterday evening, which had perhaps 400 on the march but far less stayed to hear speakers. Was covered in Stand Up to Racism placards. Speakers and slogans all pretty much boiled down to Trump is racist/sexist/nasty/killing the planet/etc. No mention of Tories at all, or how the system produced Trump.

It was very similar in terms of message to the last anti-Trump protests in Sheffield but much smaller. I was wondering, I guess, if that's mainly because these demos have tended to stress Trump as uniquely awful or some sort of abberation, rather than simply the logical continuation of mainstream US politics. People were warned he would be disastrous, and in a sense he is, but he's also not too different to the last few Presidents. Additionally there seems no attempt to concretely link opposition to Trump to opposition to the Tories.

Anyway, just some thoughts, would be interested to hear reports/ideas from others.

Trump himself has just said there is more support than protest in the streets. The protests are very small and any talk of protest is fake news.
As treelover pointed out on another thread, it doesn't look like the anti Trump demos are all that big. Can anyone offer any additional info to that, or do we know numbers in London?

I went to the protest in Sheffield yesterday evening, which had perhaps 400 on the march but far less stayed to hear speakers. Was covered in Stand Up to Racism placards. Speakers and slogans all pretty much boiled down to Trump is racist/sexist/nasty/killing the planet/etc. No mention of Tories at all, or how the system produced Trump.

It was very similar in terms of message to the last anti-Trump protests in Sheffield but much smaller. I was wondering, I guess, if that's mainly because these demos have tended to stress Trump as uniquely awful or some sort of abberation, rather than simply the logical continuation of mainstream US politics. People were warned he would be disastrous, and in a sense he is, but he's also not too different to the last few Presidents. Additionally there seems no attempt to concretely link opposition to Trump to opposition to the Tories.

Anyway, just some thoughts, would be interested to hear reports/ideas from others.
A fascist regime
They made you a moron



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How large are the protests and how large do you think they should be/we would want them to be?
I'm not actually there - just forwarded a tweet from someone who was/is. I don't particularly have an opinion about the optimal size of protest.

Actually, probably the best protest would be for no one to show up at all - to ignore Trump and his entourage. Attention seems to be what he craves most. Getting none would make him more angry than getting negative attention. Doesn't look like he got much in the way of support in any case - maybe a few Republicans Abroad and random homegrown right wingers.

What I have seen is a lot of Americans commenting on social media at how much they like some of the demonstrations against him - the cock and balls in the field near Stansted, the projections on buildings and what they're saying are Royal snubs (e.g. no red carpet, not invited to stay in Buck House, something symbolic about the Queen's tiara having stones meant to ward off evil spirits or somesuch.) Americans always seem surprised, pleasantly so, when journos in the UK or elsewhere actually ask questions that aren't 100% fawning (even though they may seem pretty pathetically wet to us here.)

I get the sense alot of Americans who are despondent about the Trump/GOP regime are feeling pretty beaten down by the continuous outpouring of hateful bile and shit that they are too deflated to protest in the streets. Would it make much difference? And with all the ramped up surveillance, would it even be safe to do? It's that bit easier for people in another country to do it, and also important for giving a different narrative, on social media at least, than what Americans now get from their complacent, complicit mainstream media.
"Americans companies are going to have to be given market access to the NHS, but it's going to be a tremendous NHS, the best NHS you've ever seen. You guys are going to be blown away by how amazing your NHS is. What is an NHS, anyway?"

"When you’re dealing on trade, everything is on the table. So NHS or anything else. A lot more than that,” he said, although May appeared to have to explain to Trump what the NHS was before he answered the question.

Trump: NHS must be on the table in US-UK trade talks
Oh great, Cuba is an enemy again. :rolleyes:

US announces new travel restrictions on Cuba, banning cruise ships - CNNPolitics

The State Department announced that "going forward, the United States will prohibit US travelers from going to Cuba under the previous 'group people-to-people educational' travel authorization. In addition, the United States will no longer permit visits to Cuba via passenger and recreational vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, and private and corporate aircraft."
Garrett Marquis, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said the new restrictions are part of President Donald Trump's commitment to holding "the Cuban regime accountable for its direct destabilizing role in the hemisphere and contribution to the repression of the people of Venezuela."
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross maintained that "Cuba remains communist, and the United States, under the previous administration, made too many concessions to one of our historically most aggressive adversaries."
Is there anyone really surprised about this? Kind of obvious really.

Feels a little bit like a guest in your home shitting on the floor - but I guess if you invite Shitty McFloorshitter, President of the Floorshitting Party, into your home while he's suffering a particularly bad bout of diarrhea, it's the kind of thing that's going to happen.
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"Americans companies are going to have to be given market access to the NHS, but it's going to be a tremendous NHS, the best NHS you've ever seen. You guys are going to be blown away by how amazing your NHS is. What is an NHS, anyway?"

Trump: NHS must be on the table in US-UK trade talks
Well now. How fucking surprising. We get Brexit so we have to go begging to the US for a trade deal. And then they say out loud (to get us used to the idea) ‘by the way this must include the NHS’. It’s almost like it was planned. ETA: I’ve never subscribed to the ‘fell down the bog and came back up with a gold watch in his teeth’ type explanation of things.
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So today he called Corbyn a “negative force”. Corbyn must be feeling a warm, fuzzy glow as he sips his cocoa tonight.
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