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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I don't want him to be dead, the show is just getting good, plenty of room for character development still. Also, him being dead on the toilet mid-tweet would just mean Pence. :(

Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 10.25.59.png
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on the "not daring to wake him up" front, I've read a story that Stalin's death was partly caused by a similar fear from his body guards, who were so scared of his wrath if they interrupted him in his room that they left him lying for hours when prompt medical attention might have kept him alive. I wonder if Stalin would have Tweeted?
On Axios Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal
President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They're deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme.
On BI President-elect Donald Trump doesn't believe in climate change. Here's his platform on the environment

Well he did say he'd withdraw from the Paris deal and it's a fairly popular policy with his base.

Pity, Americans actually were coming round to seeing global warming as a man made problem.


But not Conservative Republicans:

On TSG IntelBrief: President Trump vs. Europe
On issues such as climate change, it is difficult to overstate the chasm between Merkel—and the EU more broadly—and the position of President Trump. At every stage, the Germans prefer a multilateral approach to multi-causal problems. Berlin’s stance has been that international organizations such as the UN, as flawed as they have been, are the the best chance for seriously addressing major global challenges. For a variety of reasons, the U.S. largely disagrees—in part because U.S. lawmakers cannot agree amongst themselves on almost any issue, let alone on a path for addressing the most complex and serious international issues that have no clear lanes.

The long-running inability within the U.S. government to find collective approaches for issues that are enormous in scope—or even to recognize that these issues are problems or that they exist—has led to a gradual drift between the U.S. and Europe. Merkel’s recent public statements have intimated that Europe must develop responses and policies to address issues such as climate change, the refugee crisis, Russian disinformation and influence campaigns, and other issues without relying on cooperation and assistance from the U.S. As the notion of mutual defense in the 21st century has shifted from purely static military defenses—which remain vital—to a broader and more systemic idea of defense in terms of lessening future risks, the U.S. approach under the current administration is seen as less well-suited for the task.
A growing American institutional preference for doing fuck all about complex problems that require collective action. An inability to actually envisage let alone enact grand strategy.

Take the awful mess of their rapaciously expensive health care system as an example. Yet half the polity rears up on its hind legs against any half serious attempt to fix it. That's Big Government gone crazy and wanting to undermine our Medicare.

It's hard to imagine this is the nation that set up the UN and conceived the Marshall Plan when some in London wanted to reduce Germans to a nation of peasant farmers. Ironically Trump's dream of glory "Making America Great Again" harks back to that era forgetting it was founded on alliances.

Points out Trump seems to see international relations as a series of crude transactional "deals" in which his job is to bring home the bacon. This just isn't how Putin, Xi, Merkel or even May see the world. For them it's a much longer game of necessary entanglements and national interests. Bush II thought he could remake the Middle East in the image of Mall America. He didn't think it was just a matter of "keeping the oil" like some sticky fingered land pirate.

Trump's absolutely serious when he says the US has "shared values" with a bunch of Arab Princes. He's comfortable there hating on the Iranians but uncomfortable with the alien complexities of a G7 meeting. Trump lives in a world where men's loyalties are rented and as a leader he is very like a bumbling monarch. Global affairs as something like his family real estate business. As Spengler used to joke in Asia Times while other powers play chess the US plays Monopoly. Under Trump that has become a reality.
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So, 195 countries have signed the Paris Accords, Trump has aligned himself and his interests with *drumroll* Nicaragua (who didn't sign because they believe the proposals weren't radical enough to effect change), annnnnd Syria, who are run by an equally odious prick, but at least can claim a fucking civil war as justification for not focusing on climate issues.

Even North Korea signed for fucks sake :facepalm:
Unless Trump starts a nuclear war, his withdrawal from Paris will be the worst thing his administration will ever do. Reprehensible.

We will always remember how we felt when he heard some lonely , pathetic cunt had blown up teenagers at a pop concert , the sadness , anger and revulsion - but what Trump has just done will have a much larger ,severe and more profound impact on human suffering than one lone nutter. It's gas pedal down to the floor now for human destruction - maybe it's built into the human condition and is the end point of evolution - too big to contemplate if you want to try and have a happy life. And thank whoever that you had the good fortune to be born still in a relatively civilised country that will feel the effects of global warming later and with lesser impact in the short term. He is no longer funny in any way.

This really is the Age of Stupid.

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Whatever you do don't read the breitbart comments under their joyous announcement that he's pulling out of Paris. It's kind of heartbreaking , the triumph of stupidity. MAGA.

why do I go there - as you say deeply depressing at the thoughts of our fellow men and women. And to think we breathe the same depleted air.
Are they not aware it is actually illegal to delete tweets made by the President. It's part of the Presidential Record
On the spectrum of crimes and potential crimes Trump's committed in office, this one is small cheese.
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Next fucker on this thread who starts on the whole "Well Hilary would have been as bad as Trump" gets a sock full of arctic ice to the face (subject to availability).
To be fair, as despicable as Trump pulling out of Paris is we could well be on the brink of nuclear war by now and the prospect of a little extra carbon in the air would be less worrying.
To be fair, as despicable as Trump pulling out of Paris is we could well be on the brink of nuclear war by now and the prospect of a little extra carbon in the air would be less worrying.
Hillary wouldn't press the button as it wouldn't make her and her wealthy chums any richer.

Trump is more likely to press the button. All it would take is for someone on Fox to joke that it orders Dominos pizza for him.
Good job the Donald! Making America great again by relinquishing leadership (and therefore direction of travel) on climate change to the EU and China (and no doubt Russia will stay on the bus just to stick the boot in!):

Paris climate deal: EU and China rebuff Trump - BBC News

amusingly, near the end of that article even California is stating it will co-operate with China etc on combating climate change

He really is going out of his way to make America look like a right twat :D
On The Hill Mexican businessman creates ‘Trump’ toilet paper
The AP reported that the product will be marketed under the slogans “Softness without borders” and “This is the wall that, yes, we will pay for.”

Packages are expected to start rolling off production lines later this year, the AP reported, with 30 percent of the profits pledged to programs supporting migrants.

Battaglia gave the AP a mock-up package that says it contains four “puros rollos” — a double entendre that literally means “pure rolls” but can also be interpreted as “pure nonsense.”
Think of the endless branding opportunities.
Good job the Donald! Making America great again by relinquishing leadership (and therefore direction of travel) on climate change to the EU and China (and no doubt Russia will stay on the bus just to stick the boot in!):

Paris climate deal: EU and China rebuff Trump - BBC News

amusingly, near the end of that article even California is stating it will co-operate with China etc on combating climate change

He really is going out of his way to make America look like a right twat :D
eh well bush managed to spike kyoto a bit- you know that in his heart Trump actually believes AGW is a commie plot- its an attitude you can see in most of the denialists. Being shown that rampant searches for that ever more elusive year on year growth has basically pissed into the eye of 'mother earth' is unacceptable. So its a leftie plot to stop me building golf courses
On The Hill Bloomberg: '55 percent chance' Trump will win reelection
Bloomberg, who politically identifies as independent, told New York Times columnist Frank Bruni that he thought Democrats didn't have an effective message to win the 2016 election and could repeat that mistake in 2020.

“Hillary said, ‘Vote for me because I’m a woman and the other guy’s bad,’” Bloomberg said about 2016.
He said Democrats are still looking for issues and messages. And he worries that too many Democrats are eager to jump into the 2020 race.

“They’ll step on each other and re-elect Donald Trump,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 and spoke at the Democratic National Convention, calling Trump a "dangerous demagogue."
Unfortunately true despite the Reality TV show capers in the Whitehouse.

Fundamentally the Dems don't have any solutions to things like stagnation in the rustbelt that are any more credible than Trump's stream of chatty bullshit.

They may need to luck out like when Carter went all moral majority after Nixon fell or Perot ran and let the Clintons in or the banking system imploded and Obama's unlikely Hopey-Changey thing strolled to victory. The Dems have terrible record on winning back the Whitehouse if you think about it. JFK used to joke evil old Joe bought him the Whitehouse and he only won by a gnats cock after stealing much of the Republicans policies. FDR had the Great Depression to help him into Office. Even Wilson only won because the GOP split Taft-TDR.
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